
by Okhlahoma Beat-Down


"...Mr Linker...?"
As far as Richard was concerned, t'was all a dream. But his bed seemed much more comfortable now, so he had probably been having a weird dream that lasted so long even his play-doh lump of a bed seemed comfy. He grunted, and rolled over slightly.
"...Mr Linker, wake up."
Richard simply grunted again, and rolled further onto his belly. Then, he felt the edge of the bed, and didn't really care about the impact on the floor. After a few weeks, months even, of being thrown out of skyscrapers by men who looked identical to him except with different coat, hyper-trouser, hat, and hair colours, all whilst being punched repeatedly in the face, a short tumble from a concrete slab of a sleeping arrangement onto some wood literally felt like falling onto a giant pillow.
"Must I really throw you from a window?"
"...Mmmrrrff..." he muttered in reply, eyes still closed and waving an arm about behind him idly. "...I dun' fuggin care..." The remotely familiar female voice sighed in what seemed like amusement, and he suddenly heard a strange tinkling noise, followed by a sheet of warmth around his body. Plus, the floor went away from him, so either he was flying, or the floor had disappeared. Opening his eye a crack, he discovered it was the former; the carpeted ground was moving away from him in a slow manner, and all attempts to get back to ground failed immediately. Richard let out a loud yell and began to flail his-
Slowly, he noticed his arms and hands. They were brown, furry, and flat-ended...hooves? He stared at this for a moment, before deciding to look at the rest of his new body when he got back on ground. When. Suddenly, the mystery woman's voice came again, but more clear in tone now he was more awake
"Are you quite finished, Mr Conway?" she asked. He looked around for the source of the voice, all whilst taking in the place he was in that definitely wasn't his room, or a Rooke Firearms building, or Intex building, or outside in the street at night while it rained. This new place looked like a bedchamber of some sort, the kind fit for a monarch. It was quite well lit by a fire, but slightly dark at the same time. A large window with drawn curtains was on one side of the room, and just to the left of said window was a fireplace that reached up to the rather tall roof. He was mostly just interested in the window, though; the other stuff couldn't be jumped through for a quick exit to the ground floor where he could run out with all this woman's expensive and important corporate secrets he would sell to the highest bidder, who would buy them because Conway is a small adorable talking horse with a hat, coat, and revolver.
Next, he looked to the source of the voice. "No, not really." he replied calmly. "I'm a horse at the moment, I'm in a woman's bedroom-"
"Actually, the correct term to use in Equestria is mare." replied the voice. Blinking, Conway looked to the source as he was dropped sharply on the ground. The source of the silky voice was not, as he expected, a woman. She was, in fact, a white, tall unipegacorn with wings and a horn. She had a long, pink, green, and blue mane that freely flowed in a wind he couldn't feel, magenta eyes with a warm glow behind them, a warm smile, and his new pony mind was saying she was actually...attractive? "Hello." Conway said calmly as she leaned over him as he lay on his back facing her upside-down.
"Good evening, Mr Conway." smirked the horse, before igniting her horn and helping him to his fe-erm, hooves. After a quick hoof shake, she continued. "My name is Princess Celestia. I know you're a man who likes to know things, so I'll get right to it. If you were blissfully unaware whilst you were drooling on my carpet in your stupor, I explained to you that I own several corporations across multiple dimensions, with a different guise in each. I tend to stay for longer in one dimension when problems arise." Conway cleared his throat.
"Erm...well...uh, ma'am..." Conway began, trying not to look her in the eyes. "...You have a familiar voice." Celestia nodded, and ignited her horn with a golden glow once more. From behind her in an unseen place, she pulled out a small mobile phone. After pressing a few buttons, something in Conway's pocket began vibrating in pulses. His eyes went wide, and slowly he reached in a hoof to check his phone.


He tapped the Answer button with an audible clik as his hoof struck the screen. He placed the device to his ear, which was drooped below his hat brow. "Hello?" As his friend spoke, so did the mare in front of him, and she was smiling at his confusion.
"Conway, it's Rooke. I need your help to break into Intex and shove Gessler's entire corporation up his ass." Conway was beyond words. His snout hung open and he stared at her blankly.
"'re Melanie?" he whispered. The Princess chuckled, and stood to her side, shaking her rump.
"You like what you see?" she said in an almost sultry tone. Conway couldn't help but stare at her shaking. He raised a hoof, and promptly slapped himself in the face.
"Yes." he said firmly. "Wait, no. Maybe. Somewhere in between. Erm. Yes. Way too much." Celestia stopped shaking and frowned.
"You're still staring." she sighed. Conway slapped himself again. "Hmmph. Anyway, as I was saying, I have multiple guises. While I was busy as Rooke, a few...issues arose with a Duke back here. He's decided that, since I've ruled this country for more than 1000 years, that he should dare to PLOT against my sister and I. Oh, you did meet my sister, didn't you?"
Conway thought for a moment and paced a short distance, before remembering suddenly. "She's blue?"
"Younger than you?"
"Absolutely adorable?"
"Acts in a slightly creepy manner around males?"
"Yes, you've met her. As I was saying, I have called you here to do what you do best."
"Steal Intel?" Conway asked, smirking behind his hat.
"No: Sabotage." Celestia grinned. Just before Conway could ask, there was a loud banging on the door.
"Princess!" boomed a deep male voice. "I can hear another voice! I'm coming in!" Conway took up a stance that felt natural in his new body, and evidently, the Hyper-Trousers accepted that as an opening for a jump. They clicked in sequence like winding up a small wind-up toy too far. Celestia stepped back quickly, and the fireplace spontaneously extinguished with a burst of golden light from her horn. The only light in the room was blue, and shining from Conway's Hyper-Trousers. The door began to slowly move open, and Conway got his first sighting of the Guards here.
A white stallion wearing golden armour, roughly his size, was stood in the doorway looking around the room. Conway narrowed his eyes as the door closed, removing all light. From what Conway had learned from his experiences with these guard types back on Earth, he assumed this was just a regular trooper. So, presumably, a single punch would knock him out.
"Your Majesty?" the stallion called out, drawing what looked like some kind of pistol designed to be used by hoof. Celestia simply remained hidden behind a curtain. "Do we require additional guards?"
Conway launched himself at the stallion, throwing him to the floor immediately and knocking his pistol from his hoof. To his surprise, the guard rolled Conway onto the bottom and began taking punches onto him instead. So as not to be embarassed in front of his client, he also punched back. Not as hard, but much faster. For every whap the guard landed, Conway landed whapwhapwhapwhapwhapwhap on his face. Buy with the rate his eyes were dimming, the guard's punches were extremely powerful. Finally, he decided to end this fight in style.
Conway kneed the guard's stomach so he jumped up slightly, before placing his rear legs under the stallion's gut. The Hyper-Trousers clicked, just as the guard was launched towards the roof. Then, as soon as he was in the air, Conway flipped onto the top of the stallion, and Hyper-Trousered him to the floor at maximum speed. There was an audible 'whump' as he smacked into the carpet. He'll live, Conway thought as he landed on top of Celestia. The mare grunted loudly as she was forced to the floor. Conway, meanwhile, did as he did; he stood up, dusted himself off, and stood on his hind legs just so he could put his hooves in his pockets.
"Did you, ngh, really have to land, nff," Celestia grunted as she picked herself up. She looked at him and frowned. He was just staring out the window as rain gently tapped on the glass. "Conway?"
Conway could see another tower in the castle. On the balcony stood Princess Luna, staring back at him with a smirk as her mane, tail, and fur got soaked. Finally, she turned and went back into the tower, flicking her ghostly tail from side to side.
"Stop staring at my sister." Celestia said firmly. "Maybe if you do repeated jobs for her, she might invite you to dinner, or to her chambers. But at the moment, you should focus on hiding Corporal Plate's unconcious form, and taking a seat."
"Why?" Conway asked. "Just send me texts and I can do the jobs like I did back home. You know, for other people as well, rather than acting like your personal bitch?"
"Conway, this isn't just any old Corporate boss you're dealing with: It's Duke Blueblood. He's well known for training his soldiers daily, and they'll all be Professionals. One wrong move, you'll be dead in an instant. They hear you, they see you, you're dead right there and then. You'll...need to work with somepony."
"Who?" Conway shot quickly. Celestia closed her eyes and looked to a door.
"You can come out now."
Out of the door came somebody Conway wished he'd never have to see again.