//------------------------------// // Beginnings: Part 2 // Story: The Darkness Within // by Eclipse Blackblood //------------------------------// The ruling counsel of their community had ten members, each of them a character from Friendship is Magic. They looked like better copies of the characters that the normal citizens, but that might be because I got a better look at them. They were the main six, the princesses, including Cadence, and shining armor. Each of them was in an outfit designed after their character's formal wear, and carefully tailored to their bodies. As they reached their seats, a dozen guards walked in, and, no surprise, they had armor just like the royal guards. "Welcome to Equestira on Earth," the speaker was the member of the counsel that looked like Princess Celestia. "You welcomed us before," one of the bronies I came here with, I didn't even have to look to know that. "I was welcoming the newcomer to our nation." Nation? Did they think of themselves as an independent nation when they were barely the size of a city? "I see the rest of you are ready to become full citizens." "However, you cannot become full citizens yet," Princess Luna spoke now. The looks of confusion and anger on their faces at that statement were quickly replaced with excitement when she finished talking. "First you must physically bond with a member of the counsel other then my sister or myself." I must have looked confused, or what Twilight Sparkle said next was standard prosedure, "It is the best way we have found to foster trust between ourselves, and our citizens." Rarity stood before she started to speak, and she stood slowly. "You do not get to choose your partner for this evening, for practical purposes, just as much as for aesthetic purposes." Now my group was angry again, they were muttering under their breath, the most common words being; shit, assholes, and, unfair. I could barely keep form laughing at how eager they were to sleep some girl that probably slept with fifty other guys, and maybe even a few girls. Fluttershy misunderstood my amusement at their lust, apparently thinking I was amused at how little they understood the rules for this so-called 'Equestria on Earth' because she spoke up. "I think their friend they brought with them understands more than they do," The fact that she spoke at a volume we could hear turned everyone's head in hear direction. "Could we, maybe, make the process of become a citizen a little, faster? Just for him?" Great. Now one of them wants to sleep with me. "Are you sure he would have the values that we require in our citizens?" Luna asked, almost demandingly. And now they're pissed at each other. a second of thought later, What values could they expect in their citizens with eight of them required to sleep with anyone who wants to live here? "If he doesn't, I'm sure he'll learn them quickly." "Then you have my permission." Celestia approved of what Fluttershy just proposed, that means no one could do anything about it. On second thought, maybe this form of government wouldn't be so bad. Patrick, (no last or middle name on record) continuing the story of how he became involved in the Planescape. "Your plan is impossible! The crystal shards haven't been seen since the war that nearly destroyed the world before the beginning of recorded history!" I could no longer contain my thoughts on Piak's plan, even if it wasn't him who was telling me what it was. "We only need the one that has resurfaced. After we have that our queen, who - I shouldn't have to remind you this - is your mother, will be able to use Princess Celestia's own power against her." Piak was on the defensive now, and would use any facts he could to make his plan seem the preferable course of action. "If you recall the legend properly, Piak, you'll remember that it says Crenshinibon - the crystal shard involved in this plan - controls the wielder. Not the other way around, like you expect!" "It can only control those with a weak will-" "Or a strong enough desire for power," I interrupted Piak before he could put himself back in an advantageous position, "or vengeance." "I have a strong enough will to resist the Shard's influence "It's also contained under the Crystal Tower, which is now known as the Crystal Palace, which is where Princess Cadence and Shining Armor live." As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew I said just the wrong thing, at just the right time. The fires of vengeance grew to a new height in her eyes, and her face set in an expression that was nearly a sneer. "Then we will raze the Crystal Tower if necessary to recover Crenshinibon." The continuation of how Nurel became involved in the Planescape, higher level of detail due to increased detail of remaining memories. Every one of the smuggler’s was asleep now, and it was time to untie myself. A couple minutes work with a basic telekinesis spell, and I was free, for the most part. All I had to do now was get clear of their camp, and report to Princess Celestia or Princess Luna. Who I reported to would depend on the time of day. I was almost out of their camp when a heard a familiar voice. "Where do you think you're going?" I forgot how light of a sleeper my sister was. "I never did find out why you were here." "Look, I have to meet somepony," not quite the truth, but not quite a lie either, "I'm sure your, uhm, friends, would understand." "If you don't tell me what you're really doing here," She levitated a sword out of what seemed to be empty air, "let's just say, it'll be unpleasant. And messy." "Let's just back up a step there, Crimson -" "DON'T CALL ME THAT ANYMORE!" Her sword was less than an inch from my neck, and all the other smugglers were up on the hooves, ready for trouble. "MY NAME IS CRIMSON BLADE AND -" "You prefer to be addresses with your full name or just as 'Blade.'" I finished her sentence for her, "I'm sorry, I forgot. Now, how about you move your steel insterment of death away from my neck, and I'll tell you why I'm here." "Give me a reason to believe you won't run as soon as you get the chance." "Give me the benefit of the doubt." "Start talking first." "Okay, then. Short version; I'm getting paid. A lot." Blade's eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of the fortune on the line for me. She pulled her sword back. "How much is 'a lot.'" "Exactly, I don't know. Roughly, enough money to live in comfort the rest of my life." "Give me half, or the rest of your life will be very, very short." "You see, I get paid based on how much information I gather on this little operation, so answer a few questions, and you have yourself a deal." "Three question, that's all I'll answer." I was going to have to pick what I asked, along with how I asked carefully. "Okay, first question; what are you smuggling into Canterlot?" "Nothing." "What do you mean 'nothing'?" "I mean just that, nothing." She had a smug grin now. "That makes two of your three questions." I was going to have to pick my last question very carefully now. "What are you smuggling?" "Weapons. That's you last question. Now, run along, and hurry back with my money." I took one last look around their camp before I started off at a full gallop towards Canterlot. "Twelve." I said under my breath as I tried to cover as much ground as I could before I had to sleep. "There are twelve of them."