//------------------------------// // Meteor // Story: Auraborn // by SamMaherGamer //------------------------------// For every dimension, there is a second standing next to it. For that second one, there is another. So on, so forth. But if two of those dimension worked differently, and one leaked into the other, what would happen? Twilight Sparkle was pacing the hallways of the castle warily. She'd never faced anything like this. It seemed to be an impossible task. A dragon with magic-blocking scales? Invincible scales more like it. There was nothing she could do about it. She'd tried everything. Even the Elements of Harmony couldn't defeat it, let alone Celestia.' 'There's no reason to worry yet, Twilight.' Came a voice from behind her. Twilight whirled around to see Princess Celestia, causing her to stumble back a few steps. 'I'm not worrying, I just -' 'Yes you are Twilight, you always pace when you worry,' Celestia giggled 'It's okay you know.' 'How princess? We have no more food, your forcefield is wearing out, and we have no way to defeat the dragon. So how just how is it okay?' 'We have each other.' Celestia replied. Just then, one of Celestia's guards came and whispered something into Celestia's ear. 'Okay.' Celestia whispered back to the guard. 'I have to leave you now, but I'll be in the throne room with everypony else if you need me. With that, Celestia walked down the hallway to the throne room. Twilight had nothing else to do, so she headed over there too. Everypony had been kept in the throne room after being evacuated from Ponyville and Equestria. A dragon entered Ponyville and made its way to Equestria 5 days ago, and everypony was sick of being cramped up in the throne room. Celestia created a forcefield around the castle, but it started to fade about a day ago. The dragon would strike the forcefield every now and then, cracking the forcefield and causing Celestia to recoil. Twilight started to wish. She tried to make it all go away. To find a solution. She kept her eyes closed and prayed. Although unaware of doing it, Twilight was using her magic while she prayed. She seemed to foresee an event. She saw a fiery, purple meteor... Sam was aware that this was not any ordinary meteor. But he stood paralysed. The meteor seemed to come closer and closer. When it was almost at the house, nothing else was visible. It had covered any landscapes that were existent and blocked them from view. Even when the meteor was this close, Sam didn't budge. The meteor hit the window, then everything went in slow motion. The shattered fragments of glass flew inwards, and a slight ripple rode across the glass followed by small cracks, then large flying shards. The glass seemed to splinter and warp in so many different ways. The meteor star-face turned directly towards Sam, then sucked him in, as if it were a strong black hole. However, it only sucked him in. Not his headphones. Not the sheets. Not even the splinters of glass. As soon as he was pulled in, his whole world went dark. What felt like a whole night of sleep passed. Sam felt no body, nor any headache. He felt free. Free as a bird. As a plane. As a star... Star? That's it. He'd been pulled in by a... His sense of thought was cut off by a screeching sound. That exact one when he saw the flashing light... The screeching stopped. Sam didn't know where he was, nor where he was going. But it felt good. Sam felt free...