Finding My Family

by AlexisWolf2001

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

“I left school feeling sad and angry.Another day,another bully.” Sally, August 29

This is just a normal day for Sally.She is a tall,pegasus pony.Sounds like every other pony that lives in Manehatten, right? Wrong. She sounds and looks like any normal pony.
But then you look at her from the side,wings up and showing. You see her bright orange blank flank.
Then you see the gray supporters on her wings.
You'd think she's a weird pony,a young mare still with no cutie mark and weird, artificial wings. She is bullied at her school for many reasons.
Her height,her wings, her blank flank and her loss of family.
Having no family or home to go to after school, she usually hangs out with her only two friends, Blossom and Melody. She sometimes stays at their homes as two or more day sleepovers. Other times, she's living in alleys with a small blanket that she's had since birth and half of a picture of her and her family.
She had a beautiful mom and a handsome dad and an adorable little sister. At least that's what's she's heard from ponies who were good friend of her parents.She never knew what happened to her sister.
All she remembers are her parents being taken from her and she and her sister being taken to an orphanage. Sally wanted for her and her sis to run from the orphanage.
They did but in result they lost each other. One was lost to a different town the other to Manehatten.
Sally wanted to find her sister so badly that she ran from town to town trying to find her. She couldn't and just gave up on trying. She found an alley to live in without being seen and enrolled herself into a school.
She thought it would be fun, but she was wrong. Due to her lack of knowing her special talent,she became an outcast.
She was mocked by a few of the ponies in her class. Then it went kinda down hill from there.
Sally got tall and so did the other foals but she was the tallest of them all. They teased her for it.
Then she had a problem with her wings. No matter how much effort she put into them she couldn't get a few inches of the ground. So she had wing supporters placed into her wings.
Now her wings looked artificial and then the foals in her class made fun of her for that. Everyday Sally went “home” angry and sad knowing that her life might not get any better.
This is where our story will start.

August 29.“I left school feeling sad and angry.Another day,another bullying.” I said to myself while walking “home”. I got to my alley in Manehatten and rested on the small, dirty blanket on the ground.
I stared at the small,torn picture of my family.It didn't even show my mom and my sis.
I got up from my small resting spot and quickly but quietly slipped past the ponies trotting past my alley and did my best to hide my wings from anypony. Once I was out of sight of everypony,I spread my wings and flew up into the air heading for Blossom's house. I got over there and knocked on the door.
Her mom came to the door and saw me. I asked if Blossom was home and she replied with a no.
I asked if she knew where Blossom was and she said that she was with Melody. They were probably at her house.
I thanked her and left. I got out of sight of any pony and then flew over to Melody's house.
I knocked on the door and Melody was the first one to the door. She saw me and greeted me with a big smile and a warm hi. I replied with a hi back and asked if I could come in.
Her mom asked Melody who was at the door and she replied,
“It's Sally. Is it ok if she comes in and hangs out?”
Her mom came down the stairs with her every so warming smile and said, “Of course she can. Come in,come in Sally. Blossom is here too.Sorry the house is a mess. The twins were just having a playful tornado in here.”
I said the house looked fine even though there was toys everywhere and some baby food in some places too.Melody and I went up stairs and I was greeted again by Blossom.
She had that glowing happiness and welcome on her again.
I said hi to her and she replied with her country accent, “Hey there Sal. How you doin'?”
I told her fine and we all went into Mel's room.
Mel closed the door behind her and said, “So what should we do now?”
Bloss and I just shrugged our shoulders and looked around the room.
I brought up,“We could come up with ideas to get our cutie marks,.”
Mel and Blossom replied together, “Yeah,sure,why not?”
I said, “Lets go.” We left Melody's room and headed towards the backyard.
Melody called out to her mom, “Mom we're going over to the clubhouse, OK?”
Her mom replied, “Ok honey be safe.”
We left the house and went over to the backyard. I saw once again the small trampoline with the twins jumping on it wildly, the beautifully mowed lawn,the small pretty garden with a pony fountain,and the clubhouse home to the Cutie Mark Discoverers.
The organization that me,Mel,and Blossom made.It only had three members, us.
Not a big organization. We went in and I made my self at home in my sitting spot on the carpet.
We sat in our thinking place and came up with ideas.
“We could try skydiving,” said Blossom.
“Sounds too dangerous,” Melody replied.
“We could just let nature take its course and be patient like every other filly and colt,” I said.
We all chuckled at the thought.
“OH! I forgot to tell you girls.I'm going to a town called Ponyville to visit my cousins,” Melody mentioned.
“Ok” Blossom and I said in unison.
“And I asked my mom if you girls could come along, and she said that she would love it if you did!”
Blossom and I looked at each other with very excited looks.
"I would love to,” I said. Blossom said that she could call her mom to see if it was ok.
Well it was summer so we didn't have school. I suggested that she should call them now so that she wouldn't forget later. Blossom went back in the house to use the phone and Mel and I stayed in the clubhouse.
We played with the cute little knick knacks that we had put in the clubhouse to make it more lively and then Blossom came back with a disappointed look on her face.
“My parents said that I can't go,” she said unhappily.
Mel and I looked at each other and then Bloss started laughing.
We were very confused and she said to us,“You girls are so gullible. I was just joking. They said that I could go!”
We cheered with joy. So we went inside and Melody's mom invited us to have dinner.
We sat at the table and had a nice,warm meal. (If I do say so myself.) I said goodbye to Mel and Bloss,but before I left I asked Mel secretly if I could sleep in the clubhouse.
She said sure, and I said that I'd be back. I flew up over the clouds, and went to my alley.
I grabbed my blanket,pillow, and picture. I flew back to the clubhouse and made myself at home.
Mel actually came by to say goodnight and I asked her when we would leave for Ponyville.
She told me,"Tomorrow."