The Fourth Star.

by Golden Paw

Prologue: The Rise of Shadows and the Return of Light.

        Celestia let out a tense breath that misted the air before her in the growing chill. Equestria had grown colder these last few weeks as the lack of sunlight started to tell. Despite the darkness the Alicorn seemed to glow from within, casting a pale light around her. The princess was dressed in her full war apparel and it was something Celestia had hoped never to have to wear again, but the times demanded it.

        She stood on a crumbled section of wall that had once been the outer bulwark of the royal pony sister’s castle and home. Days of fighting and massive spell blasts had left the castle's defences in a tattered state and Celestia now looked out over the scene of devastation with tears in her eyes.

        Dead ponies and other.....'creatures' littered the clearing before her. The latest wave of attackers had only been driven back at a terribly high price and not for the first time Celestia asked herself how it had come to this? Luna, oh sweet, shy and clever Luna. Celestia closed her eyes to hide the vision before her and felt the crack in her heart drive deeper to its core.

        The bitter rift that was in no small way Celestia's fault had given rise to this unhappy scene. Why had she not listened, not just to Luna but to others who had warned her of the coming troubles? Celestia feared that her little sister was forever lost to her now, consumed by an enmity of anger, envy and hate. It was hard enough to think that her own sister was waging a war against their kingdom, but the events here were far worse than Celestia could have feared.

        Luna had become Nightmare Moon and she hadn't fallen to darkness alone. Celestia's younger sister had dragged others down with her into madness. Ponies that had been loyal, true and brave; Nightmare Moon (Celestia couldn't bring herself to consider that the Luna she knew and loved had any part in this) had taken those ponies that followed her and using dark magic, filled them with her own anger and hate. Nightmare Moon had turned them into something else.

        No pony breed was spared from her insane touch. The agile former pegasi now swooped through the air on bat like wings, their eyes a mirror of their new mistress's. Fighting with their feathered cousins and taking a malicious delight in crippling but not killing their opponents outright, leaving them to fall from the sky to their deaths below.

        The dependable Earth ponies that swore allegiance to Nightmare Moon in this war were now creatures of stone and cold malice. The defenders had taken to calling them Lithi as they held more in common with the rocks than the earth now.

        The Unicorns which once used their natural affinity with the magic of Equestria to help and aid, now wove spells of confusion, despair and treachery. Celestia knew the final attack would come soon. She knew her ponies, no her soldiers had fought bravely and with determination to save their kingdom. Even when corrupted unicorn's who now called themselves 'Shadow casters' had used their magic to turn friend on friend.

        It had been the first few waves of attackers that had nearly broken the resolve of the defenders. They hadn’t warriors, or monsters but the enchanted and enslaved average pony folk of Equestria. Their pitiless enslavers hadn't even given them weapons but made them charge the walls to provide access points with their mounds of dead bodies.

        Her loyal guards had then been forced to hold the line as the 'lithi' (which were once earth ponies) had battered home with all the force of a relentless avalanche. No mercy or warmth was left in their stone hearts. The worst part were the wounded left behind, even the smallest scratch from lithi's sharp hooves or pointed teeth would begin to petrify their victims. Slowly and inevitably turning their victims to stone, but with none of the life the lithi had.

        Nightmare Moon had not taken the field as of yet, Celestia didn't think this was out of fear of defeat, but rather to punish her, forcing Celestia to fight and kill the twisted ponies who fought under the Queen of Shadow's banner. With freely running tears Celestia had been forced to cut down bewitched fillies and colts, shatter lithi and obliterate Shadow casters with blasts of light leaving nothing but ash. Her heart was breaking and she knew that was what Nightmare Moon wanted.

        The darkened sky rumbled with thunder and Celestia knew that Nightmare moon's final attack would come soon. She bowed her head and whispered something that none of those standing by her could make out. Even when this battle was at its darkest ebb the ponies loyal to Celestia knew they could look to the regent for comfort, but Celestia didn't know if she had any more to give. The light that had radiated from her and sustained those around her had never gone out, though it was now only a faint glimmer of the radiance it once held.

        "Your majesty, we have them ready, please your highness we will not hold out against another attack. Please Celestia you must give the order," This plea came from Celestia's chief court wizard 'Temporal Balance' and as the unicorn trembled cry reached her, Celestia turned angry eyes upon him.

        She knew it was what was needed, but Celestia was unable to give the command. She had hoped through this entire tragic event that they would not need the elements of harmony. Deep in her own private fears Celestia didn't know if they would even work in the way that was suggested by her council, or if they succeed would anything be left of Luna should Nightmare Moon be banished.

        Swallowing her pain, Celestia's eyes softened before the shaking form of Temporal Balance, oh how she missed Star Swirl, but he was long gone. Those under her command all looked to her for guidance and protection and it was her royal duty to make the hard choices that had to be made. She had made herself their ‘figurehead’ and as such was bound to act in her role.

        The hard work to earn the love of her subjects only offered a pale reward indeed. All it had done was cast such a shadow over her younger sister it had caused this war. How could she ever be forgiven for her mistakes, or ever forget the faces of those lost in this conflict? She should have acted sooner, but hope can be a two edged sword.

        When it came down to it Celestia needed to save her ponies, she had held out for as long as possible in the hope that Luna was still in there somewhere to save. This choice had already cost too many lives and Celestia would risk no more. Even if that decision meant losing Luna. Celestia nodded slowly to Temporal Balance and giving the order that hurt so much she felt her heart split in two. Celestia was resolved now and hardened herself to what she was about to do.

        The sounds of an army on the move could be heard beyond what was left of the walls to their home in the Ever Free Forest. Celestia looked out once more, her insides becoming as cold as the snow that was starting to fall. The sky rumbled and forks of lighting stabbed from the troubled heavens and Celestia caught sight of the black form of Nightmare Moon soaring over her minions below. Celestia's eyes narrowed; this was to be the final decider, either the kingdom would weather this dark time, or fall so far that it would never recover.

        "Oh sweet sister did you miss me?" Came the mocking tones of Nightmare Moon over the rush of the wind and storm. The creature that had once been Luna grinned smugly as her slitted eyes watched her counterpart with caution. The battle below was in full swing and ponies on both sides were falling to each other's attacks at a horrendous rate. It seemed that Nightmare Moon didn't care if there was any pony left in Equestria by the end of this battle as long as Celestia fell.

        "I have nothing to say to you monster," Celestia replied but her voice didn't carry the same feeling as the words spoken. She wanted to call out, to try to reason with the thing Luna had become and bring her true sister back, but all her hope was placed in what she planned to do and nothing would change that.

        "Still think I am beneath your notice? Still just a second rate ruler? What do you think now sister? Am I not a force to be reckoned with?" Nightmare Moon continued her barbed words as the two fought in the sky. This was not the normal fighting of spear and spell, both creatures in this fight were titans of power. Celestia had more strength it was true, but Nightmare Moon was faster, more cunning, but worst of all the black alicorn didn't hold back.

        Images of nightmare scenes taunted Celestia, of ponies all dead or dying with her being powerless to stop it. Her heart was racked with the anguished cries of foals watching their parents being cut down before their eyes. All the while Nightmare Moon had summoned a magical pair of knives that circled and darted like sharks with the scent of blood. Lightning from summoned storm clouds reached out to strike the Celestia with relentless fury..

        Celestia wielded a long sword of golden light, doing her best to parry and block the strikes of the pair of hunting knives flying around her. All the while blocking out the mental assault the creature that had once been her sister was throwing at her. A faint globe of power surrounded Celestia deflecting the worst of the storm's attentions but Celestia, despite her resolution, was missing the opportunities to strike back.

        Nightmare Moon was fanatical, but was far overreaching herself in her hate of Celestia. The white pony who ruled Equestria, still couldn't bring herself to bring harm to what could still be, somewhere, deep in all that madness her little sister.

        "What's the matter Celestia? Can't stomach a true fight, or are you just the pretend figure head I always took you for? No real power but great at showing off?" Nightmare Moon didn't relent for one moment.

        Celestia, felt the power building behind her in the castle, her court of mages were pouring their best and brightest into the spell that was meant to work in concert with the elements of harmony. The magical focal points were once used by Luna and Celestia, but since Luna was gone the elements she had been responsible for required others to power them.

        Honesty and kindness had been Luna's realm while Celestia had governance of the other three as the older of the pair: Loyalty, Laughter and Generosity. The element of magic was shared and used by either alicorn before Luna's fall. Celestia had to keep Nightmare moon busy while the mages below did their work. As such she put some of her focus into replying to the monster's taunts.

        "I have no need to try all that hard, Luna was weaker than I before you showed up, and you haven't improved on her one bit. I rather think you're a step backwards in fact." Celestia jibbed back, doing her best to hide the stab of guilt at what she had said.

        Nightmare Moon, already deranged didn't need much pushing to let her fury come to the surface and the creature went into a blind frenzy at this simplest of retorts. "I am twice the mare that snivelling little foal ever was! I was her salvation from being stuck behind an arrogant and stuck up fool like you Celestia!"

        Celestia was sweating as she struggled to fend off the flurry of stabs and slashes coming her way, but grinned never the less. "Oh please, at least Luna could make the sky pretty when I had finished with it during the day. You just cover it in clouds and hide one of the few things she was able to do well."

        Nightmare Moon howled in rage and gave up all pretence of any strategy or rational thought. The monster roared in a way no pony should be able to and the speed and fury of the attacks increased even as their control and skill diminished. Celestia's defences couldn't cope with such an onslaught and her magical shield fractured before then shattering completely; the knives of blackness from Nightmare Moon cut deep gashes in Celestia's flank and side. They nicked her wings and caused searing pain to the her than no normal blade ever could.

        Nightmare Moon's knives were slivers of pain and anguish given form and they tore at Celestia’s soul even as they cut her flesh. Celestia was no push over, she knew how to fight: If she had been in a mind to do so she could have placed several telling blows in return to Nightmare Moon, but still held back. The ruler of what was left of Equestria played her final gambit as she felt the spell below come together, it just needed her part in it to make it happen.

        Celestia, the regent of the Sun and princess of Equestria let her magical blade shatter and dissipate, she left her self wide open for the attack she knew would be coming and felt the icy pain as the pair of dark blades stabbed into her. She felt the unbridled hate and jealousy of Nightmare moon course through the twin spikes piercing her sides, but there was also just the tiniest echo of horror at what the monster before her felt at what it had just done. Deep within the beast that was Nightmare Moon Celestia thought she heard the anguished cry of her sister Luna and Celestia knew that she had been right.

        The Mad slitted eyes of Nightmare Moon looked at the wounded Celestia before her, the blows had been telling, but for some reason she hadn't struck to kill, only to cause as much pain as possible. Nightmare Moon shook her head as it felt the smallest spark of sadness within her but crushed it mercilessly.

        "Good bye dear sister, I will enjoy remaking Equestria into a form more suiting to my night's glory, far better than anything you could have done," Nightmare Moon whispered into Celestia's ear. "Such a shame you won't be around to see it." The corrupted alicorn prepared to let the wounded former ruler of Equestria fall when she saw that Celestia's lips were moving.

        "Oh some final words? They had better be good sister, or I won't let the world know what the last trembling excuses you have are," Nightmare Moon mocked once more before theatricality tilting her head to listen more closely. The last words Nightmare Moon heard from Celestia were a surprise to her.

        "Oh Luna I’m sorry, I will see you again. Maybe next time I will get it right." The bloodied and battered princess whispered before her eyes glowed with a fantastic light. Before the astonished Nightmare Moon could react she was enveloped by a rainbow of colours and knew no more.

        The storm clouds were blown away and up in the sky the moon began to shift from its position eclipsing the sun. The first few rays of light began to leak onto the carnage below and the night ponies shrunk back in fear. The lithi stiffened and truly became stone as the beams hit them and the bat ponies clutched their eyes in pain as they were dazzled. The Shadow casters used their powers to block the hated warmth, but they knew this meant: Defeat.

        Nightmare Moon was gone and as the defenders looked up they saw a white form falling from the sky, it was not a controlled descent but the free fall of an unconscious equine. Those still able to; flew, galloped or teleported towards their princess. They were in time to slow but not fully stop her fall and Celestia crashed into the ground with such a force that it would have killed a normal pony.

        The last defenders looked at the deep furrow carved by the regent of the day's landing. All were afraid that although the battle was won, it may have been at an even higher cost than they could have feared. To their relief Celestia tenderly and with more than a few winces slowly got to her hooves with a gasp of pain. The blood from her wounds slowed to a trickle as she drew on the lingering magic that the elements of harmony had granted her and began to heal herself.

Temporal Balance was the first pony to speak, "Your highness, is it over? Was she destroyed?"

        Celestia would have glared at her mage if she had the strength, but instead she just looked at him with sad empty eyes. "You know that is not how the elements work, even if your little spell did manage to power them: They have granted us a respite, nothing more. Don't be so quick to wish for any destruction, it may come back to haunt you one day by giving you exactly what you asked for," Celestia replied with a voice so weary and full of hurt that the assembled ponies were not sure they had heard it from their princess but rather from a ghost.

        Celestia's words were hollow and without feeling, "There will be no celebrations for this day do you hear me?  I want no sound of cheering or congratulations. I want you all to realize that this day was won, but at a terrible price. Be thankful, be refreshed that the battle is done, but do not rejoice is that understood?"

        The normal glow that came from Celestia was muted, she merely looked like a sad pony with her wings drooping with sorrow. Her mane usually shimmering with power had faded to a more natural static pink. The ring of ponies looked to one another in worry, but Celestia wasn't finished.

        Temporal Balance spoke up once more,  "Your majesty, the equines need you now more than ever. I know this is a dark day, but let them have some joy in that we lived and triumphed despite the cost, please your highness?"

        The smaller pony looked up to Celestia's sad face and saw the emptiness in her. Of all the hurts and pains borne by the ponies that fought at her side it seemed none of them came close to knowing how she felt. The regent of the day nodded slowly and composed herself.

        "Very well, but do not expect me to join in any festivities," Celestia said with an anguished tone. Her ponies needed her and she would have to put on a brave face for them all. There was so much to do and only a thousand years to do it in.

        Celestia had heard the soothing tones of the world speaking, giving a promise and a warning as she channelled the magic of the elements of harmony. The ones banished would return, but as Luna or Nightmare Moon it was not certain, as both or neither it could not say. It was in the hooves of those who remained to discover.

        Celestia and her followers gathered up all the corrupted ponies they could, the fallen dark pegasi littered the field of battle in confused groups that were easy to subdue. The lithi were a simple matter as the rays of the sun had turned them to true stone, although it was soon discovered that they reverted back to living stone once the light faded and were also very confused and at a complete loss; it seemed they had been under direct control and not acting of their own free will during the fight.

        Hardest of all were the Shadow casters, their brand of magic made finding those who didn't wish to be found almost impossible as they could be standing in plain sight and not be seen. Their magic was all about cold and deceit, the dark unicorns Celestia's army did manage to round up were all too grief stricken to flee.

        All the changed ponies were devastated; their mistress had failed them and they were now alone in a world that held very little love for their kind. Once Celestia was recovered enough from her ordeal she convened a council to decide what to do with these ponies after it became apparent that there were none among the victors with the power or knowledge to change the altered back to true pony forms.

        There were valid arguments from all, some wanted them banished for their acts of treason, or even have them executed. Another called for them to work as a punishment to repair the damage and hurt caused by the short but devastating war that had swept the land. others seeing the sad and sorry state of those that remained called for a general amnesty.

        Celestia would sanction no more killing, enough ponies had died for nothing already. Justice was needed for evils done it was true, but it soon became apparent that most of the ‘changed’ were not acting of their own volition. The Shadow caster's spells faded with the dark unicorn's absence or repentance. Sadly a number of the altered were unrepentant to the core and as such these would have to be dealt with appropriately.

        In the end Celestia and the council gave a balanced verdict. Those who wanted nothing more with Nightmare Moon were allowed to live within Equestria's borders once more. They were to help the survivors and would be treated as fairly as could be as they adjusted to their new lives. Those who still wished to follow the now banished Nightmare Moon in her quest for vengeance and eternal night would be exiled with an oath to not come again to trouble the land. Most of the council objected to this last situation, insisting that it would only breed trouble later, but Celestia was firm on this point, there was to be no more bloodshed among those who remained.

        The dark pegasi and shadow casters could still live among the other ponies with some adjustment. The lithi were a more complex problem, they feared the sunlight even more than the other altered. Almost anything more than complete night would turn them to true stone once more, plus their dark powers were much more dangerous and could not be controlled, a simple cut caused by a lithi, even by accident had fatal consequences.

        Being from earth pony stock these ponies bore their trials with a firm back and determined mind. They would serve Equestria even if it was apart from the main population. Sadly the lithi would, who were loyal, mostly passed out of the official history books becoming myth and fable.

        The details of this time were by and large forgotten, other perils and more recent events took their place. Though Equestria was changed and scarred by these events it mostly recovered and the ponies learnt to live under the rule of one princess. The outcasts mostly kept to their oath and as generations passed the truths behind the lithi, shadow casters (or 'Nightborn' as they now chose to be called) and night pegasus (who took to calling themselves 'Negasi') were lost.

        Celestia thought it was for the best that the memories of her subjects of those dark and sad times had been replaced by happy and peaceful ones, dwelling on the future. She had time to recover, but knew in her heart that her sister would return. To what end that may be, only time would tell, Celestia grew more anxious as the prophesied hour of that second confrontation was nearing. She would not make the same mistakes again.