//------------------------------// // Dreams That Fly By // Story: Alex Rider: Operation Equestria // by MLPfield 3 //------------------------------// Chapter 3 Dreams that fly right by "Alex are you there?" Jack looked normal. She was in jeans that hugged her legs and a pink t-shirt that said 'Ringo' and had a platnium star up under the name. Jack had always loved The Beetles as a kid and adult. She was always humming one of their many hits when she prepared lunch for me and uncle Ian. "Alex?" She begun looking around the room becoming more and more frantic as she searched for the fifteen year old kid, "Why did he come up here if he knew he was going to just disappear." She sat on the bed and started to sob gently as a mother who just watched her son leave for college. She got up from the bed with red stains and strands of hair running down her face. "Alex... Alex... Alex!" Alex had shot up and could see the small puddle of sweat on the bed, "Ya were having a bad dream, ya ok there sugarcube." She actually looked concerned for him. Alex looked in her eyes for a second before answering her question. "Yea I'm fine. I just had a dream about a very close person that I didn't get to say good-bye to." Alex looked down at the hard-wood floor. Images of Jack sitting on his bed crying flashed in his mind. Each and every one of them was more painful than the last, finally Alex himself begun to cry. A few small tears fell down his muzzle and hit the floor. Applejack wrapped her front hooves around Alex and tried to comfort him with a hug. "It'll be ok sugarcube. Once ya prove to tha princesses that mah brother isn't a changling y'all will see each other again." Applejack didn't let him out of her grip for a minute, she wasn't just going to let him cry and not try to help. "Thank you Applejack." Alex looked up to the clock above the doorway. The largest hand was in between the large three and four. "Looks like I best get going, but truly thank you Applejack." Alex got up from the bed and walked out the doorway. It didn't take to long before the orange mare was right beside him. "Ya might want me tah show ya how tah get to tha northern fields." Applejack laughed a bit as the reached the front door. Alex pushed the door open and stuck out a hoof signaling ladies first. "If this were a work competition to decide who was a lady, Ah'd be holding tha door for you." Alex laughed a bit and moved out of the way of the door before Applejack was fully out. The door swung closed quickly and hit Applejack on her flank. She quickly jumped forward and quickly found herself stumbling down the two stairs of the porch. "Hey sugarcube, I don't know what kind of move you think that was, but I don't act like that kind of mare. Don't touch my flank again." Applejack's face was almost as red as the apples she made fall from the trees. "You do know that was the door, right?" Alex had begun to laugh as he walked down the porch when he noticed Applejack had begun to blush and kick her hoof in the ground. I still don't see what her big deal is. First she was pissed now she's blushing. Alex walked down the last step of the porch and stood to Applejack's side, "We going to the northern fields or are you going to fidget with the ground the whole time?" Applejack firmly stamped her hoof on the ground in looking at Alex with a mix of attitude and joy in her eyes, "Just think sugarcube, once you learn to fly you can do the gutters to the house." Alex looked up to see just a small straight line gutter. "No problem." Alex had a cocky tone in his voice. "And the barns, also I promised Pinky, Fluttershy, and Rarity I would help with their's so you can now do those too. All by yourself." .... Shit. The expression on his face told Applejack all the cockiness had fled from his body like a fox that was just caught in the chicken coop. "Ya can meet tha gals after you're done." Applejack began to walk toward the red barn sticking out of the ground, "Ya coming or just going to stand with a blank face the whole time?" She laughed as Alex snapped out of the trance he was in and begun to run at the orange mare. They walked passed the large red barn and headed for the small thicket seperating them and the northern field. As they approached the small thicket birds flew from the trees above. The thicket was more like a canopy than an untamed thicket. The leaves above allowed just enough like to see three or four feet in front. "Alex... Don't move." Applejack's eyes were focused just a bit to the right of Alex, "Whatever ya do sugarcube. Do. Not. Move." Alex looked at the same spot Applejack was staring to see a pair of green flaming eyes staring at him. A sharp howl cut through the silence as if it were a knife through butter. A foul odor made it's way to Applejack's and Alex's nostrils. Alex instantly fell to the ground trying to cover his nostrils and strip the smell out of them. Alex whispered as softly as he could, "Applejack, what is that thing?" The concern in his voice was clear as crystal. "It's a timberwolf. And I told you not to move." Quickly the Timberwolf shot forward with imense speed toward Alex. Alex stared at the gruesome beast as it lingered over him examining its next meal. Alex wasn't sure which would kill him first the smell of the Timberwolf's breath or its bite. Out of the corner of his eye Alex saw Applejack spin around on her front hooves and tuck her legs in just like she did when she bucked trees. Applejack made contact with the log that made the torso of the Timberwolf making a hollow 'thwap' sound her hoof landed. The Timberwolf burst into multiple logs, sticks, and twigs as it fell to the ground a few feet from the pair. "Whoo whee, Ah'm glad thats over with now let's get a move on and next time ah tell ya tah not move, try and follow instructions." "I'm sorry, but that thing smelt like a Washington subway station." Alex picked himself up off the ground and began to sprint to get to the edge of the thicket, "C'mon slowpoke." Alex put his best southern drawl into the sentence. "It's on now." Applejack started off as fast as she could leaving a cloud of dust where she started. She caught up with Alex in a matter of seconds and burst through the thicket five seconds before him. He exited the thicket panting heavily trying to gain his breath. "Ya look a little winded there. Ya need a pony to lean on the rest of the way?" Applejack went to Alex's side and took his leg around her shoulder. Alex looked over to the mare he barely knew that was helping him walk when he couldn't. "C'mon sugarcube." Applejack helped Alex walk up a small hill to where he could see Twi and Rainbow Dash laying down in the field in front of him. "Well guess this is where we seperate for a bit." Alex looked over at Applejack to see her staring at the ground. She didn't look like she wanted to talk about whatever was bothering her. "Ya best be going. Ya know tha way back right?" "Not perfectly so if I go missing just look in this area please." "Ah'm sure RD could help you out." "I don't to much think she would help me out that much, but she seems like a nice enough person to give me a hint." Alex took his leg from around Applejack neck and looked at her one last time to see a brighter look in her eyes. His ears perked up when he heard Rainbow scream 'We don't have all day for you to check out the mare you're living with.' Quickly he turned around and started running to Twi and Rainbow Dash. Guess I should learn just incase it comes in handy. "Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle." Twi held out a lavender hoof as Alex approached, "You must be the one The Doctor found to keep an eye on Big Mac." "I haven't done much 'spying' since I got here, but yea I'm Alex Rider." He took the lavender mares hoof and shook it. "Hey buddy keep your hooves off my marefriend." Rainbow Dash puffed out her chest as she tried to threaten Alex for shaking Twi's hoof one second to long. "Ok...." Alex looked as puzzled as Rainbow in an academic decathalon. "Let's just get practice over with so we can go back to helping Fluttershy with her animals." Twi wrapped her hooves around Rainbow and gave her a peck on the cheek, "And maybe be animals ourselves afterword." Twi whispered this as quietly as she could in Rainbow's ear. Alex watched as Rainbow went from cyan to a deep crimson red in her face. After watching Rainbow try and catch her breath for ten minutes pratice finally began. A long, grueling three hours of nothing but wing stretches and take-off manuvers. Alex made his way back to Applejack's house watching carefully as he crossed through the small patch of thicket. He came to the end of the short thicket remember what the events that happened just three hours before. Why didn't she just run from that thing. She could have easily just went to get the others, but instead she fought the damn thing. Maybe she knew that if she hit it there it would die... I guess I'll just have to find out a bit more about them. Before Alex could realize it he had already stumbled into the front door of the house. "Eeyup that's a door there." A deep voice came from behind Alex momentairely startling him. "Hi, I'm Alex." "Names Macintosh, but everypony just calls me Big Mac." Shit.... This is supposed to be the stallion I spy on. He's huge and could probably kill me in one hit, but atleast he doesn't have guns or henchman. "Nice to meet you, Big Mac." Alex stuck out a hoof. Big Mac shook Alex's hoof and went inside with two large apple baskets attached to the sides of his saddle. Again.... Shit. Later that night after everyone had gone to bed Alex decided to try and do a few flying lessons of his own. Slowly he began to pick up speed with each hoofstep. At first he started to just gently flap his wings to get them used to the motion then he began to flap harder and harder. Inch by inch he lifted off the dusty ground gaining height with each down thrust and before he knew it he was high enough in the air to began a glide. He fully unfurled his wings allowing a straight line a light brown to carry his weight across the night sky. This is actually pretty peaceful. I could do this everynight and still enjoy it. He could feel the night air rushing across his coat and through his mane and tail. He stayed in the sky just circling for about an hour. Then he noticed something moving down below and he focused on the large object moving from the house to the forest. Game on. He stopped circling and just began to hover in mid-air. At first it was difficult for him to support his own body weight, but after a few minutes of struggling he had the technique down. I might want to get lower and see who this is. He swooped down just a bit and caught perfect sight of the large object going into the forest. Now where are you going Big Mac? Alex thought of all the possibilties to follow him: I could land in trees and follow him from up there, but I would risk making to much noise taking off and landing. Or I could just stay high enough above the trees to follow him. Alex observed the thick trees towering where Big Mac was headed. Maybe I could just land and try to hover above the ground so I didn't make noise walking. That's what I'll try to do. Slowly Alex fell through the night sky stopping just inches above the ground. Each down thrust caused a few leaves to move and some dust fly up, but it wasn't that noticeable. Quietly and with pure precision Alex hovered about ten yards from his target. Musn't.... Fall... Down. Alex could feel his wings straining to keep him just inches above the ground. Alex looked up to see he had completely lost Big Mac. He shot forward to see if there was any sign of disturbed brush. He vanished... How? Maybe he has magic like those other two ponies. I'll have to ask Applejack about him. Alex took back to the sky so he could quickly get back to the house. He went down to his window, opened it, and stumbled as he landed on the hard floor. Maybe nobody noticed I left. His room somehow looked different but he didn't care. He was to tired to even care about a thing... Except if Jack was alright. Alex was back in his house everything was turned off and had a layer of dust on it, "Where is Jack?" Alex made his way through his house looking in every room for the American housekeeper. He made a second sweep through the house and noticed a little slip of paper in his room that had a layer of dust on it as well. "Maybe Jack just hasn't had time to dust this week... or change anything in my room. How long have I been gone?" He went to open the note and on the inside was a letter from Jack. Neatly written in black ink was something out of a nightmare for Alex. Dear Alex I came to your room to check on you and discovered you weren't here. I guess MI6 got to you and you went back to work for them without telling me. I know I have no say in what you do with them it is all your desicion that you work with them, but I would like to atleast know when you leave for a mission. I stayed here at your Uncle Ian's house for a week trying not to go to your room, trying to avoid it at all cost. Finally I couldn't take it anymore I had lost given up hope on you coming back home so I went and packed my bags. I'm sorry Alex, but I left for Washington D.C. and I'm going back to pursue a carrer. If you want to contact me you have my parents number in your cell phone and you can always call them and find me if you want to come back. Love, Jack Starbright.