Sensei Zukko and the Changeling infiltration

by Renamonkasursal

Chapter 2

After Zukko finished cleaning, he wondered why the Doctor and his companion didn't leave.

"We have been in many types of danger. Why should we leave?"

"Lets just say that I can sense danger in an hour before the danger occurs."

"I see."

"Want to have a tour of the Monastary while you're here?"

"Sure. Ditzy, want to see what is here?"


The three went inside. As they went in, they entered a large dojo room.

"Is this... A dojo?"

"Your correct. This part is the training room. Or we use it as a party room, with refreshments and music."

As they went along, they went into a hallway. Many doors were over there, including bedrooms, restrooms, and closets. Finally they came into the yard.

"I can see you have a very nice garden. The gazebo looks great, and the koi pond looks very amusing. I can't see why that anyone would attack this place."

"Enemies come and go, but they usually end up defeated. Once in a while, some ninjas from the streets attack my home. I usually get some spare time relaxing in the meditation room. Well, thats about everything."

"Ditzy, the tour is over. You can look at the fish later."

"Aww... Okay Doctor, I'm coming."

"The hour is over... I think we might need to get back to the area we first chattted."

"Sure. When we are done, what about a party?"

"Sure, why not."

Over the mountains surrounding the monastery, an army of Changelings was approaching. Queen Chrysalis led them into war. She commanded "Go my minions! Defeat Zukko and all who gets in my way!"

"Wait... I think I see my old friend.... but a war is a war." Said Zukko.

"Come on Ditsy! No time to waste!"

The three ponies tried their best to ward off the attack, using every bit they had to fight.

"There is too many! We need to find a better tactic!"

"I have an idea."

While war went on, Zukko went inside the monastery, looking for the right scroll to reverse the changelings, but he was suddenly blocked.

"Cant you see that I am trying to get through? Off with you!" He punched a Changeling with his hoof.

A flood of changelings entered the halls. Zukko then finally found the scroll room. He found the Doctor holding a scroll.

"Is this it? Here catch!"

He caught the scroll, and then chanted the words on the scroll. A bright light flashed.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" said Chrysalis, who was turning back to a pegasus.

The Flutterpony race was restored, and Zukko found his long lost friend. Chrysalis was put behind bars till her 5 years are over, due to her crimes against Equestria.