//------------------------------// // Welcome To Sanctuary // Story: My Little Vault Hunter: Guns Are Magic. // by Dapper Stache //------------------------------// "It may not look like much, but I guess this is your new home now, Seeing as you have nowhere else to stay." Axton opened the door to the building in front of the group. Most of the ponies didn't know what to expect, seeing as they had never even seen a human before today, forget a human living area. There were lots of beds and lockers in the first room the ponies visited along with a desk with various tools on it, a woman was tinkering with them. The ponies noticed that Salvador and Zer0 had left after they had gone through the fast travel, Axton had said that Zer0 had probably went to train, and Salvador probably went to Moxxi's to get a few drinks. "Oh Tannis, these are our new recruits, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie pie." Axton said pointing to each of the ponies respectively as he said their names. "Who permitted you to bring animals in here?" said the woman. "Tannis we can explain, these aren't animals. They're TALKING animals." Axton said. "Yeah, Talking animals that you have to fill in on any questions they have about modern technology and weaponry." Said Maya with a slight smirk. "And why am I going to teach horses about technology? Do you have any idea how stupid you sound right now?" Tannis said, quite angered that the vault hunters would leave her to talk to animals, although she did prefer the comfort of animals much more than she did people. "Wait a minute, since when are we animals?" Rarity asked angrily, being quite offended at being called an animal. "Since you got teleported to our world where you look exactly like a kind of livestock people used to use for travel." Axton explained. Not willing to mention that the livestock they were being associated with were also rather dim witted, and easily startled. "Fair enough." Rarity said, still not quite happy with the response she got. Tannis was in a daze wondering weather she had just heard the unicorn in her home talk or not. "Well, I'll go see if I can't get Marcus to make us those trigger adapters. See ya." Said Maya, heading out the door to the town outside. Knowing she'd probably be a few thousand poorer when she came back, visiting Marcus's shop tends to do that to you. "Di- Did the unicorn just talk?" Tannis asked, shocked by the fact that the vault hunters weren't lying when they had said the animals talked. "Well, yeah they wouldn't be TALKING unicorns and pegasi if they didn't talk and now would they?" Axton said. "I guess they really are going to enlist these ponies as vault hunters in the crimson raiders." Tannis thought, sighing because of the fact that they had gone to such lengths to take in strays to join the raiders. this time literally. "Well, I guess it's time to show you the upstairs and meet everyone else." Axton said to the ponies. "Welcome to the Hot dog gorilla cage!" Said a large muscled man sitting on a couch by the stairs. "Err. yeah. That's Kreig, he is a little... Crazy." Axton said. Not entirely willing to mention the fact that he was shredding bandits with only a buzz saw and screaming about how shiny his new meat bicycle was when they had found him. "Crazy is one word for it." Said a small girl tinkering with some machinery over at a desk in the corner of the room that thy had entered. in the center of the room was what looked to be a large map of this region of Pandora. marking Hyperion and Crimson Raider encampments. There was a lanky man sitting in a chair with his legs crossed, drinking beer in the corner opposite of the girl. There was also a large muscly man in the room, doing one armed push ups on the floor. "Are those... Unicorns, and pegasi, and ponies?" The girl asked a look of confusion on her face. as she had never seen a unicorn or a pegasus before, but ponies were also rare here on Pandora. "Girls, Meet Gaige, inventor and anarchist. Over there in the corner opposite from her is Mordecai, He is a professional sniper, and alcoholic. and over there is Brick, He controls a squadron of bandits called the slabs." Axton said, pointing out each one as he said their names. "What's up with the horses?" Mordecai asked. "They're our new recruits." Axton said. "You have got to be kidding me."Mordecai thought,"Heh, ponies in the raiders, that's a laugh." He thought to himself, a smirk on his face. "Raiders, Meet your new recruits, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie pie." Axton said, "They can explain how they got to be here themselves, They CAN talk you know." "Wait just a minute, ponies have hooves." Mordecai said. "Yeah, I see what you're getting at Mordy, but Maya is working on solving that problem, she's haggling Marcus into building some sort of trigger adapters for the earth ponies and pegasi. The unicorns won't be needing them, as they can just use their magic to fire the weapons." Axton explained, Rather proud that he and his group had really thought of everything the ponies would need. "Erm... Just one question, where are these ponies gonna be sleeping tonight? We've only got 4 extra beds, and six ponies." Gaige stated, knowing the only reason there were that many extra beds at the current moment was because Lilith was kidnapped, and Roland was brutally murdered. "Well, Me and Fluttershy can sleep on clouds outside, so that's two less beds you guys need to worry about." Rainbow Dash said, Not minding the fact that she wouldn't have a roof over her head as she slept, that was rather trivial for a pegasus, seeing as she would be above the clouds as she slept any rain that came along wouldn't matter. "I'm fine with sleeping on a cloud... if that's okay with you guys." Fluttershy said shyly. "Wait, You guys can walk on clouds? Cool." Axton said, The pegasi never really mentioned that clouds were solid for them, it just isn't something that comes up in conversation, Plus the fact that it was common knowledge back in equestria. Just as Axton finished talking the door could be heard opening downstairs. "Back with the adapters!" Maya said, eager to see how well they worked for the ponies, as she been dying to see how the ponies would fare in combat. "I got a good eighteen of the things outta him, Apparently Marcus had a lot of scrap lying around, so he just quickly forged up a few. Cost me a lot though. But I have a feeling it'll be worth it to have more allies on the battlefield." "That's great! We should probably try them out tomorrow though, It's getting late, and i haven't gotten a good night's sleep in eons, Anyone else feel like sleeping?" The others all welcomed the idea of getting a good night's sleep for a change, and all decided to take a rest, mainly because tomorrow would be the day they'd been planning to raid the Hyperion info stockade for information on Lilith and The Warrior's whereabouts. It'd be a good test of the ponies' skills in battle, and the beginning of their new careers as vault hunters.