//------------------------------// // Arc 1: The Forest of Everfree // Story: Amends // by Ignotum //------------------------------// It was not a good night for the human. His legs were throbbing in exhaustion, and his head pounds repeatedly. For all the human cares that headache could be from the exhaustion from the creation of his body to running away from wolves. The human feels enraged for some unknown idea in the back of his head and forms a tense aura around him. "Vos mos sentio dolorem!" The human lunges at the manticore before it could blink, sending him into the clearing in front of the cave. The human jumps on the fallen manticore's chest. The aura around his fist gets thicker and sharper. But the manticore flips over onto its feet and launches the human into a tree. The tree's thick bark cracked in half from the impact, but the human slides down the bark without an injury. The manticore comes closer to the human. But the human just lays there, unmoving. So the manicore stomps toward the now deceased human. The human still lies there. The manticore then opens it's mouth hungrily, about to eat his kill and bites the tree. The manticore then looks around trying to find the human. The human, happy that the manticore fell for his trick, forms a sharp aura around his hand and cuts the manticore's chest. The manticore stands and roars as it collapses. The human, covered in blood, checks on the manticore. Vita manet in eo? The human chuckles Not anymore. The human then makes sure that it has fallen by cutting the manticore's chest further and removing its heart. The human then lays it down carefully on the ground and waits. It still doesn't move, but the human isn't taking any chances. He then remembers the time he removed the heart of another creature, he found that the creature developed a way to transfer blood in a different way. It was an expensive lesson for him to learn. The human feels the weakening of the aura around him and breaks off a manticore's claw before collapsing. I got to stop using that every time , The human stumbles while trying to get up. Remember it will wear yourself out me. The human starts to cut off the deceased manticore's skin despite him being weak. It's leather is thick and tough. Just what I need. The human keeps tearing at the leather, ignoring the waves of tiredness that flows through his body. The blood slowly covers his body as he is cutting, but he doesn't care. It's survival for him, but an orange pony, who woke because of a drop of water landed on her, watches him cut before she faints at the sight. ***** "Hey, wake up," said a mysterious voice. "Not now Apple Bloom, I want to sleep...." Scootaloo then dozes off. Wait. Apple Bloom doesn't sound like that. Scootaloo snaps open her eyes seeing the alien for the first time in daylight clearly. The alien looks like a slim Minotaur, despite his strength in launching it away from the clearing. It's snake-like gaze with it's green eyes look unique, and the look of the eyes made her feel uncomfortable. Then it stood up, with manticore hide pants, to see that the alien is four times about the size of the filly. He's huge... Scootaloo then starts to shiver. "Are you go-ing to move?" The alien said choppily. "H-h-how do you know how to speak-" Scootaloo couldn't finish her question. "I have a (uhh) magical ability that involves copying your knowledge. And how old are you?" Scootaloo stays in a silent shock. "Ah, so you are little pony. No, that's not- filly! Sorry, I may copy knowledge. But practice makes me perfect." The human calmly chuckles, trying and failing to relax Scootaloo. "Along with having the ability to c-copy knowledge, I can also- copy memories." Scootaloo turns stiff. "And also I- Why are you looking at me like that?" "How much do you know about my life?" Scootaloo says carefully and fearfully. "I only know your age, whether you are a b-boy or girl, and sometimes memories that mention these things. I don't dig that deep unless I need to." Scootaloo then sighs in relief at how trustworthy his voice sounds. "So do you know the way back?" Scootaloo stands for a moment. I cannot get out of this forest even with a map and a compass. What do I do!? "Yes I do know how to get out!" She tries to confidently say. Unfortunately it doesn't convince the alien, but the alien just shrugs. ***** Mihi fortuna terribilem! If she didn't have anyone who would miss her, I would have left her. The human thought with annoyance, lying earlier about how he didn't copy her memory. A pony with a broken ankle and vocabulary of a third-grade student is a wrench in a machine! AUGH! She cannot take care of herself either. The human sighs. You need a new life, make this worth it. The human then picks up tools he made with the manticore carcass he spent all night making (along with a bag to store them in) before walking out of the clearing. "HEY! What about me?!" The pony shouts. The human then wakes mentally up and walks back to pick up the pony. It is going to be a long day. _____ "For the last time. I do not have a name," the human repeats for the sixty-third time. To keep the pony (known as Scootaloo) from paying attention from the pain from her ankle, the human had to decide between listening to her complaining and moan or the child talk he will have to take. The preferred choice for him is to be in an iron maiden. Unfortunately it would take a lot of life energy to make an iron maiden in thin air, so he has to chose the last one. And the human needed practice with the new language anyways. "Come on, alien. I mean you must have a name." "I do not have one. Well I used to, but I forgot about it." "How can you forget your name?!" Scootaloo shockingly shouts in his ear, like it was impossible. "After getting called 'Test subject X' or someone else's identity," The human says checking is he can still hear. "You eventually forget your name." "Well how about you get a name!" "Sure, let me go into the name store and buy myself a name," the human rolls his restless eyes. The human was tired physically from staying up all night making the tools. "You do not have to buy a name." "Well I do not have a name, and that is how it will end. I like to have no name or a name that I can be an actor with." "Alright Mr. Alien." "On second thought," not liking the name alien, the human reconsiders his choice. "How about we think of a name." "Uhh..." "Not easy as it seems, is it?" "I saw you fight a manticore!" She saw me do that? "How about fighty?" "That's a stupid, terrible sounding name," the human says brutally. "Then what about Fasty." "That's worse." "Jumpy?" "Ugh. You cannot think of anything worse!" Unfortunately, unknowing to the human, Crusaders' Law proves him wrong. Reddy, Teddy, Beddy (Oh the rhyming was making his brain feeling heavy), Baldly (the human then accelerates his cell's growth rate to create hair to make that not an option), Killer, Driller, Miller, Buffalo-speaker (for some odd reason), and (his favorite) Green-eyes. This cannot get any worse. "Well since you are a walking Mr. Alien," GAH! Infernum in omni vita mea... "Walker!' "I can accept that," Thank you Lady Luck. "But no more 'Mr. Alien'. I hate being called alien." "But you are an alien." Walker then drops her before picking her back up again. _____ "I think we are lost," Scootaloo says with a yawn. No way! I never noticed the trail of footprints that were made by me! Then Walker takes a tree and climbs up it, and sees the sky that can peek through the leaves turn red. Walker then puts his work as a survivalist to make a shelter. Just as the night is coming into the planet, Walker already set up a survival shelter at the top of the trees complete with a small fire. "Can you fix my hoof so it can stop hurting?" Scootaloo asks him kindly in fear. "Let me see it." Walker then grabs the hoof without care. "OWOWOWOWOW!" "You have a sprain. Hold still for a moment, I will fix it." Walker then holds the injured leg, having his life energy flow through it. Scootaloo starts grimacing in pain but doesn't feel like she is in it at the same time. Soon the swelling that was on the ankle disappears. After a few minutes, Walker feels no misalignment and touches to make sure. "Now walk." Walker releases her ankle, severing the life energy line. Taking his words, Scootaloo walks slowly. Then she puts all her weight on the sprained hoof. And walks forwards. "You. Fixed it?" "Yep." "How?" Scootaloo gasps in fascination. "In my testing days, I was used to-," Walker hesitates with his words. "-be a subject. One of my lessons was about First Aid with magic." "But we don't use magic in first aid." "Well this society had different knowledge about magic than this society." "Really?" "Yes," Walker then puts his hand on her. "But I will tell another day." "But..." Scootaloo yawns and falls immediately to sleep and Walker removes his hand. Walker sighs. The society taught him all he needs to know about healing various body parts of any living organism. Unfortunately, Walker also remembers that that planet was using him as a weapon to win their current war. As a weapon, it was a failure. If I had the guts... Walker then remembers the time how he saved that enemy soldier before the crossfire hit him multiple times. Death is almost nothing for him now but intense physical pain, and that was about 850 years ago. Heh, I wondered what happen to that guy. Bullets must have made his head into vapor during the crossfire. While thinking about the fate of that soldier he saved from death, he falls into a deep, dreamless sleep. ***** Earlier in the day. "I SWEAR THIS IS TRUE TWILIGHT!" Apple Bloom shouts at the librarian. "Girls, there is nothing to be afraid about. I think it was nothing but your imaginations." "I swear Twilight, Scootaloo has gone missing since last night," Apple Bloom took a breath, silently surprising Twilight. "And we swore never to leave each other until we get our cutie marks!" "Alright," Twilight Sparkle, although not convinced that a pink alien was on the planet, decides to follow them in investigating the occurrence. She needs some lesson to write to the princess about. "Since you insist." The two crusaders squee in delight. "Spike, can you watch the library?" "Not a problem Twilight!" The loyal purple dragon dashes next to her. "Good," Twilight then exits the library with the two crusaders. When they finally got there, all but Twilight was exhausted. It must have been a miracle that they had enough breath to even make it to my door. Apparently missing the transportation of a group wears down the energy of the group. Mentally, Twilight took note of this for a report to Princess Celestia demonstrating how a group relies on other members. "Sweetie, can you show me where this pink alien came from?" Sweetie Belle, too exhausted to talk while sweating bullets, points towards an eerie dirt patch. Twilight then sees a tree that was unfortunate enough to be within the dirt mound. She didn't have to even touch the tree before it fell down and turn into a huge dust storm. After the dust settles, Twilight disappears mysteriously from the two Crusaders. This is a huge problem. Whatever that the crusaders have seen, it could hurt ponies. This was to important for her to write a lesson to the princess. "SPIKE! Where's the paper! I have an important message for the Princesses!" ***** Princess Celestia sits patiently on her throne. She is waiting for a letter that arrives around this time. By that time, she could read the adventures and lessons, successes and failures, or the reports that her favorite subject sends her. Then something off happens. Instead of the letter appearing to her at exactly on time, the letter appeared two hours later. With a gold seal, red ribbon, and a folder too. This is not good. Although not the first time, Celestia looks anxiously at the documents that she pulled out from the folder. Pictures of a dirt patch, a pile of dust (through a caption, she now knows it was a tree), and an interview of two fillies about a missing Ponyville resident. As if it couldn't get better, the children involved claims it was an alien minotaur-like pink creature with claws, sharp teeth, and snake eyes. The princess, already concerned by the time she looked at the documents, read what is in the letter that was sent to her. It's a request to send royal guards to watch the streets of Ponyville to prevent the alien from kidnapping more citizens. Celestia almost declines because Ponyville has a tendency to overreact to small events, but she changes her mind when she realizes the magnitude of the event that has happened. So Celestia sends her reply and flies towards the guard barracks, hoping it isn't too late that another pony of her care is going to get taken by the alien and is going to do who-knows-what to it. ***** Present time Walker is starving. Even after eating multiple leaves (Scootaloo looks at him weird at first), bugs (which results in a nasty reaction from Scootaloo), and a nest of bird eggs (Scootaloo almost turned green after watching that one), he couldn't put a stop to his hunger. I must have burned too much life energy up. Then birds start to chirp. Tons of birds. The sound tortured him. All that wonderful food, all going to waste because he doesn't have the strength to climb a tree. Walker wishes he ate the meat from the manticore while he had the fire to tan his leather. Then one bird falls to the lowest branch of a tall tree. A fatal mistake. Because Walker immediately throws his manticore blade with deadly accuracy through the bird's stomach. The bird fell down to the ground, and Walker picks it up, removes the knife and eats it raw. He isn't worried about disease. He was immune to viruses anyways. The thought of not turning Scootaloo away has a bad impact on him. Because she lost whatever she ate after that. "Whoops," Walker says with a smile, with small little feather stuck to his teeth. Scootaloo then gags. "Sorry for my manners," Walker says with pure caring (even though he didn't). If he wants to succeed in getting into whatever society she lives in, he has to have a good representative that is not him. "But. It's-" Scootaloo gags. "The bird was asking for it!" Walker whined. "But doesn't mean that you should-" Scootaloo then gags. "-eat it." "Hey I am starving," Walker then maliciously smiles. "And we are alone in this woods. No one will ever know what happened to the little pony that wandered into the Everfree Forest and-" Scootaloo runs with fear and shock in her face. "HEY WAIT! I WAS KIDDING!" Walker then feels truly sorry and chases her.