//------------------------------// // Access Denied // Story: Auraborn // by SamMaherGamer //------------------------------// Several hours later - about 1:00am - Sam had completed constructing his crossbow. He'd had to put Twilight through a couple more trips, but she happily accepted an excuse to get some fresh air. Being in a room with 6 other ponies for 5 hours isn't quite like being in a midsummer breeze. The crossbow consisted of a wooden trigger in which could be wound back into place once fired. The crossbow would shoot small, marble-sized, led pellets at a target, and pierce it just like a bullet would. Sam thought it was extraordinary that he made such an impressive weapon. 'I should be a blacksmith.' Sam whispered to himself. 'You should.' Said Twilight. Sam jumped. He thought she'd been asleep for hours now. 'I'm off to show the princess.' Sam claimed. 'You mean the princesses.' Twilight corrected. 'There's 2?' 'Actually, there's 4. And 1 prince.' 'Wow.' Sam said in wonder. 'Anyway, yes I'll come with you. I am your 'supervisor' after all.' Celestia's door was being guarded by about 14 guards, all standing in a row. Sam and Twilight stepped in, but it was only twilight who made it 2 steps. As soon as Sam stepped foot in Celestia's quarters, the guards were on him. Sam sidestepped one, but was tackled by another. 'Stop!' Twilight shouted, but it didn't stop. Sam handed twilight the crossbow and ammo. 'You tell her for me.' Sam wheezed from under the pile of guards. 'Okay. Just promise me you won't die.' She smiled. 'I promise.' Sam gasped. Twilight made her way into Celestia's quarters, and saw Celestia out on her balcony. She hesitated as she made her way to Celestia's side. 'Yes. Twilight?' Celestia asked. 'It's Sam,' Twilight started. 'He made a weapon that may be able to take down the dragon.' 'What?' Celestia stumbled back. 'Sam made a weapon.' Twilight pulled the crossbow out to show Celestia. Celestia didn't look. All she said to acknowledge her was: meet me in testing room A3. With that, she spread her wings and took off. Twilight came and returned to Sam's side. The guards now stepped back, and Twilight took Sam back to her quarters. 'You have a black eye.' Said Twilight. 'Yeah, about that,' Sam started. 'There were guards everywhere, and I got clobbered.' 'Yep. Look, Celestia and Luna will meet you at testing room A3. 'What. Now? 'I think so.' Twilight took a sip from a crystalline glass cup.