//------------------------------// // Late Introductions // Story: Auraborn // by SamMaherGamer //------------------------------// Twilight was rethinking the earlier event between she and Celestia. She didn't know if she could keep the promise, worrying her beyond belief. The walk to her quarters was long and boring. Twilight tried to talk to the human hoping to strike up a conversation. 'So, what's your name?' She asked. 'Sam.' He mumbled. 'So Sam,' She said awkwardly. 'What brings you here?' 'I dunno,' Sam moaned. 'I was brought here randomly. I just... I don't know.' 'Here we are.' They arrived at Twilight's quarters. The golden-lined, oak door creaked open to reveal blue bed sheets and a small bedside. Opposite the bed was a small desk with an ink pot. On the floor were a couple of stacks of books. Some were open, but most closed. There was a scribble of notes in what seemed to be a leather-covered notepad. The floor was polished marble covered with a large, ornate carpet. 'Just make yourself at home.' Twilight offered. Sam took a seat at the edge of the room, and started fiddling with the zip on his jacket. Twilight frowned. She'd never seen somepony so depressed. Usually when she introduced someone to her room they had a sudden urge to lay down on the bed. 'Everything ok?' Twilight asked. 'Yes. I'm fine,' He stuttered. 'I just don't know what to do.' 'Make, invent, build, help, clean, cook, read. You can do anything around here.' 'I'd like to find some answers.' Sam said. 'Like what?' She asked. 'Like why everyone is camping out in the throne room. Why I came here. Why you helped me.' 'Everypony's in the throne room because there's an invincible dragon outside trying to burst through Celestia's forcefield. That's also why she's so cranky right now. And the reason I helped you is because you seemed... Special.' Twilight explained. 'Alright. Now I'd like to invent. I'm going to help you get rid of that dragon.' Sam triumphed. Sam was sketching up a design for a crossbow that shot led pellets. He had the frame and design perfect, but needed an easier trigger. His other sketches were of Molotov cocktails and fantasy weapons he liked to draw. Sam heard knocking at the door. He froze, turned around and looked at twilight for acknowledgement. 'Who is it?' She asked. 'It's us, Twilight. Who else would it be?' Twilight opened the door to let 5 other ponies inside. 'Hello Twilight.' Said the one with the orange coat and cowboy hat. 'Hey Applejack.' Twilight answered. A blue pony with wings and a rainbow-coloured mane flew in, then straight up to Sam, as if sizing him up for a fight. 'Hey Twi? You haven't introduced us to your friend yet.' 'Ah yes, Rainbow Dash. girls, this is Sam.' The sentence forced out a few hellos before the ponies came over to inspect Sam. 'He looks rather... Strange.' The white one with purple curls blurted out. 'Thats because he's a human, Rarity.' Twilight stated. 'Fluttershy,' Twilight asked. 'Everything okay?' Fluttershy, who must've been the yellow one with pink hair, was curled up hiding on the floor. She let out a small whimper. The pink one was almost shouting in Sam's face trying to introduce him to herself and others. Once all that was through, Sam requested some wood and a knife. Twilight happily teleported off to find the supplies for Sam. Sam couldn't hide it from himself; she was somewhat attractive. It was the body, the mind, and the soul. It all pieced together so perfectly. Nothing more would ever be needed to improve her. But he couldn't let these feelings show. Sam wasn't like that. He was Tough. He'd never let those feelings show unless she felt the same. And what pony would ever love this slab of meat? No one, Obviously. Twilight appeared back about 2 minutes later with the wood and knife Sam had requested. She handed them to him and lay on the bed. Sam went over to the desk and started carving away at the wood. The other ponies hovered around Twilight's quarters as if expecting something to happen...