//------------------------------// // A little knowledge. // Story: The Fourth Star. // by Golden Paw //------------------------------//         Sky released a frustrated groan as he helped Foresight side step another sinkhole, the mare really had no concept of survival did she? In the brief time since they had left the watch post Sky had needed to use all his skills as scout to avoid the various denizens of the wastes, of which Foresight seemed to have a knack of stumbling into without effort.         As such the whole journey back had taken three times as long as the outward voyage and Sky felt the annoyance building within him, but couldn't find it within himself to be angry at Foresight. She had gone very quiet and withdrawn as they progressed and it wasn't hard to tell why: The loss of her friends must be really starting to sink in. It had been like that the first time Sky had lost some pony. It didn't get any easier, but you did get more hardened to the loss.         "So where you from then, sounds like up north to me, from Equestria maybe?" Sky asked to try and help draw the mare out of her shell. Foresight just gave a little "mhm" only just audible above the wind.         "Look I know you lost some friends back there. We were harsh, but we needed to be. Don't take it as a sign we don't care about anything," Sky tried to explain, this pony obviously wasn't cut out for the rough life in the wastes.         Sky Strike realised that she had fallen behind again and looked back to see a couple of tears, frozen tears, fall from under the hood of Foresight. They 'plinked' on the dust where they quickly melted. Sky Strike had reluctantly allowed Foresight to raise her aura of cold and darkness again, knowing scorpani didn't normally range this close to High Point and had learnt the hard way what would happen if they did.         "Well missy, here we are," Sky announced with forced cheerfulness as the entrance to High Point loomed before them. Sky was proud of the main gate and couldn't help but be impressed every time he saw the cunningly devised lift system. Nothing fancy, but it did the job.         Leaving Foresight to her sniffles, Sky Strike trotted up to the signal box and pulled a few levers before waiting for the semaphore style communications to transfer up along a number of enclosed metal cables. He didn't have to wait too long before the confirmation message was returned and the gears and that made up the lift system cranked into life.         It took a full five minutes for the platform to come down and all that while Foresight just stared blankly at the ground, Sky Strike shaking his head sadly. Of course he could have just flown up but Enigma wanted this new comer in one piece and Sky wasn't going to risk the blame falling on him if she got hurt.         A boar and a buffalo were standing on the dusty metal lift when it finally came to rest. Both were armed with spears and wearing crudely made armour; looking like cast off junk that had been patched together. They nodded to Sky Strike before leading Foresight onto the lift, the metal platform rattled as it took the weight of two more passengers. He watched Foresight cringed in fear as looked about, no doubt fearing the giant snake had returned. "Well isn't this little one jumpy?" The buffalo said with scorn.         "Shut it 'Stands', I had to pluck her up from a rattler's rampage. I'd like to see you be in better shape if two of your friends had just been eaten," Sky Strike snapped before 'He Stands Watchful' shrugged.         "Well I call it as I see it, if the little rake lasts more than an hour up there I may change my mind about her," Stands said in a bored voice. The Boar nodded in agreement, his snout twitching in agreement as Sky pulled the levers again, signalling those working the machine to take them all up.         As the platform climbed higher Foresight peeked out from under her hood, not convinced she was any safer here than out in the wastes if Foresight was honest with herself. Everything had become far less dependable and friendly once she had left Equestria's border and Foresight was discovering like many before her that the lands she was privileged to call home were a little bit of paradise compared to what was outside.         Even this Sky Strike who was the friendliest pony Foresight had met out here seemed only to be putting up with her because of his orders from this 'Enigma' pony. Foresight wasn't surprised by this, being no stranger to the powers of the nightborn; mind reading, thought sending and cold affinity all lead most ponies to fear them. This Enigma however seemed to have earned a reputation even in this rough place.         Foresight had never heard of one sending over such a distance, or in such a presuming way. If she had behaved like that back home then Foresight would have been in for a hefty fine at least, but it seemed common practice here at High Point. She felt so small and alone despite being surrounded by others.         The lift finished its climb up the mountain face and stopped at an armoured gatehouse. It like the rest of the constructed things here, seemed to be made out of whatever could be salvaged. Wood, metal plates and stone work were all mix-matched to form a barrier against those wanting entrance.         The gates groaned open to reveal 'Up Town' as Sky had called it and Foresight was greeted by thronging inhabitants of High Point as went about their business. Very few among the crowd gave her a second glance and this was strange to Foresight. She was used to being an oddity in Canterlot, her kind being a very small minority even in the capital of Equestria and almost unheard of once you went out into the Princess's lands proper. Here though she was just another face in the strange crowd.         Sky tilted his head to indicate for Foresight to follow him and the two guards remained at the lift's entrance their duty done. As Foresight attempted to keep up with Sky Strike she also found that her idea of personal space was also left behind in Equestria. Most of the folks here didn't seem to mind pushing through Foresight's aura of cold and shade, some even came within touching distance of her. Apart from a slight shiver from these creatures they gave no sign that they had even noticed Foresight.         Sky Strike on the other hoof was given a wide birth, he seemed to effortlessly part the crowd with his mere presence and very soon Foresight was falling behind. Fearing to lose the one pony she had any sort of trust in she tried harder to push her way through the crowd, but only succeeded in causing a number of angered curses. Foresight soon found herself confronted by a very angry looking zebra who was built more like the buffalo guard she had left at the gate house.         "Mind your step little ice mare, or I'll give you a bucking and dirty that pretty hair," The striped equine said in a rhyming way. Even if the words were musical it still conveyed the same threat of a timber wolf's roar. "I am sorry I just needed to get past," Foresight tried to explain, but this just earned a derisive snort from the zebra.         "So you say your time is more valued than mine? Such a rude and arrogant equine," The zebra had a dangerous look in his eyes now and Foresight backed away before stumbling. The only zebra Foresight had ever heard of was one called Zecora. It seemed the tales of the strange and scary ways of these folk were true.                  The striped stallion now loomed over her and pounded his front hooves together. "I should teach you a lesson little mage, not to incite a zebra's rage," The Zebra announced as a small clearing formed about the pair.         "That enough 'Zaqdo', she's with me." Sky Strike was hovering behind the Zebra, his wing blades glinting in the sunlight.          The Zebra narrowed his eyes but made no move to step down, "Well Well pegasus boy, I didn't know this mare was your little toy? What you see in her I cannot guess, but if you don't show her how to behave, then her gentle face will become a mess."         Foresight was totally disgusted by that implication: The Zebra thought she was Sky's little bit on the side if she had understood him correctly. The cold blood in her veins began to fizzle as Foresight's temper flared and a small pall of frost began to spread from her hooves.         Sky Strike didn't seem to put out by this comment at all and went on calmly, "Listen Zaqdo, Enigma had me fetch her. If you want you can keep this up, or you can go about your day, not being turned into an icicle with the brain of a turnip. I know what I would choose."         The Zebra deflated from the angry snarl he was about to give, visibly cowed by the mention of the nightborn mare. "This young mare who is your prize, should not anger other ponies if she would be wise," Zaqdo trotted back into the crowd with a flick of his tail and the other watchers went back to their tasks the excitement over for now.         Foresight galloped up to Sky Strike and with a nervous breath of ice crystals, "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't stepped in, thanks."         "Don't get mushy on me, if you get killed before Enigma sees you it's my hide on the line. I was keeping my skin intact as well as yours," Sky Strike told Foresight.         Foresight felt her anger flash again, "Well I wouldn't have needed any help if you hadn't wandered off like that."         "Gotta learn to survive out here on your own, can't keep babysitting you filly," He replied in an off hoof manner, but Foresight was sure she caught the hint of a smile on Sky's muzzle. When she looked again to confirm it his face was back to normal dour expression.         The Guard post was almost welcoming after all Foresight had been through. She felt the magic of Enigma long before she saw the mare who she owed her present predicament to. Lowering her hood Foresight looked at the other nightborn hoping to see some kind of kinship, but there was nothing. The dark unicorn just sat behind her desk and looked at Foresight with no expression at all. She may as well have been made out of ice as many creatures believed her kind were.         "I brought this one as requested Enigma, found her and a few others running around the wastes getting themselves killed. She was only one to make it through," Sky Strike told the nightborn commander in a very submissive tone, completely different from the normal manner Foresight had begun to associate with him. Enigma's blue eyes flashed and Foresight had the impression of magic being channeled before Sky Strike bowed, "Of course commander, I’ll be outside if you need me." Sky Strike bowed again before shuffling out of the room.         Enigma then turned to look at the trembling form of Foresight again, her expression as impassive as a glacier; but Foresight could feel the force of those slitted blue eyes drilling into her. After a tense moment Foresight could take it no longer and spoke up, "You wanted to see me?" She asked in a little whisper.         "Why bother with your mouth? Surely this is easier for one such as you and I?" Enigma's face had not moved and Foresight felt the impression slip into her own mind like a cold knife: She was startled, all nightborn were trained to block unwanted 'sendings', but Enigma's words had entered into her head as if Foresight had no barriers at all. Enigma's 'voice' was soft and gentle but carried an 'edged' feeling to it.         "For one thing it's rude," Foresight said with a touch of defiance, "Plus it can hurt other ponies if done wrong." She finished, trying but failing to meet the stare of those ice blue eyes.         There was a small chuckle that came from Enigma's seldom used mouth this time and Enigma actually smiled at that response. Foresight couldn't tell if it was scornful or genuine mirth.         "I See, our cousins back in Equestria have taken all that gentle living and being kind to heart then," Enigma sent once again. It had a little barb that stung Foresight's mind.         Gritting her teeth against what could be compared to a headache gained from having too much cold food to fast (Something a nightborn normally had no fear of) she forced a vocal reply once again.         "Why did you have me brought here if all you're going to do is put me down and cause me pain. Surely you have enough underlings to do that with. I have important things I need to be doing," It was the stubborn side of Foresight that had gotten her into trouble on more than one occasion that was coming out and Foresight gritted her sharp teeth with the effort of holding her thoughts together.         There was an actual smile this time from Enigma, the mask of indifference finally melted and she leaned forward to her elbows on the desk. She also for the first time spoke out loud.         "There we are, I knew your feisty side would be there, buried under all those manners and formality that's been filling your head since you could talk," Enigma's real voice was pretty much like her sent thoughts, "You also come to the heart of the matter; why did I bring you here you ask me? Well I think you know. One of the things they failed to teach you, it seems, is how to properly guard your mind," Enigma said with a touch of pity.         Taken aback, Foresight felt fear that her mission was in peril now, but just because this pony before her, said she knew what was going on, didn't mean she really did. She steadied herself and put on a brave face. "I have an important quest given to me by Celestia herself and......"         Enigma waved her fore hoof in a dismissive manner, "Yes, yes I know all about that: Nightmare Moon's return and so forth. Has it ever occurred to you filly, things might be better for our kind if that were to happen? No more hiding from the sun, no more being looked down upon with fear and hate? We could really be ourselves and not just try to fit in a world not made for us?" It still came as a whisper into Foresight's mind but with the power of a sword thrust.         The send was so strong that Foresight rocked back on her hooves and felt her vision blur. Struggling to regain her balance she glared at the mare before her. If that's what this enigma really believed then Foresight had to get away and stop whatever crazy plan Enigma was plotting. Foresight would fight to the death rather than let the mad alicorn come back and spoil what good there was in this world.         Foresight readied herself to fight before she saw Enigma was smiling again, The older pony arose from her seat and trotted about the desk in a easy going manner. for the first time Foresight saw her cutie mark which looked like some kind of puzzle box. "Be at peace, I don't want those day of slavery to return either. We nightborn can be free now, even in a land where we are feared. I want to help you Foresight, not out of any 'sisterly bonding' or anything like that. I have worked hard to get where I am today and I don't want that taken from me by some mad Goddess out for revenge. This time Foresight sent back in reply, "Well how do you plan to help me then?"         Enigma smiled once again and this time it truly seemed to be genuine. "Well my dear I know where the orb is of course." Enigma grinned as Foresight's mouth hung open. Foresight's eyes went wide, "Really where? the younger mare asked out loud.         Enigma 'tutted', "Careful my dear, keep flapping your mouth like that and you won't live long enough to find out." Enigma sent in a reprimanding, almost teasing tone. "Why I have it of course, I know when things of great value are found and took pains to find it."         Foresight knew she didn't want to know any of the details about how Enigma had gotten the orb, the inflection she had put on ‘pains’ gave her a good idea what it involved. "Could you let me have it then? If you know why I need it and your goals are the same as mine?" Foresight sent back.         "That's where it gets a little tricky you see." Enigma informed her younger distant cousin. Though I have it I can't get to it.......          Sky Strike waited outside. Enigma had been adamant that she was not to be disturbed. The day was getting on and Sky was getting bored; it was not in his nature to stand about. That was mostly why he was a scout rather than a full guard. Leave the standing still to the earth ponies or boars, they had the legs for it.         Resting up against the doorway leading to the commander's chambers Sky was in a perfect place to see the whole of Up Town spread out before him. It was his home and Sky Strike had a soft spot for it he didn't care to admit to. It was rough, dusty and full of some of the nastier creatures that had come into the world but it was his home.         The day time creatures were busy finishing up their tasks, soon it would be time for the nocturnal half of the town to be about their business. High Point really was the town that never slept. Sky Strike saw a couple of negasi and even one or two nightborn making their way out onto the streets.         There was a noise from the door and Sky turned to see Foresight come out closely followed by Enigma. He raised an eyebrow and before speaking, "So what’s the order now boss?" Sky thought he caught a brief grin on Enigma's lips before he felt her 'sending' slide into his brain.         "Sky Strike, you are to take this one to Down Town. She will be staying with us for a while and I have something for her to do. While she is here you will make sure she is safe. Do you understand?"         Sky Strike's shoulders slumped. He was worried it was going to be something like that when Enigma tasked him with bringing in this wondering pony. His job was normally to point newcomers in the direction of High Point; that and charge them a fee to enter the settlement's lands. Sky's orders to escort Foresight was now evolving into full blown foal sitting duty.         With a sigh he nodded and beckoned Foresight to follow him before a parting send from Enigma slipped across his mind, "Oh and Sky, if she dies or can't do what I need of her, don't come back. I will have no further use for you." She told him in a sweet whisper that was Enigma's trademark tone.         Enigma watched the pair go and felt a knot of unease in her core. If she doesn't succeed there won't be much to come back to she thought to herself and went back into the guard post with a silent prayer she was right.         "So what did ice queen want with you then?" Sky Strike asked as they wandered their way through the dusk traffic of High Point.         Foresight gritted her sharp teeth and shook her head, "She just gave me the low down of what to expect while I was here and told me to keep out of trouble," She lied.         "We are talking about the same mare right? Enigma?" Sky Strike chuckled nastily. After it became obvious that Foresight was not going to be more forthcoming, Sky Strike shrugged, "Fine probably safer if I don't know any how, but I guess it makes sense she would send you to down town." Foresight's green eyes contracted in panic, narrowing to thin slits, did he know?         "Most of the night time creatures choose to live down there anyway," Sky Strike carried on, missing Foresight's moment of fear and she relaxed. "Yeah she said I would find things more comfortable inside than out," she affirmed with relief.         The pair made their way to the main entrance to Down town proper, which like the gate at the lift's summit, was blocked off by another barrier made from scavenged cast offs, the main difference was scale: The door was at least twice the size of the first and remained firmly shut this time; only a small access portal was open at its base allowing traffic through.         The guards of the door nodded to Sky Strike as he and Foresight joined the queue of waiting creatures. It wasn't too long before they were allowed entry and Sky was handed a pair of goggles as they stepped through.         "To see with," was all Sky Strike would say, but Foresight could instantly tell the enchantment placed upon the eye wear. Inside the cave was pitch black. Her eyes easily adjusted to the darkness, which seemed to be more than just the absence of light and this was confirmed as the temperature also dropped: Nightborn magic held sway here.         Sky breathed out a cloud of vapour as he led the way further into the darkness. Foresight looked about the new place she found herself in. It felt like, well, home. There were no torches, no lights other than the tiniest pinpoints sneaking in from the ceiling above. Foresight dropped her aura and felt completely welcomed by the darkness almost grinning as Sky Strike shivered: Your turn to feel out of place Mr. As Foresight turned back she saw a number of other dark unicorns maintaining a barrier of shadow across the massive door, blocking out even the fading light of dusk with their magic.         As above, there were all sorts in Down Town, only it was negasi and nightborn were the majority. There were other creatures that Foresight had never heard of, moving about in the total blackness that caused her no trouble. They all made their ways of business under the stone ceiling and around the pillars that supported it. The occasional daytime creature had a set of 'dark sight' goggles on too.         "Impressive ain't it?" Sky Strike commented as he looked to Foresight's expression of awe, "This all looks dull shades of grey to me, the goggles don't do much more than just let me see, but I think this will be a whole different experience for you." Sky was right, the darkness was alive to Foresight's night eyes, she saw the intricate workponyship covering the walls and pillars of this place in vivid detail, it took her breath away.         There was nothing like this in Canterlot and for a brief moment she wished she had been born somewhere her kind could live like this. Not as the strange descendants of cursed ponies from a thousand years ago, but to be in the majority for once. Foresight also knew what cost that would have come with; an eternal night and the rule of a demented alicorn, or to live here where life was held so cheaply. "Do you need me to show you to the residential quarter?" Sky Strike asked with a little smile. Foresight nodded distractedly, "Yes, but then I need to go to the 'Mosaic?'" She asked in questioning voice.         Sky Strike gave Foresight a strange look, this was only made more pronounced by the dark sight goggles he wore. "That old silly wall picture, why would you want to see that?"         Foresight smiled, for once she had the answers and Sky Strike didn't, "Well if I told you then I would have to kill you, Enigma made me promise I would keep my mouth shut about it."         "Yeah yeah whatever," Sky replied in a bored tone, evidently not wanting to play whatever mind game Foresight was trying to rope him into, "Come on then I have to show you to your room I guess."