//------------------------------// // Prolog // Story: The Unicorn and the Warlock // by Isaac_Eely //------------------------------// The Unicorn and the Warlock Prolog As she sat silently in her Throne Room, A young, white, pink-maned Alicorn Princess was trying to keep herself awake. It was the middle of the night, and she'd usually be tucked away in her bed, lost in the sweet dreams that carried her through the darkness. And her sister would be presiding under the starry night sky, but tonight was different. “Dear Sister! Dear Sister!” A dark sapphire Alicorn, with a cobalt mane came in galloping, jolting the Princess out of her dozing, “It's the Purist... they're... they're victorious!” as she was finally able to finish her sentence through her hyperventilating. The Princess' eyes shot open, now fully awake, the disbelief on her face shockingly obvious, “You- you mean... they've lost?” “Yes sister, all of them, are... dead,” At, the sound of these words, the Princess started crying, “oh why, Luna? Why didn't I help them... why did I just leave them to die?!” “Celestia, calm down,” she said, hopping up next to her sister, “you did what you thought was best-” “Thought Was Best!? 2,000 ponies died this week! Not because It was best for Equestria, it was because of a foolish decision I made! And now there gone! Gone Luna!” there was so much anger, so much frustration in her mind that she didn't initially realize that she was venting it all on her little sister. After actually seeing the surprised look on Luna's face, she broke down and started crying again, “I'm so sorry Luna, I'm just... so... angry with myself,” “Tia, I think you need some sleep,” Luna's coxing tone seemed to have gotten through to her sister as she stood up and very slowly started walking towards the Throne Room's exit, “I think your right Luna,” she choked through her sobbing, “get a good nights rest and deal with political fiasco tomorrow,” she cracked a weak smile, and managed a half-hearted chuckle. Even though it was all too obviously fake, Luna went with it, and slowly followed Celestia out of the Throne Room and into her bedroom. She slowly crawled into her bed, wrapping herself in her many blankets. Luna came close and nuzzled her, “good night Tia', may sweet dreams carry you,” this netted a small, but honest smile from Celestia, Luna quietly exited her sister's room leaving Celestia in peace. Celestia knew Luna was just as hurt as she was, she was just not letting it on as much. “I failed you,” she started mumbling to herself, “I failed you all, Amberweight, Songstorm, and the rest of your kind. I failed you... my little warlocks”