//------------------------------// // Third Sign: Part 4 // Story: Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope // by Michael_Ravencroft //------------------------------// Greed is a Beautiful Thing All the money in Equestria would not be enough to match the priceless expressions of utter shock and disbelief that were on Glory, Jet Set, and Upper Crust's faces right now, their mask having been soundly shattered and letting their real emotions show. For Rarity she had already won, so now everything that happened from this moment forward would be icing on the cake. "What are you talking about, those aren't models!" Glory spat. "You are wrong!" The crowd parted and revealed the source of the voice. It was an earth pony mare in a black and white dress; she had a white mane and light blue coat, and wore pink tinted sunglasses. "Because I, Photo Finish, can attest that zes is true!" "What are you talking about," asked Jet Set. "Are you blind, just look!?" Photo Finish zipped through the open path and came up next to Fluttershy. "Zes is fraulien Fluttershy, the mare who took ze modeling world by storm practically overnight! I should know, I, Photo Finish, had the opportunity to launch her career, allowing everypony to see and experience, ze magicks," she said, striking a pose. Once Photo Finish revealed Fluttershy's short, if not astronomically successful, modeling career, the crowd began to recognize the mare. Some remembered her from when she modeled their designs, and posed for their marketing ads. "And I can vouch for this happy-go-lucky pink mare." The crowd cleared again, allowing a new pony to enter the excitement. It was an earth pony stallion, with a gray coat, a puffed up white mane, wearing violet tinted sunglasses, and the cutie mark of a bronze and purple fan, the big fashion mogul, Hoity Toity. "I've personally seen this mare in a fashion show, on more than one occasion, hosted by our dear Rarity hear where she showcased the very outfits you see before you." Everything was going according to plan, like a well played game of chess. Spike (the King) stood by, ready to protect Rarity (the Queen), should her opponents threaten her. While Fluttershy (the Bishop) and Pinkie Pie (the Rook), had confirmed a check. Now if Ballista (the Knight) could impress the crowd, and dispel any lingering doubts, Rarity could come in and declare checkmate. As it stood, it was the King and Queen's move, would they use their Pawn, or strike out themselves. "Alright, so these two have some experience, but what about her!? A soldier, really Rarity, is your theme military," scoffed Upper Crust. "Well now don't write off this beautiful mare just yet," said a familiar voice. Just in time, thought Rarity. Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur-De-Lis were trotting through the crowd side-by-side, joining the little consortium of ponies who had gathered to Rarity's defense. "Ballista was it?" Fleur asked. "Y-Yes, that's my name," she said. "Let's have a look at you then." Fleur-De-Lis left her husband's side, the tall unicorn mare started to examine Ballista. Her eyes peering over every detail of the pegasus' form, everything from her wings, the sheen of her coat and hair, her eyes, face, tail and legs. Rarity could tell that Ballista was feeling a bit uncomfortable being sized up like she was, but luckily she held strong till Fleur was done. The white unicorn mare backed away and smiled at Ballista. "My dear, I simply don't know why you are in the military, with your figure and roughish looks, you could go far in this line of work," said Fleur. That did it; the crowd had turned, no longer having any more doubts that these three mares would be fabulous come Friday. But Glory didn't seem to let up. "Did you forget, a total of four models are required for the show, you only have three!?" "Now that is a problem, but luckily, I've decided to throw my hat into the ring, so to speak. I'll take the fourth position and model as well," said Rarity. The crowd really gasped at that statement. This was unheard of; a designer actually modeling her own line, such a notion was preposterous, risky, and daring! It was the equivalent of an actor saying "good luck," instead of, "break leg." It invited a disaster, and put more pressure on the designer, but it also meant that she had put her faith in the others, and in her own grace and ability. "Creating and displaying your own wardrobe, I say, you really are a bit of a maverick aren't you Rarity," said Fancy Pants. It was quite the display coming from Jet Set and Upper Crust, a noticeable scowl plastered upon their faces, which was only a glimpse into the seething anger they held inside. Oddly enough, Glory was the polar opposite. Earlier she was as angry as they were, but now she was calm and staring at Rarity with a narrowed gaze. Rarity had to admit it was a bit disconcerting, her mood changing rather quickly and with little warning. Spike seemed to catch on to what Rarity saw, and he too tensed. Glory finally softened her expression and gave her rival a little smile. "Oh Rarity, this will be a most interesting Fashion Week indeed. It was nice meeting you all, see you on Friday dear." Glory gave a little curtsy before turning around and walking away. Jet Set and Upper Crust looked at their cohort in incredulity. After regaining their composure, the couple excused themselves and went after Glory. Once gone the crowd started bombarding the group with questions left and right, excited at the newest development that Rarity had set forth, Rarity looked up at her beau and he to her, both of them wearing wide grins. "Checkmate," asked Spike. "Checkmate." Meanwhile Jet Set and Upper Crust where in their study, fuming over their failed attempt to bring down Rarity, they just couldn't believe it, that mare really must have the luck of Epona, almighty, to pull something like this off. "We paid those divas off to fake being ill, and what did it amount to!? We lost money and she calls upon her FRIENDS to help!" Upper Crust shouted. "Stolen materials in Manehattan, sabotaging her studio in Prance, and each time she managed to pull a last minute miracle! That Podunk pony doesn't deserve to be where she is," said Jet Set. The socialite couple noticed that Glory wasn't contributing to the conversation, she was merely staring out the window at the starry night sky. "And you, you were supposed to beat her at her own game, humiliate her! Yet for the past six years you've still haven't bested her! We found you, a newcomer in the industry, you who came in as second best to Rarity, and even with all the money we've sunk into your designs, you've been the biggest waste to date!" Glory didn't respond at all, which only served to further infuriate the stuck up mare. She quickly marched to the red maned mare, determined to have her answer. "What have you got to say for yourself!?" Glory responses came swiftly, and painfully. The red maned unicorn pivoted on her right hind leg, brining up her right foreleg, and in the same motion, slapped her hoof against Upper Crust's face, sending the mouthy mare sprawling to the floor. "Shut your mouth you mewling quim! I've had enough of your bloody whining!" Upper Crust, after getting over the initial shock of getting smacked in the face, stared daggers at the young mare. To which her husband mirrored with a little more fury behind it. "Have you gone mad!? How dare you strike my wife, I'll – grgahck!" Jet Set felt his throat clinch up, a ring of magical energy squeezed on his throat, growing tighter and tighter with each passing second. Upper Crust watched in stunned horror as her husband was then lifted up and brought before Glory. Her eyes stared at the stallion floating before her as he desperately clawed at his throat. "I've grown weary of you," Glory glanced down at Upper Crust, who winced as if being singed by her stare, "both of you." "What are you doing!? Let go of him right this instant!" Upper Crust's horn started to light up, preparing to stop the insane mare. Before she got the chance Glory was right in her face, Upper Crust just blinked and suddenly she was there. Her blood ran ice cold; any bravery she mustered at that moment was immediately depleted. Glory brought up her left hoof slowly, the snooty mare closed her eyes, expecting yet another harsh blow, and to her surprise, she did something else. Her hoof gently rested on the spot where Glory had struck Upper Crust earlier, rubbing the spot soothingly which made Upper Crust wince from the slight amount of pain that it caused. "Shh, shh, shh, don't fret. I didn't mean to hit you, I just lost my temper for a moment," said Glory, speaking as if to a scolded child. It was at this time that Jet Set was starting to make wet gurgling sounds, his body was spazimming uncontrollably. Glory noted this and let out an aggravated sigh. She concentrated on her magical hold on his throat and loosened the ring, just enough for him to live, but not enough to escape. Jet Set took in deep, raspy breaths of life giving air, his bloodshot, teary eyes wide as saucers. "Now listen, today's little display was unexpected, and well calculated. Calling upon her friends was a crafty move, entering the fray herself, even more so. For that she has my respect." "Damn…your…respect," said Jet Set gasping. "You should learn to choose your words more wisely, considering that neither of you are in the best of positions to talk down to me," warned Glory. "G-Glory, I'm – we're – sorry, truly! We're all a little worked up…" "You both don't seem to understand the precarious situation you find yourselves in. For these past six years, as you've said, you've backed me and my projects, all in order to bring down Rarity. While I share your dislike of her, I knew that, one day, this would come back to bite us in the flank. So I've been preparing, I've kept my hooves clean throughout all our joint endeavors, at the same time jotting down every little back alley deal you've made in order to hinder and or sully her," said Glory. Jet Set, not wanting to be upstaged by this psycho of a mare, spoke once again. "You…you can't, even if you've been able to cover your own tracks…you'll lose all our funding, we'll completely cut you off…and you'll go back to being a nobody…!" "Oh I beg to differ." Upper Crust watched as the doors to the study magically opened. Jet Set strained his neck a bit; trying to see who it was that had entered the room. It was a unicorn mare, dressed in a velour violet dress with a long trailing train, her tan coat contrasting beautifully with her pale brown mane. Her eyes were a stunning blue, almost as captivating as Glory's. Speaking of which, the white unicorn mare grinned happily upon her entrance. "Who-who are you," asked Upper Crust timidly. The unknown mare sauntered towards them; Upper Crust knew she wasn't here to help neither her husband nor herself, so what purpose could she have here. Once she was there, the unknown unicorn looked down at Upper Crust, for some reason she feared this mare more than Glory. "Well, you're not damaged goods, not just yet. I think I'll keep you," she said as if shopping for a new accessory. "Glory, what did I tell you about taking it easy on her, you know I don't like my potential possessions to be marred before I've the chance to appraise them." Her words were like honey, her tone so sweet, but she spoke with a sociopathic, amoral view of the troubled couple. "I'm sorry Mistress, but I was really starting to get knackered by her constant prattling, plus I was a bit riled up to begin with," said Glory. The Mistress placed a hoof under Glory's chin, bringing the mare close as she gave a light peck on her nose, making the white unicorn blush. "No need, I understand. Just be mindful in the future, I wouldn't want you to accidentally harm yourself." Upper Crust couldn't believe what she was saying, and neither could Jet Set. Who was this mare, where did she come from, and how did she know Glory? Were they in a relationship, a possible fillyfriend, a coconspirator out to ruin the couple? "What about him," asked Glory, nodding towards Jet Set. The Mistress looked the stallion over, but it was clear by the look on her face that she did not like what she saw. "He is quite the looker, but I've got my eye on another male, one that more closely reflects my interests. Furthermore you've strangled him, and now he'll have a bruise around that strong neck of his. I'm betting you did that on purpose didn't you," she asked raising an eyebrow. "I might have." Glory was grinning innocently, like a child having been caught in a fib. "Shame, oh well, do with him as you please." Glory smiled wickedly as her telekinetic hold instantly tightened up once more, Jet Set barely had any warning when his throat was constricted for the second time. He began thrashing about wildly, his horn lighting up in several attempts to counter what was happening, but the increasing pain and lack of air was making it hard to form a single thought. Upper Crust was panicking, her husband was being killed right in front of her and she knew not what she could do save him. That's when it hit her, the words the mystery mare said not a moment ago. "STOP!!! Please stop, I'll do anything, I'll become your 'possession,' I won't say a word of what happened here! Just please don't kill him!" Upper Crust begged. The Mistress looked down and watched as the mare groveled at her hooves, tears streaming down her face. She took her right hoof and ran it through her luxurious mane, after a brief moment, the mare came to a decision. "Do you swear to be mine, to become my sole possession, to do with as I please, to follow any and every order I give without forethought? Well, do you?" There was barely any hesitation, she didn't even think about it, for Upper Crust the answer was clear, this was for her husband, the love of her life, she wouldn't let him die, and as powerless as she was this was the only thing she could do to save him. Upper Crust glanced briefly at her husband, for all the pain he was enduring, Jet Set's eyes told her in a silent cry not to do it. Upper Crust smiled wearily and mouthed the words "I love you." She turned to the sadistic duo and put on the most confident expression she could. "I will, I swear it…" The mystery mare quickly enveloped Upper Crust in a tight hug, squealing joyously, giddied at her latest acquisition. "Oh I'm so happy! Glory …" The unicorn in question looked to her Mistress with a somewhat disappointed expression, "…be a dear and end his misery, would you." "Yes Mistress." *CRACK!* The party had gotten a bit livelier since the departure of Glory, Upper Crust, and Jet Set. A considerable amount of ponies had been bombarding Rarity and the group with questions, some redundant, a few noteworthy, and others who were talking just to talk with the famed Knights and Captain. Spike had taken to standing in a corner of the room, sipping some wine from his glass; it had a nice bouquet, and a sweet taste, but not too sweet. The young drake watched as his wife chatted up the room, no longer in need of his protection. It was perfect the way they set up Glory and those two rich snobs. He never liked them, ever since back at the Garden Party when they first got their big break. He sighed contently as Spike saw the smile that Rarity wore proudly, he raised his glass to her and toasted. Good work Rares. "Are you sure Fluttershy, I'd hate to see you wazte your potential." Spike turned his attention to another spectacle; Photo Finish had been on Fluttershy like tree sap on the Crusaders. Constantly asking if the pegasus wanted to return to her modeling career, which, according to her, would be even bigger than it was when Fluttershy first started out. Spike had to resist the urge to walk over and help the timid mare out, but Fluttershy had carried herself with a confidence that he found quite refreshing. "I'm sorry Photo Finish, but for the umpteenth time, no. I have a wonderful husband, a son and a daughter; I can't just abandon them like that. My family comes first Photo Finish, so please try to understand that," said Fluttershy. Photo Finish sighed in defeat, she knew she wouldn't budge Fluttershy; she had changed so much from the painfully shy mare she used to be. Guess having a family will do that to you. "Alright, I see your conviction. I guess I, Photo Finish, will have to find another pony who has…ze magicks!" "Thank you anyway, although it was a bit scary, the whole modeling thing was fun." Photo Finish curtsied to Fluttershy and started to walk off towards the crowd to mingle, but stopped and turned towards the pegasus mare as if just remembering something important. "Fluttershy, your daughter wouldn't happen to be interested in –!?" For some reason Spike felt the room grow heavy, a cold feeling running up his spine. This feeling, it was like murderous intent, held back only by sliver of thread. Spike was almost prepared to fight out of pure survival instinct, that is, until he figured out that the source of the feeling was coming from Fluttershy using her Stare that radiated an unholy aura. "Oh no, I'm afraid my daughter has already decided what she wants to do, but thank you anyway." Fluttershy had said that normally, and sweetly, but it was all just a dam to hide the furious wrath from flooding out. Photo Finish seemed to pick up on the "subtle" no; she then said something unintelligible and quickly zipped back into the crowd of ponies, like a scared rabbit feeling a predator. When Fluttershy turned to Spike her expression was normal, the intense feeling had completely vanished. The cream colored mare then trotted and stood next to Spike, smiling sweetly up at him. "She really is a nice mare, a bit eccentric, but nice." "Y-Yeah…" "Spike, why aren't you with Rarity and the rest of us," she asked. "I'm fine over here, Rarity's having a good time, plus it's not my kind of crowd," said Spike taking a sip of his wine. "What do you mean, I'm here, and our friends are here, what don't you like?" "It's not our friends I'm talking about; it's the rest of them." Spike waved his right claw in a sweeping motion, gesturing to the ponies inside. "The ones I don't know, the ones who would give Rarity grief for having me near her." "Why would they do that? Your Rarity's husband now, you shouldn't feel ashamed to stand beside her," said Fluttershy. "I'm not ashamed, it's just that…some are still disapproving of Rarity marrying me…a dragon. Besides other reasons, it's partly why I haven't pushed, you know, that." Fluttershy's cheeks went pink with embarrassment, knowing full well what he meant. "Also, I hate that Rarity has to defend me when somepony makes a crack about us. I want to say or do something, but I know if did, it'd only prove them right on some level or another, and Rarity knows that too," said Spike solemnly. Spike flinched a bit when Fluttershy placed her hoof on his left claw unexpectedly, but it was hardly noticeable. He could feel Fluttershy's kindness flow through him, soothing his sadness. "Spike, you'll need to stand by her, you can't always just keep watch over Rarity from a distance. She'll think she's hurting your feelings, you know how she picks up on these things," warned Fluttershy, her tone sounding motherly. "I know, I know. One of these days, I will, for now, I'll just let her have fun and mingle." Fluttershy still looked skeptical. "I'm fine Fluttershy, really. Go and have fun with the others." Reluctantly, Fluttershy trotted back to where Ballista was, noticing that she was trying to keep Pinkie Pie from convincing the band from playing the Pony Pokey. Spike had to chuckle at that, remembering the stories from their Grand Galloping Gala incident. Spike went to take another sip of wine, but stopped when he noticed that it was empty. He placed it on the table next to him, adding to the nine that he had collected after emptying them of their contents. One drawback to having a fast draconic metabolism, you can't get drunk, thought Spike. "A glass my good sir?" Spike's ear frill twitched when he heard the voice of mare. He glanced to his right and watched as a tan colored unicorn mare trotted towards him. The mare was beautiful, objectively speaking of course, especially the way her hair covered her right eye. Her horn was aglow with violet energy as two wine glasses levitated next to the unicorn. One of the glasses floated in front of Spike, to which he gingerly took the glass into his claw. "Thanks ma'am." "Don't mention it. So, how come you aren't with the rest of the crowd, as I understand tonight has been quite a show, and favorable to Dame Rarity?" "I just don't like crowds, I get edgy," he lied. "If you don't mind me asking, why aren't with everypony else?" "Crowds don't bother me, but I do need the occasional break, a moment to catch my breath and all that." Spike sniffed the wine, making sure that there was nothing in it. Not that he thought the mare was suspicious, just weary of any drink that he hadn't been poured by either Rarity or himself. Satisfied that the drink was just that, he sipped it. "Forgive me, but I couldn't help but eavesdrop on you and your friend. And I personally think it's not right for you to have to stand here on the sidelines and not out there with her," she said. "It's fine, just the way things are right now –" "No it is not fine," the mare interrupted. "I've done my homework on you and Miss Rarity, mostly you. Draconic Guardian, that is your title, and you earned it many times over, if anything they should be showing you absolute respect!" Spike stared wide eyed at the mare; he was flattered by the way she was defending him, and just a little freaked out. The mare seemed to pick up on Spike's reaction, her countenance taking on a very apologetic look. "Forgive me; I was out of line…" "No, no, you're alright. Not every day I here somepony say that about me, so I was kinda taken by surprise, thank you though," said Spike. "Would you mind terribly if I asked you a question? I've always been curious about dragons, but seeing as a how many of them aren't as sociable as you…" "Nah, I don't mind, ask away." Spike didn't know why, but his tone sounded chipper. "Thank you for indulging me. I was wondering, is it true that young dragons have a tendency to go through an accelerated rate of growth when they start hoarding random items?" That was a bit of a sore spot for Spike, it brought back memories of Ponyville and the War of Darkness all at once. But he couldn't blame her, it's not like she knew exactly what happened, some of that information was stricken from official records. "Yeah it's true, if a dragon starts collecting a lot of stuff, and isn't stopped, it results in a premature growth acceleration, making them forget everything else, and going to any lengths to get what they want, even if they destroy some things in order to obtain it," explained Spike, clenching his fist at the thought of being controlled by that side of himself. "Sounds rather romantic if you ask me." "WHAT – I mean, no it isn't, Dragon Greed pretty much blanks out everything! The dragon's personality, it rules his actions, and he shows little if no remorse for what he's done! I'm basically a mindless monster!" Spike winced as he noticed that he was referring to himself in that last sentence. However, his little outburst did nothing to dissuade the mare, she didn't even look offended. "What you call 'greed,' is just another form of love. It's no different when you obtain an item, right then it's just an object, but as time moves on, it starts to develop sentimental value that you couldn't get rid of for all the money in the world, no matter how much it's worth. Take your marriage to Miss Rarity for example." "You're crazy, 'greed the same thing as love!?' That's insane, and how does marriage fit into this!?" Spike asked incredulously. "When you marry, you own them, and they own you, you are each other's soul possessions till the day one of you expires." The mare, rather quickly, stood on her hind legs and grabbed Spikes shoulders, bringing them face to face. She moved her mane away from her other eye, and stared deeply into Spike's eyes. "So you should not deny your Dragon Greed, it's a part of you, it always will be. Plus, who says you only need one mare, as powerful and strong as you are, you could have many wives, a harem if you wished, with a mountain of treasure and riches to which there is no equal!" Spike felt something boiling inside him, a feeling that was clawing from deep within him, roaring to break free. He tried to push it down, back into whatever dark place it crawled from, but he couldn't, the mare's intense, hypnotic gaze held him. "That's not – I don't want anything like that! I – All I need is Rarity, that's it, I'm happy with what we have!" "Do not deny what is plain before my eyes; I can see the beast within. You do yourself a disservice by banishing it, but I can set you free, I can bring out your true self…" The mare inched her face closer to Spike's, moving her muzzle so that her lips were close to Spike's right ear frill. "I can fulfill you're desires, all that you want, jewels, gold, assorted knickknacks, dwelling…mares… anything…All you need do is swear to be mine…" Between this beautiful mare before him, the roaring and clawing of something trying to break out, Spike couldn't think straight, his mind was racing, heart pounding in his abdomen threatening to explode. His breathing was heavy, almost a growl. Spike could feel his body wanting to burst free of this miniature form, to roar proudly and bellow his dragon fire into the air, proclaiming his dominance over all he surveyed, and daring anything or anyone to oppose him, just so he could make an example out of them. "Spike…?" The young drake snapped to attention, to his left was Rarity, standing there and staring worriedly at him. "W-W-What, what is it!!?" "I-I was just wondering if you were alright love, you're positively drenched with sweat, and you look rather flushed," said Rarity, a bit of hurt in her voice. Spike's mind clicked, remembering the unicorn mare who was all over him a minute, and quickly spoke to defend himself. "Rarity this isn't what it looks like, she's – I don't know her!" "Spike what are you talking, who don't you know?" It was then that Spike realized that the mare he had been talking to just a moment ago had disappeared; there was no trace of her, not even the wine glass that she was drinking from. N-no way…she was here! I saw her, heard her, felt – did she teleport!? Couldn't have, I didn't sense any mana fluctuation; I definitely would've felt that happen as close as she was! Spike started to hyperventilate, was the mare nothing more than just a figment of his imagination, had all the wine and hard cider over his years finally caught up with him, or was it something else, something even more troubling? "Spike, love, what's wrong? You really aren't looking good, we should leave," said Rarity, concerned by her husband's strange behavior. "No…I just…I need some air, I'm flying back to the house, I'll see you there," said Spike, walking away from Rarity at a brisk pace. "Spike, wait a minute. Please tell me what is the matter, did some pony say something to you, threaten me or our friends," asked Rarity as she tried to catch up to the fast walking dragon. "NO!" Spike unintentionally roared. Rarity just stopped in her tracks, utterly shocked by Spike's hostility. When he realized what he had done, Spike's visage became sad. "Sorry…I'm just tired and not feeling too good…" Rarity composed herself, she was surprised by his reaction, but understanding, Spike usually did get a little edgy when he was tired or very exhausted. She trotted up to him and stood on her hind legs, pressing her forehooves onto his chest for balance. Rarity then nuzzled the side of his cheek lovingly before returning to all four hooves. "It's alright, go on ahead then, the girls and I can wrap up the rest. I don't think we'll be seeing those three for the rest of the night, hopefully. I'll be back soon," she said with care. "T-Thanks…I'll see you later then." Spike continued to walk on, ascending the stares till he was outside in the cool night air. Snapping his fingers, Spike made his suit vanish off his body, a trick he had learned from seeing Discord way back when. With another snap of the fingers green flames started to jet out from where his shoulder blades were, the flames quickly dissipated, revealing his wings. Spike jumped into the air with the aid of his wings and flew off in the direction of their home. Unbeknownst to Spike, two figures watched him leave, hidden in the shadows of the nearby trees. Glory and her Mistress were standing side-by-side, with Glory's head resting on the mystery mare's shoulder. "You really want that thing Mistress?" Glory asked. "No, not him, that thing is merely a shell that houses my real prize. Although he may be resisting me, the other inside begs to come to me. You, that little whimpering one, and that dragon will the only things I'll need from this world once it's gone." "I'm happy to have caught your eye Mistress." "You'll be glad you did, I treat all my possessions with a great deal of care…" The unicorn mare lifted Glory's head with her telekinetic energy and planted a delicate kiss upon her lips, "and love." The plan Rarity had concocted had worked, with the support of the other designers and backers, she can worry less about their approval or reaction, and now focus on the task at hand. Meanwhile a mysterious mare, referred to only as "Mistress," has somehow awakened something in Spike he had buried a long time ago. What does this mean for the future with the show only one day away? Stay tuned and find out in Part Five of the Third Sign Arc…