//------------------------------// // Chapter two: Batpony Begins // Story: Welcome, to the Jungle // by KarlGaks //------------------------------// The walk to where the bat/pegasus thing was was fairly uneventful save for the weird chicken/snake thing the walked out of the bushes in front of Marlin. Marlin though didn't stop for a heartbeat to wonder about the implications of such a creature existing and promptly punted the poor bastard towards the nearest deadly looking thing he could see. That just so happened to be the mouth of the giant lion/scorpion that had been stalking him for the past 6 and a half minutes. The lion/scorpion swallowed the chicken/snake, surprised by his free dinner, smiled at Marlin and gave him what he assumed was a thumbs up and proceeded to walk off, no longer interested in eating his new friend. Marlin just shrugged and continued walking towards the direction of the bat/pegasus. Is it just me or does this new world seem to have a lot of creatures that simply just shouldn't exist? I mean seriously, chicken/snakes? How much weirder does it get? Oh right giant lion/scorpions, because why the hell not? Marlin was very much enjoying this mental conversation with himself. He just found it unspeakably funny that this was in fact a legitimate thought process brought about by the existence of existing nonexistent creatures. "Yo dawg..." A good ten minutes later he reached the bat/pegasus. Some people would call it luck that walking in a straight direction would lead him right to what he was searching for, but he knew better, it was obviously just his internal gps that came with being born a man. With that thing, he was never lost. Anyways though, that wasn't important, he was just here for the unconscious bat/pegasus on the ground in front of him. "I'm really curious to see what it actually is but I don't think I want to be out in the middle of the forest right now..." With that he picked up the pony thing with it's forelegs over his shoulder, hanging down onto his back and turned around back to where he started from. "I honestly have no idea what the point of this was." Not much farther now I think... That's it just in the distance. Marlin and the bat/pegasus neared the old castle. In truth Marlin was actually quite enjoying the chance to carry the bat/pegasus thing. In truth it was absolutely adorable with it's fuzzy ears and tiny hooves, not that he would ever admit it to anyone, especially the bat/pegasus. Then again even if he did it probably wouldn't care considering there's no possible way it could be sentient too. Honestly, the sheer fact of the creature's existence was crazy enough, make it sentient too and that'd just be insane. Not that it mattered anyways, the castle was just across the bridge over the ravine now. Crossing with the creature on Marlin's should made it a bit more difficult, but he managed, his foot only slipping once. Upon arriving on the other side of the bridge he adjusted the creature's position on his shoulder, it made a small noise but was still more or less unconscious. The rest of the walk was extremely short lived as the castle was only about 20 feet from Marlin's side of the bridge. No matter though, he had arrived at his destination and was pretty tired just as any normal person would be. "Home at last! sort of. I think this place has potential though, maybe I'll spruce it up a little in the future, make it a bit more homely, ya know?" The bat/pegasus on his back mumbled something that sounded a bit like 'bloody chocolate chip cookies', but of course it was nothing close to what it said because it was a horse and horses can't talk. Right? Of course not. "Hmm... sounds like sleeping beauty's about to awaken. Oh shit, I take that back. I'm not kissing this thing, I don't even know what is. Maybe I should think a bit more about what I say before I actually say it." The creature made another incomprehensible noise. "Oh right! Horse!" He quickly went into the room he was in before and set the thing on the stone floor, not before brushing away a bit of debris out of the way though first. After doing this he stepped back a bit to give it some room to breath when it regained consciousness, which happened a good three seconds after it was set down. "Gah! Falling! Dead me no!" It cried out in a distinctly feminine voice as it flailed out on the ground a bit. This surprised Marlin very much, this was the one thing he really wasn't expecting. Simply put he was very much tongue tied at the spectacle. Talking and female... More or less it broke his mind for a good couple of seconds. "Wait... no... I'm still alive, I guess that's a-" It had noticed him and was now very much afraid. Never in her life had she seen a creature such as this. It was quite an alien experience to see something like this before. Was it going to eat her? Cut her up into little bits and put her in a stew? She supposed she would soon find out anyways though. As for marlin though his mind had just caught up to reality and he effectively flipped out. "Fuck! What the hell? Talking horse thing! KILL IT! DEMONSPAWN!!" He was now running about the room screaming with his arms flying out every which way in a very uncontrolled manner. A couple of seconds later he calmed down from the mental seizure and walked up to the bat thing. If it could talk he could probably reason with it so it wouldn't kill him right? It was probably futile but it was his only choice as of right now. Here goes nothing... Time to beg for your life buddy. "Hey... Horse thing... I'd really appreciate it I could keep all of my limbs attached to my body as they mean a lot to me and were given to me by my mother on my birthday a while back. So could you just maybe not kill me or eat me alive or anything like that? Thanks." The bat pony was completely bewildered but slightly amused at his odd joke. So it wasn't going to eat her? This was definitely good news. First off though she needed to explain to it that she wasn't going to eat it alive. "Whoa buddy... Calm down. I'm not going to eat you, I was more expecting you to eat me than anything else. "Oh well that's good I suppose." "Yes quite, now would you mind explaining to me why I'm here?'