//------------------------------// // Chapter2: The Fluffy // Story: The seventh element // by Kalebdash64 //------------------------------// "Huh?" "Name," Rainbow Dash said."Naaaaaaaaaaamee" "Uh, I can undestand you" [ramdom guy: Its smartass time] "Then answer her question" "Nah, I dont trust kidnappers" "Why you_ "Rainbow!," Twilight said. "Lets all have a talk in the other room," she focused on me. "If you try to escape I will find you and never let you see day or nightlight again" "Thats going to be hard considering all these windows" "Ugh, lets go," they left the room. [random guy: program smartass disengaged. Plan 68.34575575751 #escape activated] What was completly weird was Pinkie pie. In the show she was happy and bouncing. Here she was having a weird schico stare before she left and afully quiet. I wiggled my arms until they slipped out. I then untied my legs and stood up. The floorboards creeaked and I flinched. I tiptoed all the way to the other room and at every step the floorboards creeaked. I was now at the room where the mane six where. I was at the door when my phone rang. [random guy: welp Equestria has signal, my life is complete ^v^] They all turned. Twilight got so mad, her mane turned into fire and made a mad dash after me. I did the same.... but the other way that is while answering my phone. "I WARNED YOU, " the fire alicorn yelled. "Hello?" "No way, No fucking way youre alive!," Jason exclaimed. "Cant talk now Jay, a fire pony is after me arse," I hung up and kept running until they lost sight of me."cant -Gasp- run anymore" Pinkie tackled me to the ground. Applejack was behind her. Pinkie's teeth were sharp and her voice was metalic. "I found you," her eyes turned red and felt heavier and heavier in my chest. "After a millenia I knew you would return" Apple Jack frowned. "Ah, Pinkie" Pinkie was looking at my knecklace."And he has brought me an element, how generous" I heard a snap. Im guessing it came from my ribcage. "What?" Pinkie turned into a bipedal dragon thing with metal scales and had a red gem on its left side. It was also getting taller until about.....nine feet tall. The situation got weirder when a sword spawned at my left hand. The blade was blue in the shape of a leaf. It was light and at the handlebar had a crecent moon carved on like my kneclace wich has an emerald crecent moon. I quickly grabbed the sword and slashed its left arm and it jumped back bellowing in pain missing Applejack by an inch. She was just there frozen in shock. The thing_ I'll call it fluffy since it still has her hair, bared its fangs at me and hissed. Fluffy then grabbed Applejack. She screamed and kicked but it was no use. I had zero experience with sword fights.....or metal dragons for that matter. "Let me go!," Applejack yelled as she kicked. I raised my sword. "Let her go, and I'll let you live" Fluffy laughed. [random guy: finnaly some action. -grabs a Bag of popcorn-] "Surrender and I will spare her ,or_ "Or?" "I will eat you both," Fluffy smiled in victoy. I ran towards the dragon with my sword ready to attack. The dragon did the same. "Go for the gem," a voice in my head did as so. As I slashed the gem I got scratched in the chest and flew back to the ground. My sword gained momentum and stabbed the gem. Fluffy froze and exploded with Applejack in its claws. Applejack was now free falling when a pink blur grabbed her and dólares down. It was Pinkie Pie. As soon as they landed, they galloped towards me. "You saved us," Applejack said. "Yeah," I said with the adrenaline all gone everything hurt."you're welcome by the way" "Hi I'm Pinkie Pie thanks for saving me from that mean old dragon whats your name?," she waited for an answer. "Uh, Kaleb I...feel lightheaded," I blackeout. I woke up in a room. I had bandages on my chest. I took them off, and took a light blue shirt that was on the night stand. I still had my kneclace and jean on. After my head head went through the shirt I found myself face to face with Pinkie Pie. She was smiling. "Hi," she said. "Uh, hi?," I yawned and stretched. When I opened my eyes Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight Sparkle were in the room. Twilight moved closer to me. Then she hit my head wich made a woodlike noise. "O-w, what was that for?," I asked rubbing my head. "It wouldve been worse," she said. "Worser," Pinkie said [random guy: -raises eyebrow- is that even a real word?] "Mom mom," a little filly walked inside levitating a piece of paper." Look at my drawing mom!," she showed the drawing to Twilight. The filly had a black coat, a purple mane, a headband, and glasses. It was Nyx. "Wow Nyx, its beautiful,"Twilight said. "Um, Rainbow Dash?," I said. "Yeah?" "Sorry for getting on your nerves you know how escape plans work" "No problem, friends?" "Yeah," we brohooved. [random guy: lucky punk] "Wait a minute," Twilight said. "How do you know Rainbow's name?" I shugged. "Its a long story" Twilight made a notepad and quill apear. "We have time"