//------------------------------// // Intruder // Story: Auraborn // by SamMaherGamer //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle was reading a book on 'powerful magic' when she heard a high-pitched whistling sound. She put the book down and searched for the source of the sound. The throne room of the castle was filled with a blinding light. The light caused most ponies to stumble back or put their hooves over their eyes. From the midst of the light, a silhouette took form. The light faded, and the noise dulled. Out of the light stepped a being with five small tendrils coming from its hooves. It stood on its two hind legs and had no coat. It's skin was a peachy colour, and its mane was short. It wore outrageously weird clothing, and it had a rather tiny snout. It seemed to be a form of earth pony, as it had no horn or wings. This being twilight seemed to remember from somewhere. The mirror she used to get into the other world and retrieve her crown. That was it! The human looked puzzled, but started to make sense of things when Celestia ordered the guards to arrest him. Sam was pulled into a new world. A new old world. New to him, old to most. He saw that blinding light again, and into view came a circular crowd of ponies that surrounded him at every angle. All eyes were on him. They looked like they'd seen a ghost. Sam should have been the one freaking out. Everyone had a pony-like body. They were all different. Some had horns, some had wings. Some were blue, some were yellow. Something was tugging at the corner of his mind, but he was in shock due to recent events. Then he remembered: My Little Pony. That's where they were from. He was about to say something when several dozen guards came charging at him. Sam hesitated, but managed to pull away as soon as one of the guards leapt. The guard slid along the ground, rolled to its feet and kept running. Sam was being chased through the room by dozens of guards and he couldn't do much... 'May as well make my mark.' He muttered to himself. At that moment, another dozen guards came around to corner him in the edge of the room. Sam bolted and did a barrel roll to dodge some of the guards, but afterwards was tripped and slid across the ground, only to receive multiple carpet burns and a couple of bruises. Guards piled on top of him and bound his hands tight with a leather cuffs. As a guard brought Sam to his feet, another tightened the strap at Sam's wrists. 'What has brought you here human?' The petite white one with rainbow shades of hair demanded. 'I don't know.' Said Sam. 'Are you a spy? Evil?' Asked the white one. 'No,' Sam said. 'At least, I don't think so.' 'Why did you run?' 'Because there were guards running for me.' Sam said innocently. 'Lock him up.' She said. 'But Celestia!' Another butted in. She had an irresistible purple coat and violet hair streaked with a shade of pink. 'Twighlight. Humans are dangerous.' Celestia replied. 'How?' Twilight asked. 'I've been to their world before, and they weren't dangerous.' 'That was a subworld.' 'A what?' 'A subworld. It's a world nearby the human world. It's a further dimensional layer.' 'So what you're telling me is that the world Sunset Shimmer and I went to wasn't fully formed?' Twilight confirmed. 'Yes. The real world has had a rare conflict before. The humans brought destructive information to this world, which is okay. But they used it for themselves. They started building... Things.' Celestia went on. 'I didn't know they'd bring harm, in fact, I thought they'd help. But they didn't, and they released destructive weapons upon Equestria. I managed to take them out, but they're dangerous.' 'But were they our age? Or old? Because I'm pretty sure a teenager doesn't know about evil weapons, nor taking over the world.' Twilight let out a sigh. 'Look, I'll babysit him in my quarters. Hand home to me and everything will be fine. What's the worst that could happen.' 'Okay twilight, but I'm holding you partly responsible for any havoc caused by this being. As you may not know, humans will transform into ponies in approximately a week due to the physical change of the world around them. Do I have your word that you'll look after him?' 'You do.' Twilight stated. Celestia used her magic to untie the strap and move Sam to her side. Twilight took Sam away slowly...