//------------------------------// // Blood Moon // Story: Auraborn // by SamMaherGamer //------------------------------// 'Sister,' Celestia shouted. 'Testing room A3. Now.' 'What is it sister?' Luna asked. 'Sam has a weapon in which he reckons could stop the dragon.' 'But you didn't believe in Sam.' 'I'm starting to foresee things Luna. Things about Sam.' 'What do you see in stock for Sam?' 'Not much I can reveal now, for he has to reveal the true extent of his power himself. We must not underestimate him. However, I am rather stressed at the moment, and if something goes wrong I might turn nasty.' The two of them stood for a moment, relishing the air gratefully. After about 5 minutes, they entered the testing facility. A large room lined with iron and led stood bare. They entered and stood waiting for Sam and Twilight... Sam and Twilight raced down the hall. Surprisingly his human legs carried him faster than Twilight's pony ones. By the time they got there, their legs ached and their hearts pounded. They took a minute to cool down, then entered the training room. Celestia and Luna had been standing in the middle of the room, waiting for their arrival. As soon as Sam came in, he pulled out the small, bow-like weapon. 'That's what your weapon is? A slingshot?' Celestia asked. 'Nope, even better,' Said Sam. Loading the band with the small, led pellet. 'You may want to protect yourselves or stand back.' 'No. I'm fine here,' Celestia pointed out. 'And so is my sister.' Luna's eyes shot open in disbelief. Celestia was urging him to fire, but she doesn't even have a forcefield up. She can't make a forcefield though. Luna thought. 'Fire it,' Celestia said. 'Fire it now!' 'I don't want you to -' 'Now!' She shouted. 'At your own risk.' Sam stated as he pulled the trigger. A led pellet flew around the room ricocheting of the walls, roof and floor. At one point it flew past Celestia's head. What seemed like hours was only seconds as the pellet flew and pelted the flesh of Princess Luna. The pellet sunk deep into the collarbone. Really deep. It lodged itself below one of the lower ribs and important muscles. Time slowed. Sam ran to Luna saying 'I'm sorry' and 'let me help.' But Celestia wasn't having any of it. She rammed Sam out of the way and knelt before Luna. She was about to use a healing spell when Sam yelled 'Stop!' Celestia didn't listen and started the spell. Sounds of splintering bone and slopping meat came from the wound, but the loudest sound was the scream of pain that Luna made when Celestia started the healing. She stopped as soon as she screamed, taking all of the information in. 'Celestia! The healing spell will break her ribs while she has a projectile in her chest. Let me help.' Celestia looked pitifully down at her sister. Luna seemed to almost nod at her. 'Ok,' Celestia said. 'Just don't let her die.' 'I won't.' Sam replied. 'Twilight, I need a scalpel, some tweezers, a damp cloth. A needle and thread, and some bandages. Quick!' And with a flash, twilight was gone. Sam needed that pellet out. It was made out of led, and led poisons you... Within a few minutes, Twilight was back. She had all the stuff in a saddlebag she must've collected on her way. Sam grabbed the scalpel. 'This may hurt you Luna, but I need to expand the would.' With that, he slid the scalpel down from where the flesh was punctured. Sam picked up the cloth every couple of minutes and soaked up the blood. The puncture was now big enough to fit a hand in. Sam grabbed the tweezers and reached deep down into Luna's chest. With a tug and a pull, the pellet came out. Once out, Sam hesitated, then soaked up a bit more blood. Sam stitched the wound together with the needle and thread. It was blue, which was a smart colour, because Luna is also blue. It hides the fact that its even there at all. Twilight. Smart pony. Once stitched up, Sam wrapped the bandage around her wound and tied it around the back. The sad part was, during that whole operation, Luna was screaming and crying. After the operation, Luna had to limp for her front-right leg was affected. Everyone had gathered around the door as soon as it was opened. Celestia walked by. Followed by Luna. Then Twilight. Then Sam, surrounded by guards. Celestia's precautions... Celestia explained what happened. She explained everything 'but' Sam helping Luna. She took credit for that. She also accused him of using the crossbow on purpose. Twilight and Luna were both as shocked as Sam was. And now, the cell. Sam was stuck in jail. He was as depressed as ever. It may as well be the end...