The Quest

by Pizza201

Chapter 2

"Hi. I'm Pichu. Where am I? One moment I'm in the forest collecting Pecha berries (for my sick friend) the next i'm fighting this Glaceion with my bpf (best pokefriend) and we get frozen in ice and are blasted off to this unknown planet (at least to us) and some how separated Then i was found by these 2 alien creatures i later knew as humans . I HAVE NO CLUE WHERE I AM! I just hope i am reunited with my bpf...
This planet is very interesting. I think I am the only one of my kind here. The 2 humans that found me unfroze me and gave me some apples. I like this planet. but i miss my home."

Pizza201 starts talking. "Yeah, Yeah, so sorry the chapters are short guys but don't worry, I will try to make them longer in the future. Oh yea.. almost forgot. DEAR BRONIES AND PEGISISTERS AND ALL FANS OF MLP: their WILL be ponys in the next cha-" PizzaWanka cuts her off.
"HEY! WHEN WILL I COME IN!" He screams in her face.
"Geez chill out the stories just getting started."
"BUT WHEN WILL I COME IN!" PizzaWanka was getting impatient.
"In dear time my dear minion, in dear time." Pizza201 said as epic music played in the background.
"THAT DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION!" PizzaWanka Pointed out.
"SHUT UP OR I WILL GO GET THE BULLET HOUNDS!" Said Pizza201 in disgust.