
by The reader 0_0

First date

May memories comfort you in your time of death, sorrow and anger. Share the memories with your loved one.

Death was among them, touching their coats with is cold wet hands. Watching them as the water grew larger waiting to take their lives.

Twilight and Rainbow dash was cuddle up together listening to each other soft breathing sniffing the scent of the water that brushed them.

“Warning submarine is critical overflowing, Escape using pods in the backroom.” the alarm sounded through the sub.

“Twilight.” said Rainbow. “I really was hoping this just be simple a mission.” She locked eyes with her mare friend. “I wanted to spend my whole life loving you.” She paused for a moment her eyes started to stream with tears her lips started to quiver. “But now I can't because I'm not going be here to do it.” She buried her face into Twilight's chest staining it with her tears.

“Shhhsh.”Twilight brushed Rainbow's mane comforting her with her lavender scent and soft chest. “Rainbow we'll get out of this.” Rainbow looked up staring into Twilight's comforting eyes. “And the love you given me is like you been in my whole life.”she nuzzle her mare friend.

Rainbow felt better, her mare friend was here to comfort her and loved her. After a long silence that filled the air, Rainbow broke it with a question Twilight knew was coming. “Do you think Celstia going come and saved us?”

Twilight knew her teacher too well for her just to abandoned them like this. But she feared that it will be too late and they already be dead will rescue arrives. “Yes, I just hope help comes fast.”

“Me too I hope- A growl from Rainbow stomach irrupted her. “She gets here cause I'm starved!”

A growl from Twilight agree with Rainbow. Twilight blushed in embarrassment from the sudden reaction. “Me too” she muttered.

“Hey Twilight, Remember our first date?”

Twilight rubbed her chin trying to remembered what Rainbow was talking about. “Yeah, we was in canterlot right?” Rainbow nodded.

“Don't lie, I am good at first dates.” Dash said with pride. Twilight rolled her eyes.

First Date

Days After Twilight confess to Rainbow, It's been a lot of spending time together between them. Rainbow After she finished cloud busting, she would go see Twilight and they'll read a daring doo book together. Twilight would set up a picnic at Pony's peak Like a date sort of.

So Rainbow can up with the idea of them traveling to canter lot for a romantic dinner. Wait! I know what you're thinking the Rainbow dash , doing romantic dinners! Well even loved makes you do stuff you hate.

Twilight suggest they wear dresses for the occasions, At first Rainbow argue to go without the dresses. But you know Twilight won't drop an agruement, So they went with the dresses made from Rarity and took off to canterlot.

“So where you taking me?” asked Twilight. She was seated near Rainbow on the train to canterlot.

“I'm taking you to your doom! Rainbow joked. But Twilight wasn't smiling nor laughing so she cleared her throat. Can't tell you, I'll have to show you.” Rainbow was about to nuzzle Twilight, but was stop with a hoof to the face.

“Nope you don't tell me. she crossed her arms. You don't get to nuzzle me.”

Hearing this Rainbow threw her hoofs in the air and yelled. “COME ON!” before bringing them down.

Twilight hoofs remain crossed until Rainbow tell her where they was going when they get to canterlot.

“Fine! Rainbow cursed wanting Twilight badly. We're going to a restaurant OK!” She crossed her arms and groan.

Twilight lean in and kissed Rainbow on the muzzle and whisper. “Was that so hard” then sat back down.

“Next stop the canterlot palace, I hope you enjoy taking the pony express. Please take trash or items with you when you board off the train, Thank you.” the train operator sounded through the train.

Twilight thought, “I have bad feeling something bad is going to happen.”

Rainbow thought, “Your the best at first dates nothing bad is going to happen.”