The Sad Tragic Tale of Sunset Shimmer

by MysteriousFlutterDash

Studing with Princess Celestia

During the next few weeks Sunset learned more about magic than she ever imagined she would. Because of how her mother pushed her out the door into the air she was found by the princesses and taken under their wings. So her mother kind of gave this to her, but on the other hoove it was an attempt to kill her. Or get rid of her but same idea. Over those weeks that Sunset learned, she became interested in dark magic to take revenge on her mother and father. She already had a plan. She would cast a constant moving spell on their house before they got home from their work, so they couldn't get in, but when they do catch up she will transport, and explain how they ruined her life. Then she will put Cerberus in their house and lock the door behind her, to have Cerberus teach them a lesson. Then return Cerberus to his place. But of coarse Sunset will have to find a spell to control Cerberus.

When Sunset started studying Dark Magic, the magic started to take over her body. Then she decided she didn't just want revenge on her parents but to take over Canterlot... Then Equestria!!!! But luckily because she was Celestia's student she had more access to information than any other villain who tried to take over Equestria. Villain, she thought, I am calling myself a villain now?

Yes, Sunset, you are now officially a villain, a mysterious voice said.

"Wh- Who are you?" Sunset asked, she couldn't believe this was happening. Sunset didn't know the dark magic was soon going to completely consume her heart to turn it dark.

You will soon know me as yourself. I am a dark magic soul, I fill your heart with darkness. Until you succeed to rule Equestria, then I will leave so your heart will be fully evil without me, the voice said.

"No, I won't let you. I- I am good," Sunset struggled to say anything as trying to fight the dark magic took most of her energy.

There is no way to fight me, the more you fight the easier I can get into you, the voice explained. The soul had finally got in. After some weird feelings Sunset started to feel... Evil. She let out an evil laugh to start. It echoed the archives.

The guards barged into the archives finding that Sunset was the only one in the room.

"Is anything wrong?" Sunset asked innocently.

"No, we just, uh, thought we heard something," the guards explained.

"Well everything is fine here boys," Sunset said as she was putting away the books she had out. "Anyway, if anything went wrong I can protect myself," she said as she sashayed out of the room.

Over the next few months Sunset had gotten away with learning both good and dark magic. But when Princess Luna walked into the archive while Sunset was practicing Dark Magic it all crumbled then and there. All the trust Sunset had built between the princesses was now gone. Princess Luna called in the guards and asked them why they didn't stop her. But while they were having that conversation, Sunset transported from in front of her to by the door. Then Sunset ran as fast as she could until she reached Princess Celestia.
"Princess Celestia (huff huff) I am so sorry... I just wanted to get revenge on my parents," Sunset tried to explain. This was the last thing her good self said. Then Princess Luna ran up to her sister with the news.
"Sister," Princess Luna started. "Sunset Shimmer has been using Dark Magic in the castle. And she's has been using Dark Magic commonly."
"I can explain!!!" Sunset tried to explain, but Celestia didn't want to hear it.
"You have betrayed my trust. Sunset Shimmer you are no longer my student. You are banned to the Everfree Forest forever," Princess Celestia declared.
"NO! This can't be happening!" Sunset Shimmer ran out of the throne room away from the guards. Sunset ran and ran until she found herself in a closet.