Why Twilight?

by MysteriousFlutterDash

The News Spreads

Chapter One

The News to Fluttershy

One bright and sunny day... Well not just any ordinary day. It was one of Fluttershy and Rarity's spa days. When Rarity brought up a very valid point when she over heard some of the spa ponies talking about Twilight's coronation.

"Fluttershy, darling," Rarity started, "Have you ever asked yourself, 'why is Twilight the only one who is a princess?'"
Fluttershy replied, "Uh, no, well not exactly. I mean I am proud of her."
"No Fluttershy. I mean have you ever thought why aren't any of us princesses with Twilight. Think about it... If it wasn't for our friendship she wouldn't even be a princess."
"Oh well, I guess."
"Oh, dear... I am terribly sorry Fluttershy I am late for lunch with AJ."
"Oh, well that's okay. Go right on ahead. I understand."
"Thank you for understanding. Well, I must be going."

The News to AJ

"Hello Applejack, I am terribly sorry for being late," Rarity greeted Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres.
"Well howdy Rarity," Applejack replied, "Nah it's alright you're late. I was actually finishing up some apple bucking."
"Well I overheard the spa ponies talking and they brought up a very valid point," Rarity started. Applejack started to say something, but then had to finish chewing and swallow her apple pie.
"What's that?"
"They were talking about Twilight's coronation. Then I thought of something. Why aren't we princesses? After all we were the ones that showed her true friendship. And without our friendship she wouldn't have become a princess."
"I understand your point of view, but..." There was a few moments of silence until Rarity said, "But, what?"
"Well... Okay I ain't understanding it either. But I don't want to be rude either... But I do think I would make a nice princess of... Apple Orchards."
"Really AJ? I was thinking more on the side of, our elements of harmony. So you would be honesty and me generosity."
"Well that may be better."
"Oh I am really, really busy today and have to fit Pinkie for a new party dress. I do hope you understand."
"Alright, but we do need to have lunch again when you're not to busy. But I also have to help Rainbow Dash prepare for Wonderbolt try-outs."
"Sorry again. Good bye."

The Idea to Pinkie

"Hello Pinkie," Rarity greeted.
"Hey Rarity, I'm ready to be fitted for my new party outfit," Pinkie stated cheerfully.
"I am right on time, I presume."
"Yes! You are!"
"Well then let's get started. Hop up on the pedestal." Then Pinkie hopped up and Rarity started to measure. Then after a while it was burning up in Rarity's mind.
"Yes, Rarity," Pinkie answered.
"Have you ever wondered why only Twilight is a princess, out of all six of us?"
"Well I... Wait, did you just say yes?"
"Well, why do you think that only Twilight is a princess?"
"Because she is Princess Celestia's student. But we did help her become a princess, so we should get rewarded to. I mean I could totally be a princess of parties or laughter."
Rarity stood there mesmerized, "Pinkie, sometimes I think you read my mind..."
"Because I do...(Ohhhhhh)."
"No it's just my Pinkie senses."
"Makes sense... (mmmm) And all done!"
"Thanks. When do you think it will be done?"
"Bye Pinkie."

Meanwhile with Rainbow Dash

"Hey Dashy," Applejack said.
"'Sup AJ," Rainbow Dash replied.
"Are you ready to practice?"
"As ready as I can ever be." And the training began. First the were doing a race, AJ on the ground and Rainbow in the air. They started the timer, and they were off! They did three 350 yard laps in twenty minutes. Of coarse Rainbow won. But AJ couldn't stop thinking about what Rarity had asked her.
"Hey Rainbow?" AJ finally asked.
"Yeah AJ," Rainbow replied.
"Rarity asked me a question that has been causin' a storm in my brain."
"Go ahead and ask away."
"She asked me if I ever wondered why only Twilight is a princess out of us six. Have you ever wondered that?"
"Actually, yes. I have always wondered what it would be like if I was the princess of speed or maybe even pegasi," confessed Rainbow Dash.
"Well she was thinking somewhere along the lines of our elements of harmony, so you would be loyalty. Well since Twilight is the princess of magic and all," explained AJ.
"Makes sense."
"Oh, well I have to get going. Gotta help Applebloom clean her room," explained AJ.
"Okay, see ya."