//------------------------------// // In the Dark Closet and Getting Caught (Again) // Story: The Sad Tragic Tale of Sunset Shimmer // by MysteriousFlutterDash //------------------------------// Inside that closet that Sunset originally thought was tiny suddenly became a huge dark abyss. She used the light from her horn to look around. She had found a lot of the princess' old things. It looked like a lot from when Luna and Celestia were young. And the most intriguing thing she found was a picture. It was of four ponies. It looked like little Luna and Celestia, but there was also two older ponies. Ones that looked a lot like they could have been the princesses parents. Sunset started to wonder what ever happened to them. But Sunset let it slip her mind when she kept wandering around. She had found a few nice blankets to sleep on, since she was going to have to stay there for a few days. And she also found some snacks. But the thing she found the most comforting was a mirror. Where she could see her reflection and talk to it quietly for company. She had talked about all sorts of things with it. "You know what I don't understand." What? she imagined the mirror saying. "I decide to work my butt off to impress the princesses and then... Bam! I'm here. Hiding in a closet. Talking to a mirror." Excuse me. "No offense. But, gosh. Why does life have to be so...HARD!" I don't know. But I bet life as a mirror is harder. "You wanna bet?" No. But imagine, I am just waiting for the day I get smashed. "Man. your right. Life as a mirror is tough," Sunset said as sarcastically as possible. After at least maybe a week of talking to the mirror (Sunset had to guess, seeing as it was dark and there was no clock) the guards had came storming in finding Sunset sleeping soundly on the floor with her pile of blankets. "We are told to put you in jail in the name of Princess Celestia," declared the guard. "But I didn't do anything wrong!" Sunset Shimmer shouted in reply. "You used Dark Magic. Not only that but in the castle of the princesses of Equestria," the guard had explained. But then suddenly something had happened. The mirror it was glowing and started to swirl. Sunset didn't know what it could lead her to but what ever it was it would work, she would rule that land instead. Talking to the mirror all that time played off. Sunset Shimmer did a salute to the two guards that had entered the closet and leaped into the mirror. And that was the last of Sunset Shimmer... In Equestria.