//------------------------------// // A shy party // Story: Shadows // by The reader 0_0 //------------------------------// In canterlot there was a party. But it wasn't a average party it was a Pinkie pie party. When it's a Pinkie party nothing never go improper and always a drill. That's what Pinkie believe well she was wrong. Don't believe me here’s a clip of the disaster. click On the top of canterlot palace a pink earth pony was grasping on a yellow Pegasus arm making sure she not to fall. Above them was a worm hole filled with darkness. “Fluttershy, hang on!”. Shouted pinkie “Pinkie, don't let me fall!”. Let's take you a Day back. 1 day ago Pinkie pie was invited to host a party to honor a guard who save countless lives. She was nervous-exiting she always love hosting parties to bring smiles upon ponies,and to honor them. Pinkie loved to bring her friends but to no avail none of them was at their homes. The library was locked Pinkie could of sworn she heard belongings breaking and shouting. Maybe it was Twilight practicing a spell, breaking materials in the process and needed to concentrate that mean no Pinkie. She traveled to the bonquie it was surrounded by darkness and Rarity. Pinkie thought it was some kind of special kind of smoke. That fashion ponies use at a fashion show. She tried the others either of them wasn't home or surrounded by the darkness. She started to get suspicious about the darkness being in two of her houses or none of them being home. “Where is everypony?” Pinkie said to herself. Pinkie was thinking for a moment than a huge smile threaten to split her mouth wide open appear. “I didn't go to Fluttershy cottage yet she'll love to go with me!”. Pinkie happily bounce to her shy friend's cottage desiring it wasn't surrounded by darkness like the other houses, or she was home. At her friend's cottage Pinkie noticed something rather different about the place. The doors was boarded, and the flowers was lifeless, It seems she isn't home. “Better knock,” Pinkie said to herself. “Hope she's not being too assertive again”. Pinkie trotted to the door and knocked a few times. Time passed and there was no answer .A frown appear on Pinkie face was her friends weren't home . “Why are none of my friends home?”. Just before Pinkie was about to take off she heard a shriek of terror coming from inside the cottage. “Fluttershy!” shouted Pinkie. She buck the door open and gallop her way inside. It was pitch-black Fluttershy must forgot to lit her candles. “Fluttershy!” Pinkie searched around her cottage but didn't find her. The shrieking continue getting more earsplitting. Pinkie grown concern for Fluttershy the shrieking was coming from upstairs. So she gallop upstairs and buck the door that lead to Fluttershy's room open. There was Fluttershy curled up near a wall quivering furiously concealing her eyes with her hooves. Pinkie face hoof it wasn't nothing to be concern about Fluttershy was just scare of her shadow again,and boarded up her doors to keep her shadow from approaching inside her house. Pinkie trotted to Fluttershy than put a hoof on her shoulder to comfort her frightened friend. Fluttershy looked up it was her friend Pinkie she stop quivering. “Oh hello pinkie,” said Fluttershy. “Thank goodness you came,”. Fluttershy rising from the corner and trotted downstairs Pinkie follow. When she was downstairs she saw her doors were clash open. “What happen to my doors?”. “He-he it was me,” conceded Pinkie rubbing the back of her neck blushing in embrassment. Fluttershy gaze at Pinkie,but she look away from Fluttershy gaze. “Sorry,” Pinkie muttered under her breath. “It's okay Pinkie, just be more careful next time,”ressured Fluttershy. “ Okay dokie lokie!” Pinkie replied. “So what brings you here Pinkie? umm it you don't mind me asking,”. Pinkie had a confused facial expression. Why was she here it had something to do with canterlot and a party. “Aha!” Pinkie shouted surprising her friend. Fluttershy jump and concealed under the coach frighten from her friend sudden flare-up. “Oops he he sorry,”. Fluttershy hearing those words she felt safe and came from under the coach to talk about what Pinkie wanted. “Fluttershy I want you to come with me to canterlot,”. Why? Umm if you don't mind me asking again,” said Fluttershy. “ I wanted a friend to come with me, but none of them was home so I came here,” explain Pinkie. “I don't know Pinkie, it's going to be a lot of ponies there,”. “Well duh-uh! it's a party Fluttershy,”. “ I don't know Pinkie,”. “Please!,”. “It's going to be,”. “Please!” A lot of ponies there,”. “PLEASEEEEE!,” pleaded Pinkie. she signed in defeat.”OK only for you Pinkie,” she reassured . Pinkie punched the air, and snatched Fluttershy then bounced off. Not giving her friend time to packed for the trip. Pinkie and Fluttershy was at the station ready to depart to canterlot.” Are you excited Fluttershy huh-huh!?” shouted Pinkie bouncing happily around Fluttershy. “I exiting exactly I'm always excited, but I really excited!”. “Train for canterlot leaving in two minutes,” train operator inform. Pinkie and Fluttershy boarded into the train and went to their seats. A hooded stallion came on the train, and sat near Pinkie. “Going to a party,” said the stallion. “Yeah *gasped* are you side-kicked?,” Asked Pinkie earning a chuckle from the hooded stallion. “ You can say that,”. “ Are you going to a party?” asked Pinkie. “ You bet!” the stallion replied. “Train to canterlot is now taking off,” the train operator inform everypony in the train. Pinkie and Fluttershy were off to canterlot. She going to host maybe the greatest party ever! Fluttershy was seated across Pinkie looking outside the window. “This is going to be the best party ever!” shouted pinkie. “Yes this is going to be a party to remember,” the stallion muttered under his breath. After hours of riding on the train getting sick, reading magazines, playing games they were finally at canterlot. Pinkie and Fluttershy was greeted by guards who inform them to follow to the canterlot palace. Where Pinkie was going to throw the party and stay for a couple nights. “ This is where you two is going to be staying,” inform one of the guards motioning to the two bed room. Pinkie and Fluttershy search around the room looking in admiration. The room had painted beautiful flowers as wallpaper,clouds on the ceiling,and painted grass on the floor. It truly was a canterlot room. The guards left Pinkie and Fluttershy to be alone. It was 10:00 so everypony who were living in the palace was asleep. “Fluttershy,” whisper Pinkie. “Yes Pinkie ,” replied Fluttershy. “Thanks for coming with me, your a true friend,”. “Don't mention,” reassured Fluttershy. Pinkie and Fluttershy slept on the comfy beds. Pinkie required the sleep if she wanted the party to be the best ever. A stallion halted near there door peaking through it. “This will be the best party ever Pinkie, and I'll make sure of it,” the stallion said darkly. Then He vanished into the darkness laughing maniacal. When Pinkie Pie awakened up from her slumber. She wasn't in canterlot, nor Equestria. She was on a train seated on the familiar spot where she sat before. Fluttershy wasn't there it was odd she went with Pinkie on the train. she started feeling frightened she didn't know how? Or what? Brought her on this train. “Greeting Pinkie,” said a voice from behind. Pinkie turned from her seat. She saw a stallion wearing clothes that looked similar to the old pony days. There was blood stain on the jacket he was wearing. There was also written language on his jacket it read the errors of the wise superior their mistakes, and buried them in the . Some of the words was conceal in blood making it hidden to others to see. “Hello stranger!” said Pinkie. “Do you know where this train is headed?”. “Nowhere,” He replied.”This train is going continue streaming forever”. “Forever?” she asked . He nodded. Pinkie was on a train that headed nowhere nor stops. He emergence from his seat and sat near Pinkie. “Now Pinkie you care about your friends right?” she nodded. “You'll do anything for them?” She nodded a second time. “Well I want you to assassinate the guard you hosting the party for,” He explain. she thought for a moment.”Wh-why?” That's all she could utter out. “Well He's loved by millions a idle to many young believers, “We want you to assassinate him so the ponies can see even a great hero like him could tumble down,”. He said. “ If you refused Then well..,” His horn started to glow, and darkness summon three ponies seated in the train. “I'll your friends die,” He finished. There were her friends surrounded by darkness. “This not real,” she murmured. Pinkie started hitting herself to see if this was a nightmare but no avail it was realistic. “This not real!” Pinkie repeated. The stallion started laughing. He transported to Rarity then struck her with a hoof and she yelp in pain. “This is entirely real!” He said. Then he transported backed to Pinkie. She held tears in her eyes. “Why!” Pinkie shouted between sobs. “Wh- She was interrupted by a hoof clenched to the neck. “We want Equestria to fall!, “By that happening is first taking down Equestria's hero Armored swords,when he's dead the ponies in Equestria lost hope,” . “Lost hope knowing there will be nopony to save them,”He explain. He release Pinkie's neck. “Pinkie its you're choice let him live your friends died, Kill him They lived,”. His horn glow up again, and her friends vanished from her sight. “Hero dies, citizens of pony lose hope, They lived in fear, in pain,and alone,” He also vanished from her sight. But she can still hear his voice rang in her head. “Don't hate us we're like a teacher,”. He said. Parts of the train started to fade away. “And our first lesson is.” The train was losing control steering around uncontrollable . “Don't be a hero,” He finished. Then train crashed and everything went black. Fluttershy awoken not in the room she was resting. She woke up in a forest full with darkness. The leaves on the tree was black instead of green the sky was conceal in a black fog. The grass was deceased the air reek of death. “Where am I?” said Fluttershy. She searched around hoping to see a another pony. “What was that!” A cracking sound rang throughout the forest. She started to panic the sound grew more and more earshattering. She started galloping hoping to get away from what ever was creating the sound. “Whoa!” she yelp. She tripped on something that sent her smashing onto a tree. Falling a little unconscious she saw a blurry figure getting near her. “No please! Don't hurt me!” She pleaded. She was trembling furiously hoping what ever was getting closer won't hurt her. “Don't be alarmed my friend,” said a voice. Fluttershy vision clear it was a black hooded stallion. He buck the tree Fluttershy was at an apple fell out of it. He catches it with his magic then started chewing on it, and sat near Fluttershy. “Fluttershy don't you just love the fresh air,” He exhale then inhale. “I would do anything in the world to die here,” He took a another bite of the apple. He suddenly grip on Fluttershy faced “Listen to me,” he calmly said. “ Your going to break the force field by meeting a guard with a cross arrow painted on his armored he'll be at the party he will give you the crystal,”. “You're going to put the crystal in swords chest when he dies when that happens we be able to make a appearance, if you don't you're friends will died,” He explain. He release her faced. The forest started to fade away even he started to fade from her vision. “Fluttershy remember this,” He turn around to faced her. “A price of happiness always has a ugly side,” Then the tree collide into Fluttershy's head making everything go black. “Ahhh!” Pinkie&Fluttershy screamed in unison. waking up panting and sweating. “It was just a dream,” both repeated to themselves. The door open revealing a mare wearing a butler suit holding a plate holding two drinks. “Greet ms. Pinkiema&Fluttershy care for a drink?,” said the butler. “Thanks,” said in unison. Grabbing the drink. “Pinkie he wishes to see you,” The butler said. “Who?” “Armored swords,” she replied. “I leave and let you two tidy up call me when you need me,” The butler left the room. Pinkie& Fluttershy took their showers got tidy up, and went downstairs to have breakfast. “Welcome,” Said a another butler. He sat them down on their seats. Then he went into the kitchen few minutes later he came back with acceptable canterlot food. Chocolate cover apples, hay pancakes with maple syrup on top, freshly squeeze orange juice. Fluttershy thanked the butler and started eating. But Pinkie didn't which was unusual she would gulp the whole breakfast down in one bite. “Pinkie, are you okay?” asked Fluttershy. Pinkie sign then shook her head. “Fluttershy you'll do anything for us right?” “Well of course Pinkie, y'all are my best friends I care so much about,”. “Would you take another pony's life for their safety?” she choke on the food she was eating. Pinkie immediately got up from her seat then started pumping Fluttershy abdomen to get the food out of her throat. “Get *pumped* out *pumped* Now!” the food flew out of Fluttershy mouth. “ You okay Fluttershy?”. “Yeah Tthanks Ppinkie,” Fluttershy mange to say while panting desperately trying to regain her breath. “If we all done choking on our food I would like this meet this famous Party pony,” joked a stallion. Pinkie&Fluttershy turned to reveal a stallion wearing armored on his chest with a star on it. Having a dark blue mane. “Who are you?” they asked in unison. “Swords... Armored Swords” he replied.