by Hakirayleigh

Chapter one

“Are you already dressed for the Gala?!” said Spike hurried to Rarity.

“I’m not ready! “said Rarity

“Remember that we are facing are a chance that once a year and in this case is special. So give me more time and better make sure that the boutique is securely closed when we come out,” She emphasized.

No wonder. It’s the first Gran Gala that offers to host Twilight since becoming a princess and more precisely, the Princess of Friendship. The whole town of Ponyville is excited, especially Twilight, who was more inclusive invitations this year, this invitation was not only for ponies, also cows, faucets, sheep, Saddle Arabia horses. Never before in the history of Equestria had occured had an event with such a wide cultural united diversity yet.

At the same time, in the Sugar Cube Corner, exactly on the top floor, where lives Pinkie Pie lives, She was with Fluttershy, with a few new dresses made by Rarity, among which highlighted the use of white boots and a pink organdy by Pinkie Pie, chocolate chip embedded in his hat and a long skirt, with lollipops and candies.

Instead Fluttershy didn’t transcendental changes to her dress, however some leaves above her dress, were changed by various accessories like flowers and snowflakes. She wanted to symbolize all seasons, according to according to the liking of each princess, the Twilight Princess loves the spring, Luna fascinates summer nights. Once Celestia said her favorite season is autumn and Princess Candeca is very grateful for the winter.

“Pinkie Pie loved Fluttershy dress, Very original; this one shows your love for nature and animals,“said Pinkie Pie.

As always she had a look shy, but she showed happy for Pinkie's words. “Thanks Pinkie”. Said Fluttershy

“This dress was intended to show my personality and above all the princesses see your favorite seasons in a frock." Replied Fluttershy while she fit the last details before going to the Grand Gala.

At the instant she was a concern. “Why is the first time that Celestia invites different kinds of creatures? In previous years only ponies could enter, except in the case of Spike is the assistant Twilight.“ Fluttershy asked

“I don’t know Fluttershy,” Pinkie softly said. “Maybe it's because there was no enough cake, candy and chocolate and therefore, only enough for the ponies.”

Fluttershy jokingly asked: “Do you think that’s the reason, Pinkie?”

Pinkie Pie with sincerity, but with a touch of grace said: “I really don’t think so. If the real reason was the shortage of food, in fact just enough to not invite me, it would have enough.”

Hearing this Fluttershy and Pinkie started laughing and fell to the floor. Their clothes were bit deranged. After 30 seconds of laughter, continued their arrangements to the Grand Gala.

Already missing two hours to the start of the Grand Gala, Canterlot was excited and at the same time large cluster of guests visited the city; since last early Summer Sun Celebration, the city hadn’t many ponies and other species, therefore this event will be global news in all newspapers, this year everything is ready for them, logistics, security, etc.

All Canterlot residents, Equestria and of other kingdoms have insisted this Gala is one of the best ever, a more festive, maintain a superior level of seriousness as the most important social event all Equestria.

Just at that moment in the Royal Castle in Canterlot, Twilight was hastened by all aspects of the organization. Knowing that now she is a princess, she was very involved in the aspects of Gala, as much as it was in the Ponyville Winter Wrap Up, the last Summer Harvest Parade and Running of the Leaves, which this year was verified by her, and the Ponyville Library, not to mention other important events made since she is a princess.

After Twilight went outside of the castle and check out the Royal Guard, temporarily headed by his brother, Shining Armor, by request of Princess Cadence. The security of both and its inhabitants in the Empire Crystal have been paramount, from the King Sombra attacked and the city was allocated to host the Games of Equestria.

She just said a couple of comments, rather than a guard urgently needed Shining Armor, by training issues during the Grand Gala. Twilight took leave of his brother, in charge of security during the event and even more so with the huge number of guests, so it was imperative to let fraternal moments leave for another time.

After that, Twilight was to review the princesses rooms, to check if they were ready, flying with their wings, their most prized acquisitions in physical appearance, since she is alicorn.

First she went to Princess Luna one to check any inconvenience. “Princess Luna, Are you ready? “. Twilight asked.

“This dress is horrible! Why Tia always choose the ugliest dresses for me, as she always has the best one?! like the your coronation day Twilight, “said Luna with a sense of frustration and anger.

“So ... you're not ready, Luna?” Twilight asked again.

“Of course not, Twilight! We have those sorrows” said Luna reaffirming with her royal voice, which Twilight long time doesn’t listen.

“Ohh… Then I’ll be back in an hour to check if you are ready and we discussed how we will organize ourselves for the Grand Gala,” Said Twilight with astonishment at hearing the 'old' Luna, especially when she is at an important public event is very calm, but she takes serious businesses stuffs than Celestia and Cadance.

We confirm that an hour, find a better dress her and talk with other princesses on their roles in the Grand Gala.

Twilight with his usual hurry to leave to Luna alone with her troubles, she hurry accesses to room assigned to Princess Cadence, whose mane arrangements are very delayed, being accompanied by two hairdressers and two ponies who advise their clothing on the events warrant.

Twilight arrives at the doorway, watching Cadance stressed and rushed with all the details of their appearance, better preserving calm her aunt Luna. “Are you ready Cadance?” Twilight said with confidence, knowing that they now are two princesses.

“No Twilight. My stylist is not a spray that keeps all glass in my hair, and if any of them falls, totally ruin my hair, and give a bad impression of the Crystal Empire against all guests,”Said Cadance.

“That isn’t true Cadance,” Twilight replied. “Just for one night the Crystal Empire doesn’t seem ridiculous. Everypony and other kingdoms knows Spike and you were the ones who freed the Crystal ponies of the King Sombra slavery and official inspection games Equestria was surprised by the warmth which Crystal Empire receive visitors.”

“You are right Twilight”. Said Cadance more calmly, “if my hair is not quite right, I will demonstrate to other cities, kingdoms and empires rebirth of a people who stay for a thousand years in absolute darkness.”

“This will happen!”Asserting Twilight with increasing encouragement from the Princess.

“Twilight, I'll linger an hour” Said Cadance.

“I understand, see you in an hour in the lobby, “ Twilight said.

“Wait Twilight!! “ Cadance said a bigger concern than her manestyle arrangements.

“Cadance tell me, what does It happen?” Said Twilight with surprise.

“Twilight, before you go to visit your friends, you should talk with my aunt Celestia. two days ago, Luna told me that she has been very concerned and did not want to talk about it”

“She is in her room. Isn’t Cadance?” Said Twilight eagerly.

“You're right, talk with her and any information you can, let us know please, is vital to the whole Kingdom of Equestria and for our safety,” It finished Cadance.

“I will Princess Cadance, not worry,” Twilight finished of talk, flying rapidly towards the room of the Princess, who is on the other side of the castle.

While making his way, Twilight notes that several guests have arrived, among which stand out the Kings of the Griffin Kingdom, the Saddle Arabia Chancellors, all with majestic pets and ads as phoenixes. It also came as some important guests from the cities of Equestria, as in the case of the Manehattan Mayor, the largest city in Equestria, although not the capital of the Kingdom, which is Canterlot. And of course, Equestrian celebrities like Photo Finish, Fancy Pants and Sapphire Shores, the Pony of Pop.

Also confirmed the arrival of Mayors the following cities: Trottingham, Las Pegasus, Dodge City, Appleloosa, Cloudsdale, etc. and of course, the mayor of Ponyville, which is in his last year as mayor, who will be her last year in office as head of the city, knowing that this year there are new elections and therefore a new mayor from next year.

Twilight thought the new conditions and challenges that will have the new Mayor of Ponyville and also if the administrative relations will go very well, knowing that Princess Celestia has enough commitments to other realms.

“Best first talk with Princess Celestia on the Grand Gala, her concerns then I will ask her about what she knows of Ponyville elections.

Twilight arrives to the princess room, where she finds her very thoughtfully and with his crown on the mirror.

“Princess, are you ready for Grand Gala?” Twilight asked while keeping her eyes on Celestia.

“Of course Princess Twilight, just wait for me a few minutes.” Said Celestia said staring at the floor.

“Princess, I felt a lot of worries. Do you want to talk about it?

Celestia thought for a moment but finally with her right hoof Twilight told him to approach her.
“Twilight, I'm thoughtful about this gala.”

“Not worry Princess. I am attentive to everything related to the Gala,” Twilight said with certainty.

She knows about concern of the Princess was somewhat larger than the same Gala, but for their willingness and loyalty to her, It would conceal the situation.

“With confidence princess, tell me your situation.”

“You've always known that the Grand Gala has been a great event for Equestria, knowing that it is very boring and bland for me. So the last time I invite you and your friends to have fun for the first time in many years.

“But this year, the truth is very different and any issues or disagreement in the Gran Gala will have serious consequences.“ Celestia emphasized the last two words.

“Serious consequences? What do you mean Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked with a sense of intrigue and knowing the reality of the purpose of the gala this year.

“You see Twilight, in recent months some mayors of the biggest Equestrian cities have expressed their disagreement with the inclusion of other species in the events of this year. They don’t feel comfortable different creatures have the same treatment as the ponies.”

“It is very strange that you are telling me that Princess, if when we have visited cities everyone shows in their actions harmony, happiness and friendship. Complying with the rules and standards we set for the entire kingdom, seeking safety and progress.”

“Sure enough, when we come to royal visits, they show coexistence towards all species. They hope each the events in the cities, its image and reality as abiding respect for rights and of other creatures, when in fact isn’t.”

“Princess, you have proof or evidence to substantiate your suspicions against the inhabitants of other cities?" Asked Twilight with skepticism.

“Of course, we wouldn’t have this conversation if we had the tools to confirm my assumptions,” exclaimed Celestia.

“We Princess?” It answered Twilight.

“Yes Twilight, although I warn you, what I'm going to say you aren’t going to like.”

“I ordered to Luna to spy the dreams of the equestrian inhabitants, especially the mayors and different species to the ponies’ ones,” manifest Celestia with sincerity.

“I cannot believe what I'm hearing about Luna and you said me that that ability only aimed to help people with their fears. Not to spy on others without their approval.” As the discussion progressed Twilight and Celestia lost serenity.

“I'll tell you about the reports written by Luna on dreams.”

“I’m all ears,” said Twilight.

“Luna reported that most of the dreams of ponies, they depart to the other species of the daily activities.” – That’s normal princess. –Said Twilight. “Ponies have established our cities where we only live, while the other animals have their allocated space to be with their species.”

“Let me finish Twilight!” Claimed Celestia “Luna went to the other species dreams, like cows, sheeps, dragons, mules and zebras. They also dream of an egalitarian society, where they can move without being controlled by ponies and visit the cities with the same kind of animals while not considered a stampede causing terror.”

“And Mayors have said something about it?!”

“Well, Mayors have an agreement with the princesses and by security; Luna can’t go to the dreams of them,” explain Celestia more calmly.”I've tried talking with them in their cities, but did not want to accept the audiences I have applied.

Twilight still surprised what Celestia told, she asks with pause: “Princess, are you sure that mayors have some relation to the dreams of ponies?”

“I'm not making accusations, but they have a lot to do with the behavior of ponies in dreams and their silence on requests for hearings that they say is an indication.”

“And why did you not tell me anything before about this?!” Twilight seemed to begin to have contempt for the previous actions of Celestia and Luna

“I relied much on your skills and your dialogue abilities with others, however this is a very delicate matter that requires experience and control political, Twilight. “ Celestia was trying to fall calm to Twilight, still knowing that its actions without consulting with her weren’t the correct ones.

“I understand what happens here Princess.” There was an awkward silence after the sentence of twilight.

“Tell me Twilight. What do you understand?"

“You think I may not solve the problems without the help of my friends. Don’t you?” Said Twilight with fury.

Celestia could not believe the defiance by her pupil, knowing that she only wants to know the truth. Therefore hide the most important part of Twilight was unnecessary and also a lack of respect towards her apprentice and even toward other Princess.

“Okay, I will tell you the truth, but before you must answer me something,” said Celestia

“I do M’am.” Replied Twilight With a tone of discourtesy, caused by the deception of Celestia revelations.

“Have you talked with your friend Applejack?”

“Of course princess, with her did several days ago. “ Now she is worried by Granny Smith health. In the last month, her grandmother is not in the best conditions, therefore Big Macintosh and Applejack assumed total control of Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Must be a great calamity for the entire family Apple.,“ declared Celestia.

“The saddest thing of the matter is the obvious sadness of Apple Bloom, since her grandmother will not improve, causing under performance and constant warnings by teacher Cherilee. But she and her brother do the best for Granny Smith and Apple Bloom continuing the work of the farm, especially crop and sale of apples.”

“Do you think that that is the only trouble of Applejack and her brother, Twilight?” Said Celestia with suspicion.

“What do you mean princess Celestia?”

“I should mention to you that Luna also spied the ponies’ dreams of Ponyville and what most caught the attention, they were the dreams of Big Macintosh and Applejack. Their dreams are based on the concern of the loss of the farm by the constant complaints of the farm animals want more freedom to go out longer than their pens and start charging for all its products, the case of milk, wool and even pigs don’t contribute anything also want to quit."

“Do you mean that the Applejack and Big Macintosh don’t want that the animals remain free?”

“Calm down Twilight…I hadn't finished speaking yet”

“Are you accusing my friends don’t want freedom of animals just to keep some income? I don’t think that prejudice to friends has been one of the lessons that you wanted to learn.”

“Just think twilight, to preserve the farm is one of the main objectives of Granny Smith, and she will tell their grandchildren that they do utmost to maintain your property.”

Twilight didn't want to continue listening to the previous accusations by Princess Celestia, but decided to talk with AppleJack about this situation at the gala.

“With permission Princess, I better check that the preparation of the gala continue according to plan. And I'm going to talk with Applejack and clarify these issues”

“Twilight Just a second!! I want to say you something before you go,” Celestia said with a sense of guilt to disappoint Twilight with her revelations.

“See you later princess. We meet in the castle hall for the gala in one hour.”

Fine Twilight. See you in an hour. Celestia concluded.

Twilight left the room without across word with anybody, at the same time that the Royal guards asked him about her haste and some guests who wanted to greet her. She wanted to talk with Applejack as soon as possible, in order to learn about the situation of Granny Smith and what she should do with animals.