//------------------------------// // Back to Basics // Story: Wild Card // by Arreis Of Avalon //------------------------------// Drake was sitting outside, meditating. He did this often as a way to control his shadows and keep them calm. He breathed deeply, concentrating on only his breath. He listened to the world around him. Birds chirped, wind blew… soon, he heard hoofsteps. He opened a single eye and smiled. “Good morning, Card.” Card nodded his acknowledgement to the hello, smiling. “Good morning~” Drake stood and turned in one fluid movement, looking at Card. “What’s up?” Card simply smiled and said “I’m ready to start training, Drake~” Drake grinned. Hearing Card say he was ready was a big step already, considering just yesterday he had completely objected to the idea. “Well then, no need for chatting. Let’s get to it~” From inside, Pinkie watched the two ponies whom she called friends while she sipped her morning whiskey. She kept watch, knowing she shouldn’t interfere with this. Diane had a past with shadows. When she touched in on shadow magic, she lost control easily. So easily, a master of them told her she should not use them. For once, she listened to somepony and refused to use them. She used instead a type of demonic magic she had learned from her husband. It had the same power as shadow magic, but it counter acted the effects of shadows, purifying them and cleansing them. “Please, Card, be safe,” she said under her breath, watching. “Gotta tell you,” Drake said, “these first few lessons won’t be very interesting. Despite that, you must remember they are valuable.” Card nodded, understanding. These first lessons would be the base of all he did. Drake smiled at his understanding and continued. “Now, as I’m sure you’ve seen before, I possess both fire and shadow magic. Every being that is strong enough to possess shadow magic, such as you, has a secondary element. The shadows need an element to base their shape of, such as my fire. As you’ve seen before, my shadows take the shape of black flames. All we have to do for now is find your secondary element.” Card nodded. “What elements are there to have?” Drake smiled. “Just the classic four that everypony knows. Fire, like mine, Water, Air and Earth. Fire, obviously, takes the form of flames. Water tends to act more as though the shadows were a liquid. Air creates ominous winds and fogs, and finally, Earth tends to focus on the raw power of shadows.” “Diane was Earth, wasn’t she?” Drake nodded. “Yes, she was able to focus the shadows into solid forms, meaning she had Earth as a secondary element.” “Is it possible to learn more than one element?” Drake smiled. “Way to hit on the big stuff. Yes, it is possible. My combination attack, my Crimson Fists, utilizes both the flames of my Fire ability and the raw power of the Earth. It’s possible to master more than one element, but very hard to do. Also, sometimes you can combine elements to make different ones. Wind and Water make Ice.” “Or Fire and Water making steam?” Drake nodded. “You’re starting to get it. Now, first things first. What shape do your shadows take? Try to remember Valkyrie.” Card nodded, thinking. “Were they in the shape of flames? Were they transparent? Did they roll off of him like fog?” Card thought for a few moments. Valkyrie has appeared through shadow, and they had seemed to curl around him intricately. Yet afterwards… Yes, that was it. “He used the shadows to make a throne for himself. He solidified them.” Drake nodded. “That settles it. Your element is Earth. Step one, complete~” Card smiled at this. “Now, onto attacks. Obviously, since you’re going to be going into battle, we’ll need some attacks set up. I think I know the most effective weapons for you~” Card looked at him curiously. “Obviously, you’ll have to use cards! You can use them as distance weapons, such as a bow and arrow.” Card nodded, already thinking about the forms of attack her would use. “This sounds like it will be fun,” he said, grinning. Drake smiled. “During training, I’ll be here to help you remain in control. Knowing you, though, you’ll be fine. Alright, go ahead and take out a deck of cards.” Card reached into his hat and pulled out an ordinary deck of cards. His hat was a hand – me – down from his father. Inside it could hold all manner of things, and only Card and a select few whom he trusted could use its power. Other than that, it looked like a rather faded blue hat. Card gave them to Drake as requested. Drake smiled. “Thanks.” With that, he burst them into flames. Card started forward slightly. He hated to see ponies damage Cards. They were something he loved dearly and had great meaning to them. Seeing ponies damage them was like an artist watching ponies draw on their work. Yet, after a moment, he was that Drake was merely empowering the cards with shadows. The flames turned black, and the cards turned dark. He handed them back, smiling, and Card tested how they felt. He could feel their power, even now, before all his training had even begun. Imagine how powerful they would be when he was at full power? “Now, let’s see how good you are at target practice, Card.” With that, he created 3 large sized targets. “The movement is simple. Just flick a card off of the top of the deck. Of course, I don’t expect you to hit dead center right from the start. Just try your best, and I’m sure with time yo-“ He was cut off as Card opened his eyes very slightly, looking at the target. He lightly picked up the card, feeling the shadow power inside of it hum from his touch. Quicker than the average pony could blink, he flicked it out, watching the edges of the card spin and curl through the air. He loved the hidden elegance of cards, and knew this was the weapon for him. Only a Trick would be able to bring out such beauty. The card spun faster as it neared the target, and Card smiled as it thudded straight into the yellow bull’s-eye. Little did Card realize, all of this had happened in a fraction of a second. Drake looked at the target, amazed. “… Huh.” Card looked at him, his eyes shut once more, another card already held tight in his hoof. “I suppose all those days playing with cards paid off~” Drake smiled, still a bit shocked at the level of power and control Card had over the cards. It’s what I get for underestimating a Trick he thought. “At this rate, you’ll be a warrior in no time!~” Card said nothing to this, thinking. He still did not want to become a warrior. He smiled, however. Like it or not, that would be his life, even if it was just for a single battle. Time to grow up and face the enemy. “Alright, let’s make this harder~” He made two of the targets disappear, knowing Card could hit those easily. The third target he made smaller and further away. “Let’s see you hit that now~” Card nodded and looked at the target, once again opening his eyes a smidgeon. He could feel the shadows in the card, eager to set sail and fly to do his bidding. He lifted it up slowly. The further distance was harder to judge, but now was the time to work out the errors. He let the card fly, hitting the target close to center, though a tad bit off. He had noticed the card had veered because of the wind shear. He made a mental note to correct that in the future. “Very good, Card. Well, this’ll be pointless.” With a rueful grin, he made the final target disappear. “Now…” He turned to card, smiling. “Let’s see you hit a moving target.” Cards eyes widened slightly. “You… want me to hit you?~” Drake grinned. “I want you to try~” Card smiled slightly as Drake readied himself. If it was a challenge he wanted, it would be a challenge he got. Now, he knew a simple head on attack would be what he was expecting. Instead, Card threw two cards in rapid succession, both to two different sides. That wind shear that used to be a problem would now become his ally. “What’s wrong, Card? Don’t wanna hit me?~” Card merely smiled as the wind pushed to two cards together at a fast speed, both of them hurtling towards Drake from the left and right. Drake grinned and bowed, causing the cards to collide with each other. “Maybe you DO want to hit me~” Drake lifted his head again to see a card headed straight for him. The kid is fast… He caught the card, smiling. “Gonna have to do better than that.” Card made a small ‘tsk’ sound, seeing his maneuver failed. “Keep them coming. This is fun~” Cards eyes narrowed. He threw three cards quickly. Two came from the sides, like before, but now a third came from behind him, ensuring he could only escape to the front or to the air. Card quickly threw one forwards at a slightly different level than the others, meaning it couldn’t collide with them. Drakes eyes widened, seeing the cards coming at him from all four sides. “Oh dang – “ Quickly he jumped above them all. He glanced at Card again, and his eyes widened further as he saw a 5th card already headed his way. He was stuck in that spot with no means of escape but hoping gravity would save him. How is he even doing this?? “Well sh-!” Quickly he summoned his sword to his hooves, blocking the last card with it. He landed on his hooves again, an exhilarated smile on his face. Card chuckled as Drake made his sword disappear. “Told you I would try~” Drake made a rueful grin. “W-well that was… unexpected.” He walked back over to Card, smiling. “An excellent display, I must say.” Card nodded, his eyes shut once more and a small smile on his face. “How about we call it a day? You’re WAY further ahead that I had thought.” “As you wish~” Drake smiled as Card went around and gathered all the cards from the ground. “At least we can skip all that stuff about theory. You have the basics down already. Next session, you’ll be learning to combine elements. The one I have in mind for you is Air. Next, shadow training. If you can manage to make a floating chain of cards, you could use that as a shield and weapon.” Card nodded to this, smiling. “Alright. Dismissed, ‘cadet’~” Both chuckled at this and walked inside. “How was the first day of training,” Pinkie asked, sitting on the couch and sipping her whiskey. Drake smiled at Card and turned back to Diane. “Surprisingly well~” Card merely smiled and walked to his room. That was all that was needed of him for today~