//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: My filly // Story: Derpy's little filly // by marineproductions100 //------------------------------// Derpy's little filly Chapter 1: My Fillly I was working late at the post office and I was eager to come home to my little filly. I hate to leave Dinky home alone but I have to in order for us to stay together. I worry so much about her when I'm at work but I still get through the day. I walked towards my door and inserted the key from under the rug that says "welcome" I was so happy to see my filly. I opened the door and there she was sitting on the couch. She jumped off the couch and ran straight in my arms. I gave her a big hug and she hugged back. She brings me so much joy everytime I come home. "Okay my little muffin, I'm going to go make us some dinner." I said. "Okay mommy." Dinky replied. I walked into the kitchen to make us some flower sandwiches. Once I finished I came back into the living room to see her playing with her toys. "Oh muffin, it's dinner time." I said. She stopped playing and grabbed her sandwich out of my hooves. She sat down on the couch and I sat right next to her. "How was school today?" I said. "It was okay, one of my friends got their cutiemark." she replied. "What did it look like?" I asked. "It was a cutiemark of a hammer and nails." she replied. "So she's a builder." I said. "uh-huh." Dinky said. Later on that night Dinky finished her sandwhich and fell asleep right next to me. I flew her to her bedroom and tucked her in bed. Then, I went back downstairs and cleaned the dishes in the sink and went to bed. The next morning I woke up and heard shuffling downstairs. I went downstairs and saw Dinky getting ready for school. I helped her pack her backpack and flew her to school. After I dropped off Dinky I went straight to work at the post office. I managed to talk to Rainbow Dash on the way to work and she gave me some news about Doctor Whooves. I was glad to hear from him because the last time we met was a week ago. He had to save some country called Poland from an accidental nuclear explosion or whatever those things are. I got off work early and went down to Dinky's school to pick her up. When I got there no pony was there. Luckily the after school janitor told me that the fillys got an early dismissal. I went straight home after he told me the news. But when I got home I saw the door was busted down. I was shocked for a moment and then I heard a scream and I ran straight inside and saw Dinky in the arms of a strange pegasus wearing a full black suit and the figure of the pegasus was a male. I jumped towards the kidnapper but he threw some strange dust into my eyes and I got tired and fell down. I looked back up and the pegasus kicked me in the face. A few hours later I woke up thinking it was a dream. But it wasn't, my little filly was kidnapped. I searched the whole house thinking that he hid her. But with no luck I couldn't find her at all. I fell to the ground and started to cry her name out loud. Then, I heard wings flapping so I went into the kitchen and grapped a pot and held it close to me. I heard hoovesteps getting closer towards the kitchen door. They got closer and closer then I heard my name. "Derpy are you okay, where are you?" It was Rainbow Dash. I came out of the kitchen and saw her. She turned to me and asked. "What happen Derpy are you okay?" I fell into her arms and started to cry. "What's the matter, where's Dinky?" She asked. "He...He...He took her." I said sobbing. "He took my little filly Rainbow, you gotta help me find her, please." I pleaded. "I'll help but you'll need to tell me what happened, okay" Rainbow said. I let go of her and wiped the tears from my eyes. "I got off work early today and went down to the school. But the after school janitor told me that all the students got an early dismissal today. So I went home and saw this strange pegasus male figure holding my little filly. I tried to tackle him but he threw some sort've dust at me and knocked me unconscious." I said. "We gotta go to the others to try to find this pegasus. Don't worry Derpy I'm sure they'll help us find Dinky." Rainbow said. "Okay" I replied. we left immediately to Twilight, Rainbow said she'll probably have some sort of magic spell to find the trace of the pegasus. To Be Continued....