Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days

by Bronylover109


Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days

Octavia awoke, the smell of sweets and other candies and treats filling her nostrils. She looked to the pony on the couch next to her,and smiled,her friends sleeping face was adorable.
She stood,getting on all fours without much difficulty. The cellist then walked in the direction her friend gave her for the bathroom. As she walked across the hallway,she admired the walls,and the fresh paint. "Maybe Vinyl and I should have our walls painted. White is a little bit repetitive in our house." Octavia pondered the thought for a moment,before remembering,and returning to the task at hoof. She looked straight ahead,keeping her posture in check. Once the bathroom had been located,she inspected it,and trotted in. The grey mare shut the door,keeping herself invisible to anypony who passed.

Vinyl woke,smelling the delicious candies that filled the floor below her. She took a moment,letting her brain remember where she was,and processing that Octavia was gone,and she had probably gotten up long ago. She was surprised to look at the clock,and see '8:30' in green,glowing numbers on the small screen. "Wow,I got up early.... And that smells good,whatever it is!" Vinyl walked to the kitchen,doing the same as her roommate,and noticing the clean paint that covered the walls.
She noticed the only pony in there was Lyra,and she hadn't been doing anything but eating a bowl of cereal,meaning the wonderful aroma was coming from elsewhere.
The mint green unicorn looked up,and swallowed her mouthful of cereal to greet her friend. "Hey,Vinyl. Where's Octavia?"
" Not really sure where 'Tavi went off to. Just woke up a few minutes ago." The white mare gave Lyra the information she had asked,though she had wondered where Octavia was as well.
Lyra's face lit up,and because Vinyl had no idea why,she turned around to see her grey friend trotting towards them.
"Oh,hey Tavi! Where ya' been?" Octavia smiled. "I was in the bathroom. I'm surprised to see you up so early,Vinyl. Normally you don't wake up so soon."
Vinyl smirked,looking at her friend, "Yeah,I'm surprised too,but you can't hide the fact that you wanted me to wake up early,just so you could see me." The DJ teased her friend,hoping for a reaction.
"Yes,I was hoping you'd wake up earlier Vinyl,I love to spend time with you." Instead of the embarrassed reaction Vinyl thought she'd have,Octavia said the entire truth,with a smile.
Vinyl sulked for a moment,before returning to her usual self, "So,Lyra. Where's Bon Bon?"
Lyra looked up from her empty bowl of cereal, "She's making more sweets for the shop in the shop's kitchen. We're getting more customers recently,so she had to make more than she normally would. I was about to go help out,so if you want,you two could come with me and help,or watch us." The green unicorn looked at the pair,waiting for an answer.
Vinyl and Octavia looked at each other,ans smiled. "We'd love to,Lyra. Thanks."

The three mares walked downstairs,entering the colorful candy shop below.
Lyra took a breath in,admiring the smell of the fresh candy.
"Hey! Bon Bon,these two woke up,so they're gonna stay with us while we cook."

Bon Bon came out of the kitchen,she wore a white apron with a few multi-colored stains on it,and a smile plastered on her face.
"Sure! I'd be glad to have you two with us!"
The trio walked towards the room Bon Bon occupied,all smiling at each other.
Octavia looked at her two friends,who were hard at work. "Do you two need any help? I took a class on how to make this kind of stuff not too long ago,and I'd be glad to help." She took a glance over at Vinyl for a moment,before returning it to the working pair. "And Vinyl makes some really good cookies,she could help too."
Bon Bon and Lyra looked at the two, "Sure thing! We'd love some help! Thanks,you two are great friends."
"No prob,Bon Bon!" Vinyl said,cheering for herself.
"Just like Tavi said,I can make cookies,so If you need any help with that,I'm here."
Lyra looked back at the DJ, "Sure,Vinyl. There's some ingredients for cookies over there." She lifted a hoof,pointing in the direction of a few bags and cans of things that were sitting on a counter,showing her friend where to go.
Vinyl smiled,and walked over to the ingredients on the counter,beginning to levitate the things together how they should be.
Bon Bon looked at Octavia, "Hey,Octavia,can you help me make these chocolate covered strawberries?"
The cellist smiled, "Of course,Bon Bon."
They were all hard at work,putting things in bags,boxes containers,and on trays. They baked all of the things they would need,heating up the room,to add to the intensity of the job.
By the time they had finished,it was 2:00 P.M. The only break they had taken was for lunch,which took until twelve O' clock,until twelve-thirty P.M.

By the current time,two thirty,Octavia and Vinyl had to leave to their own home.
The trek through the snow-covered streets was no cake walk,and had proven to be very difficult to the pair.
" So,kinda gonna be a boring night,huh,Vinyl?" Octavia once again thought about the newspaper article saying that the famous DJ-P0n3 would be performing that night,and how Vinyl never said a single thing about it.
"Yeah,nothing really to do,and it's still three O' clock." The Dj smiled at her friend,but it faded as soon as she looked to her friend,who had been frowning. "Something wrong,Tavi?"
Octavia looked up,and gave a small fake smile to her friend. "No,just tired,that's all." Octavia lied.
"Oh,alright then."


They soon reached their rented building,and walked inside to avoid the cold. It was 3:30 P.M and they hadn't both needed a shower desperately from all the sweating in their friends kitchen. "You can take your shower first Vinyl." Octavia offered,as an excuse so that she could be in peace for a moment alone.
"Kay'Thanks,Tavi!" Vinyl smiled,walking in to the small bathroom.
"No problem,Vinyl."

Octavia stayed on the couch,staring at the newspaper article,saddened by her friends untruth.
She thought of every possibility. Maybe Vinyl forgot she was performing,Maybe she didn't want me to know,maybe she didn't want me to come see her perform. Octavia sighed,and put the paper down on the coffee table,and walked to the black case that held her cello. On the top,it was decorated with a purple treble clef,matching her cutie mark.
She grabbed her cello,and it's bow,emptying the inside of the case. She brought the bow up to the strings,postined her hooves properly,and began her symphony.
She hadn't even realized that Vinyl came out of the bathroom and had been watching her play for quite some time.
"You know,You're really good on that thing."
Octavia jumped,surprised at her friends sudden interruption. "Oh..Th-thank you,Vinyl."
Vinyl smiled. "No problem,Tavi!" Now quick,It's 4:00-get in the shower! "
"What's the rush?" Octavia looked at her friend,sensing a connection between the newspaper article,and the rush to get her in the shower. Maybe she wants to sneak out while I'm in the shower... Octavia thought,sighing. She put her Cello away,and trotted into the bathroom sadly.
She turned hot valve on,and let the water pour down her ,soaking her coat and mane. I can't believe she would do this. I wouldn't be surprised if she's already gone! Why would she lie to me..? I thought we were friends...
Octavia sighed,and cleaned herself off. She wasn't in the shower to mope,she needed to clean the sweat and dirt off of herself.
The sound of the running water was relaxing,but she wished she could hear what had been going on outside the small bathroom. She grabbed the shampoo,letting it cover her hoof and run off of it for a moment,before lifting the shampoo-covered hoof to her head,and rubbing the shampoo into her wet mane.
She let the shampoo run out of her mane,as she used her hooves too cover her coat in body wash. It felt nice to touch the cold soapy substance run down her body,forced to the bottom of the small shower space by the running water raining down on her body. Octavia ran her hooves through her mane,coat,and tail,making sure no soap or dirt remained on her body.
She dried off with a towel,running the mane-dryer through her mane and tail,blowing the water and wetness off of herself until her tail and mane were only damp.
Putting her pink bowtie back on her neck,she walked out of the shower,surprised to see Vinyl sitting on the couch,eating a snickers bar.
"Oh,hey Tavi." The DJ looked up from her candy bar,and greeted her friend.
"Hey Vinyl...." Octavia said,a little confused as to why her roommate hadn't made a run for it while she was occupied.
Vinyl shot Octavia a confused glance, "What's wrong?" She seemed genuinely concerned about Octavia,who was confused by this even more. "Nothing,just that the bathroom lighting is so different,and much darker,so coming the light room like this made me dizzy for a moment,that's all,Vinyl." Octavia let another lie slip out of her elegant lips. She wasn't happy about lying to someone she called her friend,but it was for the greater good,and she knew it.
"Hey,Octavia. Grab your cello,it's time to go."