//------------------------------// // Secrets Spill // Story: Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days // by Bronylover109 //------------------------------// Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days Vinyl woke up,her leg was numb from having her weight on it for an entire night,and most of the morning. When she fully opened her eyes,she made a small realization. Her glasses were missing. She quickly slid her eyelids shut,afraid somepony was home. "Uh...Tavi!? You seen my shades!?" Vinyl reached a hoof out,attempting to find her purple lensed glasses,with little luck. "Tavi? Taaaaaavvviiiiii!?" The DJ realized her calls would have no success,but tried once again,super loud. "TAVI!! YA' HOME!!??" Octavia was sitting on her bed,her hoof in her mouth to keep her from laughing. She was so excited to see her roommates eye's,and she had wanted to laugh at the fact that she was able to trick Vinyl. Yet,though she wanted to crack up right there,she knew it would have more consequences. "Bah! Where did they go!? Octavia! Are you seriously home!? If you are I kinda need you!" Vinyl yelled out,one last time before slowly opening her eyelids. "AH! HA!" Octavia ran down from the bed,jumping on Vinyl,to get a closer look. The white pony underneath her friend,quickly shut her eyes,and put her hooves in front,avoiding her friend from seeing them. "Eep!" The DJ seemed to shrink at he friends mercy. "Vinyl! Why do you never show me your eyes?" Octavia asked,hoping off her friend in a swift motion. Vinyl lowered her head in shame,and still refused to open her eyes. "Vinyl..really. Iv'e known you for a year,and Iv'e never seen your eyes...Were best friends,but I don't even know your eye color...." Vinyl frowned,but even with her eyes closed,she stood up quickly,and walked to her roommate. Once they were close enough that their noses were touching,Vinyl opened her eyes. ".....Vinyl......Why?...Why do you hide them...?" Octavia stared into Vinyl's magenta eyes. She had never seen anypony else with that eye color before,yet she found it beautiful. They would never match up to her light purple ones. Vinyl lowered her head in shame,and walked to the other side of the room,slumping down onto the cold floor. "..You hate me now,right?" The white mare spoke,never turning her attention away from the floor. Octavia's eyes went wide in shock for a moment,before lowering in sadness. "....Vinyl....Why would I hate you..?" Octavia lifted a hoof,beginning to walk over to her friend,before deciding against it,and letting it lower to the ground once again. "I'M A FREAK!!" "Where else have you seen a pony with this color eye!!!!?????" Vinyl was raging at her friend,which was a sight that Octavia had never seen before. She wanted to shrink under the other mares' gaze,but instead thought of the better way to handle the situation at hoof. "Absolutely nowhere." The grey cellist drew closer to the white pony,who was still slumped down on the hard floor of their small home. "And that's what makes them special." She slid her hoof under Vinyl's chin,forcing her to turn around and look her straight in the eye. "Your eyes are beautiful,Vinyl. They're amazing. Iv'e never seen an eye color like you'rs. True. But,Iv'e never seen an eye color like you'rs-because they're unique. And only unique ponies,get unique eye colors." Octavia gave a smile,before using a hoof to pull her friend off the floor. The cellist wrapped her arms around Vinyl in a swift motion,and though she held her tight,she made sure she wasn't hurting her. " And you. Are a special pony." She lied down,letting a weeping Vinyl lay in her shoulder. She lifted a hoof,and began to stroke the DJ's mane,carefully. She used firm,yet soft strokes,comforting the pony lying in her arms. "Vinyl..." The white pony looked at her friend,questioningly. "C'mere." Octavia sat up,putting on a light pink scarf with stripes that had an almost transparent shade of pink on it, tassels hanging from the ends,from a black hook that was set in front of their plain brown door. She put a hoof on the knob,before turning back to her friend. " You coming?" Vinyl let out a small smile,before wiping her eyes,and nodding to Octavia. She got up quickly,trotting to her friend. She too,grabbed a scarf off of the hook,but her's had been a light blue,with stripes that had a nearly transparent shade of blue on it,with small string hanging from the end. She also grabbed a grey beanie,and placed it over her mane,before exiting the building with Octavia. The DJ let the door shut behind her,with a small click noise,ad headed in the direction her friend had been walking towards. Vinyl considered saying something,but decided against it when she saw the park in view. Octavia let out a small sigh,her breath visible in the winters' frosty air. "I thought you should see this." Vinyl paused,taking in the empty,barren park before her. She was in awe of it's bare beauty,despite the fact that it was empty inside. The trees had no leaves,and no foal played,for winters' harsh conditions and weather's had trapped them inside their homes for the season,until Spring came out,and warmed the land. "It's beautiful,isn't it?" Octavia had a beautiful,elegant voice. And her mane blowing in the winter breeze didn't make it easier for Vinyl to ignore her raw beauty. "Vinyl!" Octavia had been halfway down the street already,making a rapid dash towards the park. Vinyl laughed,immediately running to the park. Their arrival made way for laughing,giggling,yelling,cheering,and all else. But that had come to and end as they sat down on a bench together. Just as soon as their small conversation had come to an ending,the snow began falling from the sky above,making a beautiful sight for all to see. "The first snowfall of the year. What do you think,Vinyl?" Octavia said,her voice reaching Vinyl,who sat right next to her on the park bench. "I think it's beautiful. Like you." She stayed smiling for a moment,before she realized what she had said. "I-I mean! Y-You're very pretty and-I-I!! I-I M-M-m,mmean! I-" She tried to take back what she said,but the damage was already done. Octavia smiled,the fresh snowflakes from the crisp winter air landing swiftly in her mane. She giggled,and leaned in closer to a shocked Vinyl. She kissed her roommate's lips,tenderly and passionately. Vinyl's eyes widened quickly,and her normally white face turned tomato red. She smiled into the kiss for a moment,before pulling away to look at her friend's face. Octavia giggled with what she saw. Vinyl's face had been completely covered over red. Vinyl shook her head quickly,letting her mind slip back to awareness. Just like in her day dream from before,Octavia's mane and coat had been lightly dotted in the snow,and she had a bright smile on her face. Vinyl smiled at her,just seeing her like that would be enough for a life time. "Hm. First snow. And our first kiss. What do you think about that,Vinyl?" Octavia smiled with that same face that Vinyl had fallen in love with,making her smile,too. "N-Now your just getting sappy,Tavi!!" They both laughed at Vinyl's stupidity,but only had a few seconds before they realized the sudden change in the weather. The wind wasn't gentle anymore,but it whipped around them in a what seemed like a raged fury. The snow had intensified,making it hard to see what lied in front of their own hooves. "Octavia?" "Yes,Vinyl?" "Blizzard?" Blizzard!" The pair attempted to trek through the weather,and return home,but were having little success. The sow covered their bare hooves,making them quiver under frost bites' fury. They had fallen several times already,and were covered in the white substance which also covered the streets. Vinyl was losing traction onto the ground,an ended up slipping in an ugly mess. Octavia reached out a hoof,helping her friend off the ground. "We need to find somewhere to stay! I don't even know where we are!" The cellist shouted,attempting to raise her voice over the strong winds. "But where!? I can't see anything over the snow!!" The DJ called out,hoping her friend could hear her. They saw a small light in the distance,almost that of a flashlight. "Hello!? Is somepony out here!?" The pair of musicians could hear a familiar voice coming from the source of the light. They gave each other a giddy look-they were saved. "If you're out here,you'd better speak up,or else were leaving!" Another recognizable voice could be heard over the howling winds. Bon Bon and Lyra "Bon Bon! Lyra! Is that you!?" Octavia shouted out to the source of the recent noise,hoping her friends would be the ones to respond. "Octavia!?" Lyra called,confused. "Yes! And Vinyl's here too!" The grey mare smiled,and dashed to her friends by Vinyl's side. "You two! It's great seeing you-don't get me wrong! But we need to get back to my shop! I'll lead the way!" Bon Bon Began leading them down an invisible trail,that would soon be their source of shelter. The four mares ran back in the direction of Bon Bon's candy shop/home,running as fast as their hooves could carry them through the blizzard. The very second they saw the store,their motivation grew,and they began running faster. Lyra used her magic to swing the color-splattered door wide open,allowing entrance to each one of her friends. As soon as they got inside,they began rubbing their arms,and breathing heavily,in an attempting to regain their body heat. Bon Bon led the other three ponies up a narrow staircase,leading out of the candy shop,and into a home. Bon Bon turned to her to guests. " You two will probably have to stay here tonight,the blizzard is pretty intense. Vinyl frowned for a moment "You're not going to try to keep us captive here are you...?" Everpony looked at Vinyl, "Vinyl...Why would I do that...?" Bon Bon shook her head slowly as she asked the question,knowing she'd regret asking as soon as she heard the answer. "Eh,I dunno,just asking." Vinyl smiled and stated her answer regularly,as if the question wasn't strange at all. Lyra,who had been placing a log in the fire place,and turning a dial for the heat on spoke up. "You two can stay in me and Bon Bon's beds if you want." Octavia smiled,but shook her head, "No,we can stay on the couch for a night,you two ave been kind enough to let us stay in your lovely home for the night." Bon Bon looked at her,raising an eyebrow,but giving a polite smile. "Are you sure,Octavia? It wouldn't be too much trouble.." Octavia out a hoof in the air,dismissing the offer. " It'll be fine,Bonnie. It won't kill us to sleep on a couch for the night." Lyra smiled, "Alright then,bathrooms down the hall on the left,kitchen is to the right of that,and our room is just down the hall,if you need anything. I'm hitting the hay for the night,i'm exhausted." The mint unicorn,retreated the room,and began her trek down the hall. Bon Bon looked at the pair before her. "Goodnight you two! I'll see you in the morning!" "Good night,Bon Bon!" Octavia remarked,in her 'proper manner' voice " 'Night" Vinyl lifted a hoof,though barely off the ground,it was enough to be a wave. "Okay,Goodnight Vinyl!" Octavia grabbed one of the few blankets placed on the armrest of the couch with a swift movement. She positioned herself comfortably,and rested the fleece sheet over herself. " Night,Tavi!" Vinyl did the same as her roommate had done. The night grew darker,and they fell asleep on the couch,making way for dreams about each other,and beautiful eye colors.