//------------------------------// // The antics continue... // Story: A Holiday in Haywaii // by Key Lime Pie //------------------------------// ‘A safari? Wow Fluttershy, that’s a funny word! Safari, Safari, Safari! Kinda like Sapphire. Ahh, is it a gem?’ Pinkie asked in excitement. ‘No, a safari is a trip where they show you lots of animals in the wild. Would you like to come with me, Pinkie?’ Fluttershy asked her friend who was still bouncing up and down. ‘Well, sure! There are no parties around here anyway, and everypony around here seems scared of me. Huh, silly.’ The party pony walked around behind Fluttershy so she could lead the way to the exotic animal tour. ... ‘I’m Midsummer, and I’ll be your Safari tour guide today.’ Announced an orange Earth pony mare with a bright yellow mane. She wore an explorer’s hat and shirt as well and had lots of survival tools tucked away in saddlebags. ‘Be sure to keep your hoofs inside the vehicle at all times and please, no flash photography.’ Midsummer continued, signalling to several Stallions pulling the stagecoach to go. The sudden movement startled Fluttershy and she buried her head in her safari leaflet which had been handed out at the start of the guide. The jeep rumbled through hilly terrain as the guide pointed out several interesting birds and told the tourists a bit about them. ‘These birds are called Toucans. Their brightly coloured bill is used to attract partners, much like a mare would wear jewellery. The long beak is particularly useful for fetching berries deep inside thorny bushes and inside tree trunks’ Midsummer announced, several ponies whipping out cameras and taking photographs, of course, without flash on. ‘Oh Fluttershy! You forgot your camera...’ Fluttershy told herself off, a bang of her hair covering her left eye as it often did when she was feeling shy. Pinkie Pie saw her friend upset and rubbed her chin thoughtfully. ‘Well, I might have a camera in my bag somewhere.’ Pinkie Pie said, opening her saddlebags. ‘Haven’t cleared this out in ages. This should be interesting!’ Pinkie said, pulling out a necklace. ‘Nope.’ Pinkie then pulled out a toy boat, a milk bottle, and, Celestia knows how, a bicycle, as well as some stones and rocks of various colours, and then some berries of different varieties. ‘How do you fit it all in there?’ Fluttershy asked, peering to look inside Pinkies bags. Pinkie hugged the bag, blocking it from view. ‘That, Fluttershy, is a secret. One I Pinkie Promised myself not to tell anyone, and if I did, boy, would I be mad at me. I’d hate that. I can get real angry.’ Pinkie informed her yellow friend, who shrugged it off as Pinkie just being Pinkie, and turning back to Midsummer. ‘Now we’re entering into Dragon territory! We’re putting the hood up, so don’t worry, you’ll be perfectly safe!’ She reassured everypony, who for the most part started chatting excitedly about dragons. All that is except Fluttershy. ‘D-dr-dra-dragons?’ Fluttershy whimpered, burying her head in her hooves. Pinkie Pie gasped in shock as she pulled out a camera. ‘Finally! Here ya go!’ Pinkie continued, plonking the camera into Fluttershy’s hooves. ‘Oh, thank you, Pinkie Pie.’ ‘No problem-o, Flutters!’ An ear-deafening roar came from very close to the safari truck, causing several ponies to cower in fear. Midsummer smiled. ‘That sounded like a Wyvern Dragon. Wyverns are special dragons that only have two hind legs, however their wings are much more powerful and can lift them great distances. Wyverns, while not native to Haywaii, are extremely rare in Equestria. We encourage photography of this natural phenomenon.’ Midsummer announced, causing several ponies to rush to one side of the jeep to get a glimpse of this monster. ‘Oh turnips.’ Fluttershy told herself, cowering at the other side. ‘What have I gotten myself into?’ ‘A Safari. Duh.’ Pinkie Pie answered, pushing past a wider tourist to see if she could spot the dragon. Fluttershy turned to face the window and look away from this whole situation. She looked at the other, peaceful wildlife. Several birds were out displaying their bright feathers for their mates. Small mammals were scurrying around on the floor and Fluttershy even spotted some Forest Crabs. Oh, and there was a Wyvern Dragon, charging towards the tourist bus. And a toucan on a tree branch! Wait a minute, what was that last one again? ‘DRAGON!’ Fluttershy yelled, the fearsome beast charging closer and closer... ~/*\~ ‘Hey Rarity. How you doing?’ Came a voice. Rarity knew it immediately and didn’t bother to take off her sunglasses to see who it was. ‘Hello, Rainbow Dash. Come here to sunbathe?’ Rarity asked. ‘Yeah, as if. Me, sunbathing? No, I want to enter a beach volleyball tournament they’re having over near the bay, but I need a partner! Play with me?’ Rainbow told her sunbathing friend. ‘Oh, sports? Rainbow, I think you have me mistaken for someone else. Go find Applejack or Pinkie Pie or someone who enjoys...getting all sweaty.’ ‘But you’re sweating in this sun right now!’ ‘This is a good kind of sweat, Rainbow. You wouldn’t understand.’ ‘Rarity, here is your drink! And who is this?’ Haysellhoof said, trotting over to meet Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Rarity stood up and removed her sunglasses. ‘Ah, thank you Haysellhoof. This is my good friend, Rainbow Dash.’ Rarity told her, waving off a hoof as if it was nothing. ‘Rainbow Dash? Wow, my little sis loves you.’ Haysellhoof said, admiring the Pegasus athlete. ‘That kid has taste. Wait, how does she even know me?’ ‘You won the Young Fliers contest and several others.’ Rarity reminded her friend, sipping at her brightly coloured cocktail. ‘Oh yeah, them. Well, it was no biggie.’ ‘No biggie? You saved my life, did you not? Nopony would be wearing the fabulous designs of Rarity if it weren’t for you!’ ‘Oh yeah, that too, I guess. Hey, Haysellhoof, you’re not doing anything, right?’ ‘No, not much.’ ‘Then why don’t you be my partner in the beach volleyball tournament?’ ‘I was just about to ask Rarity if she would join me.’ Haysellhoof said, turning to the white unicorn who spat her drink out onto the sand. She wanted to go with Haysellhoof, but if she said yes, then Rainbow Dash wouldn’t think very well of her...oh well, let Rainbow Dash think what she wants. ‘Um, I would love to, Haysellhoof.’ Rarity said, to which Rainbow scowled. ‘Now hang on one minute! When I asked you, you said no!’ ‘The lady has made up her mind.’ Haysellhoof continued, to which Rainbow Dash somehow scowled even more than she was already. ‘Fine! I’ll find somepony who will play with me, then!’ Rainbow Dash yelled, storming off to look for a suitable partner. ~/*\~ ‘Welcome to the Beach Volleyball championships! We have 10 teams ready and raring to go, and the winner gets an amazing mystery prize!’ An announcer called out, to which the crowd of ponies watching responded with cheers and applause. ‘First up, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle vs. Rarity and Haysellhoof!’ Rarity giggled. Twilight Sparkle? Play volleyball? Good one, Rainbow Dash. ‘Rarity, you’re my opponent!’ Twilight said to her friend, stating the obvious, which she did a fair bit considering she was an intelligent pony. ‘Yes, yes I am. Good luck.’ They exchanged a hoofshake before standing in their respective positions ready for the contest. The announcer cleared her throat ready to make another statement. ‘You all know the rules: Magic is not permitted to influence the ball or other players. You use your front hooves to bump the ball to the other side in which one of the other side will return it. If the opposing team does not return the ball, for example, they miss and it touches the floor, or it touches the net, a point is awarded to the opposing team. More than one hoof bump is allowed per turn but no one pony can hit the ball two times in a row. First to 12 wins!’ Rarity struggled to take all of the information in, but Haysellhoof whispered to her, ‘Just hit the ball with your hoof and don’t use magic.’ Rarity nodded. Much better. Her dresses may be layered and complicated, but sometimes the simple facts were what Rarity needed. ‘BEGIN!’ Cried the announcer, tossing the ball to Rainbow Dash to start the match. Rainbow Dash thwacked the ball with her right hoof, looking as if she hadn’t put in any amount of energy, but the ball still travelled at a quick pace towards Rarity, who flailed with her front hooves and just hitting the ball by chance. It went high into the air but just went past the net where Twilight bumped it toward the opposing side with surprising force for a Unicorn, whose muscular structure was weaker than that of an Earth pony or a Pegasus. Haysellhoof was on it though, hopping to the far left where Twilight had hit it, punching the ball downward while it was still in the air. Rainbow Dash tried to reach the ball in time, but it was no use. It hit the sand and the referees whistle blew. ‘Point to Rarity & Haysellhoof!’ The announcer shouted, raising her hands which made the crowds watching cheer. Rainbow scowled and had a quick word with Twilight, who nodded. Rarity struggled to make out their conversation but she was sure they were planning something. ‘BEGIN!’ The announcer called, tossing the ball to Rarity, who saw it coming and bumped it over with ease. Twilight feebly hit the ball, meaning Rarity had to run just in front of the net, hitting it over to Twilight. Twilight smiled and smashed the ball all the way to the back of the court. Even Rarity was surprised by her aggressiveness. Rarity tried to run backwards to get the ball, but tripped over a sand dune just behind her, the ball landing on her head. ‘Point to Rainbow Dash & Twilight Sparkle!’ The referee announced, the crowd cheering wildly once again. Both teams were very even, so it was anypony's game