Tickling Somepony's Fancypants

by TheTalentlessPony


Oh, the perfectionist ways of a fashion designer...

"NO, NO, NO!"

A loud cry emitted from a building in Ponyville. It was known as the Carousel Boutique; probably the most upper-class abode in the whole village. Living in said-building was the Element of Generosity herself: Rarity.

"Ugh! This simply won't do!" she shouted as she paced about, glaring down each and every dress she passed by.

"Lacking," she muttered as she glanced at one of them.

"Misplaced," she commented as she trotted beside another.

"Hideous," she growled as she angrily whisked her hoof over the hem of one of the dresses.

Promptly grunting in annoyance, she then shut her eyes tight and stomped her hoof to the ground.

"HORRID!" she yelled.

Upon hearing footsteps behind her, she turned her attention to Spike, who was standing a few meters away. He had chosen to stick around earlier after helping her set up a few things. Looking closely, one could tell that he had certainly matured somewhat from when she first met him, being slightly taller and less-kidish. He was still the Spike she knew so well though.

"I dunno what you're talking about, Rairs," he commented, mindlessly feeling the fabric of one of her dresses. "They all look pretty awesome to me."

"Ugh. You don't get it," Rarity muttered with a sad sigh, sitting down and carelessly rubbing at the floor with her hoof. "They're nothing compared to my previous work..."

"What do you mean?" he questioned, raising a brow as he glanced over at her other designs. "They look the exact same as your older dresses."

Rarity shot him a glare, which made him jump back slightly. "W-wait! I-I mean, I didn't mean-"

"It's not your fault, Spike," she admitted, her harsh gaze dissipating as she sighed. "An untrained eye would be incapable of noticing such details, I suppose."

"Untrained eye?" he asked. "You mean... 'cause I don't make dresses like you do?"

"Sort of," Rarity replied. "It's that, along with the fact that you have no real interest in fashion, however much you may assist me while I work."

"Oh," Spike muttered, grinning sheepishly; how long had she known that he had helped her despite the fact that he didn't care for dresses?

"You see, Spike... ah..." Rarity put a hoof to her snout to think of an example. "...You know how Twilight organizes her books? And how you always comment about how you never see why she gets so worked up about it?"

"Yeah," Spike said, nodding his head.

"And yet when you do cleaning around the library, she never gets why you become so ecstatic when she praises you?"

He nodded again. "Mmhm."

"It's like that," she added, placing her hooves on one of her older dresses. "Notice the finesse~ The style~ The grace!" she exclaimed, getting excited just by sliding her forelegs across the fabric.

"Now, take a close look at this one..."

Her excited expression diminished as she trotted over to one of her newer dresses. "Notice how it doesn't have the spark like the other does. Notice how there's something missing," she told him.

"Like there's less effort in that one than the other?" Spike asked, tilting his head curiously.

"Correct," Rarity answered, her face showing signs of guilt as she frowned at the piece of clothing. "Oh, I'm so sorry, dearies~ I tried to do my best, but I just couldn't work on all of you like I could with my other designs..." she admitted with another sigh, closing her eyes. "Everytime I tried, I just couldn't... get into it, I suppose."

"So... you don't have the motivation?" Spike asked.

Rarity's eyes shot open at that, and she directed her hoof at him.

"That's it! That's precisely right!" she exclaimed, happy that Spike was at least able to pinpoint the word she was looking for.

"Motivation... I'm lacking motivation..." she murmered, trotting over to the stand where her models would pose. "But why... that's the question..." she told him, sitting down miserably and putting a hoof to her cheek.

"Aw, Rarity..." Spike muttered, walking over and sitting next to her. "C'mon, cheer up. You'll figure it out."

"Thanks, Spikey-" Rarity refrained from finishing her sentence; he was older now, after all. "I-it's just... hard to even think now. I haven't been this dissapointed since the mishap at the Gala..."

"The Grand Galloping Gala?" Spike asked to confirm. When Rarity nodded, he pushed the question further. "You mean, when that Blueblood guy turned out to be a total jerk?" he questioned, gritting his teeth as he thought back to how she had described the experience. The nerve of that guy, treating such a lovely mare that way.

"Yes, that," Rarity replied. "I know you probably never understood what I meant by my true love and everything, but-"

"Oh no, I totally get it now," Spike interrupted.

"You do?" she asked, looking at him with a surprised expression.

"Yeah. I mean, I-" He paused for a second and blushed, then quickly adjusted his sentence as he stared at the ceiling. "Twilight, has been spending so much time with her coltfriend ever since they met. I've seen how they interact, so I get why you wanted that so badly," he explained. Getting only silence in reply, he looked over at her and flinched slightly, seeing her sad expression. "W-wait a sec! I didn't mean to-"

"No, Spike. That's alright..." Rarity muttered. Upon remaining silent for a few moments, a spark suddenly came to her eyes. "Actually..."

Spike raised a brow. "Hm? What?"

"I think you might be onto something!" she told him, smiling slightly.

"I-I might?" he questioned confusedly.

"Yes! That must be it!" she exclaimed, standing up. "The majority of Ponyville had been pairing up so much over the last Hearts and Hooves Day! Even all of my friends have gone and gotten a mate! It's left me so lonely! It's made me lack..." she paused for a moment as her eyes sparked in acknowledgement. "...motivation..."

"You... really think that's it?" Spike asked, a bit of nervousness in his tone.

"Absolutely! The thought would not have stirred me so much otherwise!" she answered. However, upon thinking some more, she saddened and plopped back down to the floor. "But... oh dear. All of the stallions in Ponyville are taken... Pinkie Pie was even talking about that last time I saw her..."

Spike, though hesitant, walked up to her and nervously twiddled his thumbs. "So... what are you gonna do?"

"Good question."

Staring around the room, Rarity attempted to grasp some sort of idea. Seeing a picture of her friends on her desk, she smiled. "That's it!"

Getting up, she focused as her horn began to glow. "Uhh, what are you doing?" Spike questioned.

"Twilight wanted to try out a new spell, and asked many unicorns for help in testing it. I offered, of course." she explained, not struggling at all with channeling the necessary power.

"What kind of spell?"

"It's a special unicorn-only communication spell. She started asking the unicorns from Ponyville, but if she went to Canterlot too, then I should be able to..."


Spike jumped slightly as Rarity's horn began to spark.

"It worked!" she cheered.

"...Hello?" came a voice, sounding as though it was coming from her horn.

"Fancypants!" she exclaimed, looking at her horn happily.

"Ah, Miss Rarity. Nice to hear from you! I should have expected that Princess Twilight would ask you for assistance in her spell as well."

"Well, she is one of my best friends, Fancy," Rarity told him. The two had grown closer since their first meeting, so they were able to become less formal in talking to to each other.

"Quite. So, what have you called me for? Anything important?"

"Very important actually! You see, I've grown so very lonely over here in Ponyville. I have no stallion to call my own!"

There was a small silence on Fancypants' end at first, but he replied after a short moment.

"...I see... so what do you intend on doing about it?"

"Well, I'd very much like to take a trip to Canterlot to search for the perfect stallion! However, I don't have a place to stay, and-"

"-Say no more! I shall have an escort to pick you up and sweep you off to my mansion in no time!"

"B-but, Fancy. I... I wouldn't want to impose-"

"-Nonsense! The only problem is asking you to leave your Boutique behind until you manage to find someone that you like!"

"O-oh? Is that all? Well I-" Rarity paused suddenly. She hadn't thought about having to leave her business behind.

Who could possibly-

"L-leave it to me, Rairs!" Spike exclaimed, looking to Rarity confidently, though his voice did faulter for a split second.

She turned to him. "Spike... I mean, are you sure-"

"Hey, in worse case, I'll get Fluttershy over here. But I won't have to, cause I'll take super-good care of this place. Promise," he told her confidently.

Rarity smiled at him, then focused back on her conversation with Fancypants. "Did you hear that, Fancypants?"

"Of course." She could sense his smile over the call.

"Haha! Then get ready, Canterlot stallions!" she exclaimed, standing on her hind legs and posing.

"Ponyville's top designer is on her way!"