//------------------------------// // Chapter 68 Run Spike, run! // Story: Spike the Knight // by vadram //------------------------------// Run Spike, run! “What are you waiting for? Go!” Imamu yelled at Spike who was still perched on the simians shoulder. Spike jumped onto Imamu’s back, this time sliding down his fur instead of plummeting to his doom like he did last time he got of. When he reached the floor he started running towards the rooms exit ready to jump down, then planning to run through the Everfree until she reached Ponyville. Most of Imamu’s memories have faded from his mind, but he still remembered enough to know which way to head and that he would reach the town in about eight hours. He was interrupted when Imamu yelled at him. “Kid! Don’t forget to change back before you enter the town!” It was only then that Spike realised that he had not changed back since this morning. He could not tell what time it was exactly, but he could have guessed that he was in this form for ten to nine twelve hours , putting the time somewhere between four and six in the evening. Briefly doing the math, he thought that he would reach the edge of the Everfree somewhere between two and four in the morning. Wait a minute... Spike though as he exited the cave and ran through the crater filled clearing that stood in front of the caves mouth. “Little Spike would have taken eight hours to get back to Ponyville, I could probably do it in half that time.” Spike started running and in almost no time at all he cleared the clearing and went into the Everfree. The thick vegetation slowed him down considerable but he was still making great time. “Okay maybe not in half the time, but maybe I can still make it to town before midnight if I hurry.” He continued to run until a thick patch of vegetation forced him to stop. The roots of the trees were uprooted slightly but that was not the problem, the problems were the low hanging branches. While their name was long since gone from his mind, for whatever reason Spike remembered something about these trees, he remembered that their leaves were sharp as metal and that he should avoid passing underneath their low hanging branches. He looked to his sides and saw that this type trees went on in both directions far further than he could see, so he decided to go push forward. He removed his backpack and placed in on his chest so it would not be cut by any sharp leaf as he moved under them. “Okay Spike you can do this.” He reassured himself. Spike took a deep breath and fell down on all fours. Much to his surprise, after walking almost his entire life on two legs he found this position oddly comfortable. He found a place where the branched did not hang so low and started walking. Which each step he took he grew more and more accustomed with this new way of walking, if not for the sharp blades of death hanging above him it would have been a enjoyable and relaxing experience. As he grew more and more confident with his position he started picking up speed. At first it was a careful stroll, then a walk, then a jog and before he knew it he was running at full speed despite the dangers that dangled overhead. A few blades did managed to graze his back but they did not manage to inflict any lasting damaged thanks to his thick scaly hide. After a couple of minutes of running he cleared the patch and returned to the normal, life threatening vegetation of the Everfree. His original plan was to crawl under the tree branches then get up and run the rest of the way on two legs. The plans was instantly discarded when he started running on all fours, it felt great and he also thought he was moving faster. Barely any time seemed to pass for Spike as he ran through the Everfree. But after awhile he noticed that the sun had already set and the plants around him seemed more familiar and less likely to kill you, he was getting close to the edge of the forest. When he saw that the trees were almost gone he stopped, saying only one word after taking of his backpack, “Go”. This cause his body to convulse and paint to fill his mind. It was bad, but nothing like the ones he had before - either that or he had gotten used to the pain. After stretching his new - or old- body he picked up the bag and ran the rest of the way on his two stubby little feet. He entered the town and all seemed normal, a few ponies going home after a long day, a couple more heading from or towards the local bar and most of the light still on, a normal evening in a normal town with no invasion, no giant monster or ancient evil, just a normal town on a normal day. Spike was relieved. With his home, the Golden Oak Library, in sight he managed to see two familiar figures exiting the building. One was a orange pony with a golden mane, while the other was a white pony with a indigo mane, they were too far for Spike to see what types of pony the two were but he did not have to, he knew both of them all too well. “What are Rarity and Applejack doing here this late?” Spike wondered as he saw the two leaving and heading in the direction of Rarity’s home, the Carousel Boutique. Spike walked towards the front door as he kept his eye on the two mares. It seemed that they were having a conversation but they were too far away to make out any actual words, they shortly disappeared from his sight. Spike reached the front door of the building that served as the town’s library, the residence and office of the princess as well as his home, and he knocked. The door handle started to glow purple as the door slowly creaked open. One thought popped into his mind. “If I will survive the night I must remember to oil it in the morning.”