Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope

by Michael_Ravencroft

Third Sign: Part 2


Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood side-by-side, watching the many earth ponies and unicorns work before them. The earth pony workers were busy hauling and fine tuning a strange metal apparatus. It was spherical in design, and easily the size of a hydra. The unicorns were also busy, their horns were aglow as their magic etched an arcane circle into the floor below them, ten unicorns and ten earth ponies in all, working together to crave out every interact detail, every rune mark.

Celestia looked down at her little sister, she noticed that the bags under Luna's eyes had all but faded away, which wasn't surprising seeing as how the Princess of the Night had been getting regular sleep. Of course most of that time Celestia had to drag Luna to her bed chambers, throw her onto the bed, and tuck her in tight enough to immobilize her. But most of the time, she did not resist. In fact, Celestia had taken a liking to sleeping beside Luna; the solar mare also noticed that she slept more peacefully in her presence.

After a minute Luna finally noticed the glances her elder sister was giving her and decided to inquire about them.

"Am I really that interesting to observe Tia," asked Luna.

"When you're acting calm, and not high strung after countless days of no sleep," said Celestia with a coy smile.

Luna chuckled a bit at the good natured jab, remembering just how much of a grumpy, irritated mare she was back then.

"I do apologize for that, but since you have been helping, this project has been less of a burden."

Celestia raised her right hoof and placed it on her sister's shoulder, "I am sorry you had to for so long, I'm just glad that Arion appeared to me, it must've been his way of telling me that it was time I lent a helping hoof."

Luna smiled, but her eyes held a bit of sadness, she then placed her own hoof over Celestia's. "Even in death…he still looks out for us…"

Celestia couldn't help but feel a ping of sorrow willing up in her heart. Thinking their older brother was dead all these years, only to find out he had succumbed to an unknown darkness, and then having her little sister fall prey to her own darkness, the last thousand years had taken a toll on her emotions and her heart. Losing not only her big brother, but her little sister as well years later, it was almost too much for her to handle. But things were different now, Arion was gone, but his soul was purged of evil. And Luna…she had grown into a fine mare and was now loved by all of Equestria's subjects, even the little foals whose dreams she protected.

"Luna…you're really all I have left…"

"I can say the same about you Tia…"

"It's more than that…When Arion was gone; I know it hurt you…"

Luna looked up at her big sister, "It hurt us both…and I know I hurt you more when I…"

"That's in the past now, but if there's anything I've learned, it's that things happen unexpectedly, for good or bad. So…Lulu…that's why…" Celestia stared at Luna, her eyes full of sorrow, but also hope, and love.

The lunar mare could see these emotions radiating from the elder sister's eyes, for some reason though; her heart began to beat faster.

Celestia could feel her head drifting slowly towards Luna or maybe it was Luna who was drifting closer to her, Celestia couldn't tell. She never noticed before just how beautiful those cyan eyes were…

"Your Majesties," called out one of the unicorns.

Both Luna and Celestia were slightly startled by the voice of one of the mages. They quickly scooted a few inches from each other, making sure that there was a sizeable gap between them.

"Yes, have you finished the circle?" Celestia asked.

"It is ready for your use; the containment sphere is ready as well."

"Excellent, standby with the others, Ti – I mean – Celestia and I will take it from here," said Luna catching herself before she accidentally spoke her sister's nickname.

The royal sisters strode towards the magic circle and stood at its center. They closed their eyes, concentrating, summoning ancient forces of power that only a few ponies were able to conjure as a group. Their horns glowed with their respective auras, their wings flared, the wind kicking up and spiraling around the two alicorns. A spark of energy arced from Celestia's horn at the same time as Luna's, the two bands of mana linked to one another. Memories started to flood their minds, of friendships forged, both new and old. Celestia and Luna focused on those memories, allowing the feelings held by them to fill their hearts and souls. They remembered the Elements of Harmony, back to the time when the ancient divine items heeded their call and when the magic of their friendships fueled their omnipotent power.

Suddenly the emotions and memories all culminated together, welling up inside the sisters, begging to manifest itself! Luna and Celestia opened their eyes as they shined with white light. From the tips of their horns a violet flame shot forth and rose into the air above them. The flame was not like normal fire, besides its color, it radiated with magical power. It wasn't normal magic or alicorn magic which made up this flame, it was something else entirely. This was the physical manifestation of the power of friendship. The flames continued to build, taking shape. When the flame-like energy stopped flowing from the horns of the royal sisters the flame had formed into a burning heart above them. This was the very thing that the Hearths Warming carols were sung about, that which brought the three pony tribes together. This was the Fire of Friendship.

Celestia looked to Luna, upon which the Mare in the Moon nodded to her sister. The two sisters took a few steps back, once they did, the diarchs bowed their heads till their horns touched the circle. Immediately the arcane magic circle lit up, forming a containment field around the Fire of Friendship. Once that was done, Celestia and Luna flew up high above the Fire and circle. The apparatus that the earth pony workers had brought was strategically placed per their instruction, using their telekinesis; they both moved the two giant pieces. The two halves of the metal spheres raked across the floor, moving closer and closer together. Till, with a mighty, slamming thud, the sphere was completed. The seams of the metal sphere were magically welded shut, through the tempered glass the ponies on the ground watched as the Fire of Friendship roared to life inside it, no longer restrained by the magic circle from earlier.

The alicorns of night and day landed in front of the giant sphere, inspecting it to make sure the apparatus held. Satisfied that it was indeed stable, they ordered the rest of their staff that were standing by to move the sphere to its designated location.

"Do you think it will be enough to power it," asked Luna.

"The Fire of Friendship is fueled by friendship itself. I have no doubt that Twilight and the other Knights will be able to make the Fire of Friendship burn even brighter than we have," answered Celestia.

"This was the final piece; all that is left now is to integrate it as the power core, after which we need to do some final checks on the armaments and the systems. This project is by far the most fantastic feat of engineering in Equestria's history, despite what it will be used for, I can't help but feel a sense of pride in its completion," said Luna.

"And I feel honored to have helped you create something as magnificent as this. You and Arion deserve the credit."

"You do as well, Tia. Without you I would've never thought of using the Fire of Friendship as a power source," Luna wrapped her forelegs around Celestia's neck, bringing her into a tight hug, "Thank you."

The Princess of the Day was taken a little by surprise by her little sister's show of affection, but welcomed it all the same, even if her cheeks were starting to turn a light shade of red.

***Ponyville – Friday***

Sugar Cube Corner, one of the premier establishments in Ponyville, catering to parties and creating tasty confectionary goods for all its citizens, they've even started taking out of town orders due to their popularity. Of course, such popularity didn't spring up overnight, no; it took the hard work and dedication of one pink party pony, one bespectacled filly, and two rambunctious twins.

For eleven years now Pinkie Pie and Twist had been working together to make Sugar Cube Corner the best it could be. When Pumpkin and Pound finally got their cutie marks, Pinkie Pie was so proud of them, and it made the twins happy to follow in their late parent's hoofsteps. Twist, having been recruited by Pinkie years ago, had been selling her candy out of store, bringing in more customers. Together the four of them had become a makeshift family.

Currently, Twist was in charge of the store, while Pinkie Pie had gone out to pick some items from the market. It was around nine o'clock, the lunch rush wouldn't be for a few hours, and they were only getting the occasional hoof traffic. The young mare was much different from when she was a filly, from what Rarity and some of her other friends had told her, she was curvier, her nose more dainty, she even switched out her glasses for something rimless with a metallic purple bridge and temples. At this time, Twist was cleaning the counter when she heard the bell ring.

"Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner, have a seat wherever you want, and I'll be right with you," she said, not even looking up.

"Take yer time Twist," said the mare with a southern accent.

The white earth pony mare's head popped up, and saw her oldest and best friend standing in the doorway.

"Apple Bloom!"

Twist put down her cleaning rag and trotted from behind the corner, she then came up and hugged Apple Bloom.

"I'm glad you came," said Twist.

"Well, from what you asked meh yesterday, Ah had to come. So what was it that ya wanted to talk about?"

"Hold on, I'll bring us some tea."

Apple Bloom nodded and went to sit at one of the window side tables. After a couple of minutes, Twist returned with a tray of tea, along with some cups and cupcakes. Once she had placed them on the table, the two mares enjoyed their little snack, before they got down to business.

"So, are ya goin' to tell meh, or do Ah have to guess?"

Twist started to act a little shy, using her hoof to circle the rim of her teacup, and staring out the window. "Well…Apple Bloom…it's about Pinkie Pie."

"Somethin' goin' on, did y'all have a fight?"

Twist quickly looked back and shook her head vigorously, "No, no, nothing like that! Oh, I don't know how to go about this…"

"Twist just take a minute, breathe, and then tell meh what you want to tell meh," suggested Apple Bloom as she sipped her tea.

The earth pony candy maker did as her friend instructed, she took a deep breath, collected her thoughts. "I think I'm in love with Pinkie Pie!"

Apple Bloom's eyes went wide as she reeled back and spluttered her mouthful of tea. She coughed for a few seconds, trying to catch her breath as she tried to comprehend what Twist just said. When she looked up, Apple Bloom blushed in embarrassment, she had completely sprayed Twist with the tea from earlier, and the bespectacled mare's mane had drooped down covering most of her face.

"Oh mah gosh, Ah'm so sorry!"

"It's…alright…I'm just going to go and get a towel." Twist sat up and went into the kitchen.

Meanwhile Apple Bloom's mind was buzzing with dozens of questions. Did Twist really just say she was in love with Pinkie Pie, there was no way she could've heard that right. Not that she wasn't opposed to her friend coming out to be a fillyfooler, but…Pinkie Pie…this definitely needed some further explanation. A couple of minutes later Twist returned, completely dried off.

"Okay, now, explain to meh why ya think ya love Pinkie Pie," said Apple bloom.

"It's…kind of hard to put into words, I mean, Pinkie Pie's a lot of fun to be around. Even when I'm down just being around her makes me feel happy, and I forget about the thing that has me upset," said Twist.

"Yeah, well, that's just Pinkie bein' Pinkie. She always likes to make other ponies smile. Ah guess what Ah'm tryin' to get at here is, why are ya head over hooves for her?"

Twist started to stare out the window towards the blue sky, resting her chin on her hoof. "You know my dream was to be able to have ponies from everywhere taste my candies, in the same way, I wanted to put a smile on their faces with what I made. The day that Pinkie Pie found out she was going to be Pumpkin and Pound's legal guardian, I found her walking around Ponyville moping, but when I gave her some the candy I made she perked up to her usual self."

Apple Bloom sat there and listened to her friend as she continued to speak about how Pinkie Pie had won her heart. The whole time Apple Bloom noticed the twinkle in Twist's eyes when she talked about the pink mare, it was rather nice to see her friend so happy, not that she wasn't, but this was the kind of happy could only come from talking about somepony close to your heart.

"Well, why don't you go ahead and tell her how you feel."

Twist turned her gaze downwards, staring at her cupcake. "I…I want to, but I don't know if she's…you know…"

"Oh…yeah, that could be a problem."

"I just don't know what to do…"

"You could always ask her, you know, just confess," suggested Apple Bloom.

"No way, it'd be too embarrassing!"

"Okay, well…like ya said earlier, this whole thing's moot if ya don't know if she's into mares."

"Oh that'll be a great conversation. 'Hi Pinkie, guess what, I'm a fillyfooler! I was wondering are you into mares too, because I have a super big crush on you!' Yeah…a real good conversation," said Twist in a melancholy tone.

Apple Bloom sighed; she really didn't know how to help her friend with this situation. Suddenly the bell rung, signaling the entry of a patron, "Pinkie Pie, you won't believe who just –!" The two young mares turned around and watched as a pink maned, yellow pegasus trotted in looking surprised to find only the two of them. "Oh I'm sorry, was I disturbing you, I can come back later."

"No it's alright, please come in Fluttershy."

Fluttershy trotted towards the two mares, as she approached Fluttershy could tell that something was bothering Twist just by looking at her. The pegasus mare inquired about Twist's dourer mood, to which Apple Bloom filled in Fluttershy on all the details. Fluttershy's cheeks instantly flushed upon hearing that Twist had feelings for her friend, the mood changed when Twist herself brought up her worries about Pinkie Pie.

"I'm sorry Twist, but I'm not sure if Pinkie Pie likes mares, I'm not even sure if she likes stallions either. At least none that I've seen anyway," said Fluttershy.

"Thanks anyway I just wish that –"


The door to the shop flew open, with Pinkie Pie doing flips and somersaults as she entered, each time she flipped or spun Pinkie Pie was tossing up and catching bags full of the groceries she had bought. Eventually her acrobatics ended before she hit the counter, landing on her hind legs and catching both bags in her forelegs. Pound hovered inside, carrying one bag, and Pumpkin trotted in second with another bag held her telekinesis.

"Hi Fluttershy, what's brings you here," asked Pinkie.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Rarity called me today, and she asked if we wanted to go and visit her for a little vacation," said Fluttershy excitedly.

"Ooooh really, where Fluttershy, Canterlot, Fillydelphia, Las Pegasus, or maybe Manehattan, those sound all sound super fun for a vacation!?"

"She wants us to come and spend a week in Cavallo, more specifically Manelan!"

"MANELAN," gasped Apple Bloom, Twist, and Pumpkin.

Pound didn't seem to understand what the big deal was about someplace called Manelan. So, knowing that he was probably going to get an earful, his morbid curiosity wouldn't let it go. "So what's the big deal about Manelan anyway?"

Pumpkin looked up at her twin brother and let out an exasperated sigh. "Seriously Pound; Manelan is the fashion capital of Equestria! Every big named designer either studied at or came from Manelan, they're reputation is so big they even have an entire castle built to honor that history, it's called…"

Twist, out of nowhere, appeared next to Pumpkin, the mare and filly knew what was next to say, so as one they swooned in saying "Palazzo Della Moda."

"Besides fashion, Manelan is a beautiful city, full of sights, music, history, and is also known as of the top ten romantic destinations in Equestria, right after Prance, and Coltton in Trottingham," added Twist.

"Sorry I asked," said Pound, "Well it sounds like you'll have a good time at least, huh Momma Pinkie?"

"Yeah, it sounds like fun, but sorry, I can't go."

Pound, Apple Bloom, Twist, Fluttershy, and Pumpkin all stared at the pink mare surprised that she'd turn down such an offer, especially one from a close friend.

"Oh, well, do you mind if I ask why?"

"It's nothing bad, it's just a little too far away, that's all," said Pinkie Pie nonchalantly.

"Too far, Ah don't get it?"

"Silly, I can't leave for a whole week that far away, besides; I have to take care of the shop and my cute little cakes as well."

Pound and Pumpkin just glanced at each other, and sighed, they knew the reason behind Pinkie Pie's reluctance to leave, and quite frankly they had enough. "Momma Pinkie Pie, you should go," they said in unison.

Pinkie Pie seemed to flinch at the statement the twins made; she then turned around and gave them a worried looked.

"Why, did I do something wrong, are you mad at me, I promise whatever I did I won't do it again," said Pinkie in rather desperate and sad tone.

"No, that's not what we're saying. You've been working hard, that's all we're saying," said Pumpkin.

"Yeah, so we think it's time that you took a vacation, you know, spend time with Aunt Fluttershy and Aunt Rarity, we'll be fine," said Pound.

"B-B-But…who'll look after you, I can't just leave you two here alone for seven whole days…"

"I'll watch them!" Twist trotted up to the twins and shot Pinkie Pie her most confident smile. "It'd be no trouble, I'll run the shop and watch Pumpkin and Pound, we'll be fine, trust me."

"Besides, if anythin' does come up, Ah'll be around and Ah can get Scootaloo to help as well," said Apple Bloom.

Pinkie Pie seemed hesitant about agreeing, but she had to admit, visiting Rarity and Spike would be fun, and she'd never been to Cavallo, actually she'd never been anywhere farther than Canterlot or Manehattan. But Twist did offer to stay with the twins, and the twins really liked her, and she's proven more than once that she could rise to the occasion, especially with all the crazy lunch rushes and out of town ponies who sometimes made catcalls at either one of them. So it was with a heavy sigh that Pinkie Pie smiled.

"Okay, I'll go." Pinkie said. "Oh, I guess I should go pack, wonder what I should take? Let's see, balloons, streamers – oh and I gotta take my emergency party cannon…" Pinkie continued to ramble on about things she was going to take with her on the trip as she ascended the stairs.

"We'd better go with her," started Pound.

"Before she packs all of Sugar Cube Corner with her," finished Pumpkin.

Once the twins and Pinkie left for the upper levels of the shop, Apple Bloom slammed her hoof on the table, causing Fluttershy and Twist to jump and turn in her direction.

"Oh my, Apple Bloom, what was that for?" Fluttershy asked.

"Ah just figured out a way for Twist to find out if Pinkie Pie is into mares or not," announced Apple Bloom.

"Really, what – how!?"

"Fluttershy!" Apple Bloom pointed a hoof at the yellow pegasus mare.

"Me!?" Fluttershy gasped, looking totally confused.

"While yer on the trip you could find out for her! It's perfect; you'll have plenty of chances to bring it up!"

Fluttershy looked a bit skittish about such a plan; she really didn't like to pry into other pony's private life, especially when it comes to their orientation. But when she looked at Twist's face, that hopeful expression beaming at her with a tiny bit of desperation, Fluttershy couldn't stand seeing the young mare tormented like this. In some ways Twist reminded her of herself, which only helped to strengthen her decision.

"I'll do it!"

Twist lunged at the pink maned pegasus, wrapping her forelegs around the mare's neck, and pulling her into tight hug that threatened to crush her spine.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Fluttershy! You have no idea how much this means to me!"

"Oh…I…can…imagine," croaked Fluttershy.

Oh boy, better pry her off the poor mare before she crushes her to death.

***Cavallo, Manelan – Same Day***

The carriage shook on the unpaved road as the pegasus stallions cantered along. It was Rarity's private carriage, since it bared her trademark three diamond cutie mark, although, the passengers inside weren't Spike or Rarity. No, today her private carriage would play taxi for their esteemed guests. The pony drawn carriage pulled up the road and made a left, and there, near the top of the hill, was their destination. Different sections of the house were made enormous, while some parts were normal size. In front of the building was an ornate fountain, with crystal water flowing from it. The pegasi rounded the fountain and came to a stop at the doorway; one of the pegasi stallions trotted around and opened the door.

Once it was open a dark cerulean pegasus trotted out of the carriage, with a baby holster strapped to her body. She stretched out her toned body, letting several cracks of the joints. The pegasus mare then brushed her black mane to make it more presentable. The baby in the holster giggled and cooed, waving its forelegs. The pegasus mare turned her head to the right and smiled at her child. The foal was a pegasus like her mother, her mane was black with a purple streak through it, and her coat a light cobalt blue.

"Oh you're happy to be out and about too aren't you Gale," she said.

Gale looked to her mother and smiled back, giggling in response to her mother's question.

"You alright in there Dad, you need me to lend you a hoof?"

A brown earth pony stallion trotted out of the carriage, stretching out his limps and groaning as he did so. "I ain't that old yet, sweetheart! I still got a good sixty years left before I kick the bucket."

After a minute the doors to the house opened up the stallion and mare were greeted by the sight of Rarity and Spike, both with a happy expression upon their faces.

"Ballista, Gale, Broadside, it's been far too long," said Rarity.

Rarity trotted up to Ballista and gave her a light hug, being mindful of little Gale as she did. Spike walked up to Broadside and the old warhorse gave the young dragon a strong pat on the back. It was then that Spike noticed the large amount of luggage that was secured on top of the carriage.

"Gee Ballista, you remember to pack," asked Spike.

Ballista narrowed her gaze at the dragon, but she held a playful smirk. "Oh very funny, besides, most of that is Dad's stuff, I only packed three," she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Well it is better to be prepared, come, let us go in, your rooms are ready," said Rarity.

One of the pegasus ponies trotted up to Spike, "Will you be needing any help with the luggage sir?"

"Nah, just untie it and I'll carry it in," said Spike.

"You sure about that kid, some of that isn't the lightest stuff in Equestria," warned Broadside.

Spike waved off Broadside's warning and waited for the pegasus to fly up and untie the luggage. He hovered over the knot that kept it held in place; he looked worriedly at Spike and pointed at the pile as if wondering if he really didn't want any help. Spike gave the pegasus a confident nod, to which Broadside had conveniently taken five steps to the right. Once the pegasus unlatched the knot the luggage spilled over the side, before Spike to make a move the purple scaled dragon was buried in pile of suitcases, the unusual sound of clanking metal was heard amongst the crash as the last piece hit the pile.

Ballista and Rarity quickly turned around and gasped at the sight of Spike disappearing under the pile; Gale just clapped her hooves and giggled. They were beginning to worry, Spike hadn't made a sound after the luggage hit him, and there wasn't any movement. Soon the suitcases started to shake and tumble about. In matter of seconds Spike emerged from the pile, standing on all fours, his body twice the size it was before; his neck was elongated along with his snout and tail. Spike shook his body making the rest of the suitcases fall off of him.

"Epona above Broadside, what the hay you got in those things," asked Spike.

"Oh just the essentials, toothbrush, shampoo, bracers, a chest plate, helmet, a collapsible spear, two daggers, one short sword, a pair of aerial foreleg blades for Ballista…"

The dragon and unicorn couple just stared at Broadside, their eyes giving a slight twitch as he listed off the items he had brought with him. The way he was going, you'd think Broadside was preparing to go to war as soon he got here.

"Good heavens Broadside, why ever would need armor and weapons for a vacation," asked Rarity.

"Trust me, after what Dad told me what happened in Trottingham I'm not surprised. I'm just lucky I was able to talk him out of bringing a cannon along," commented Ballista.

Spike raised his right claw and used his magic to collect the suitcases and place them on his back. With that settled the five of them walked inside the house. It was a lavish manor, with its velvet curtains, large windows that had a view of the countryside, soft couches, and exotic Saddle Arabian rugs, it truly was a getaway. The visiting friends had to admit, it certainly was in keeping with Rarity's style. As they approached the first guest room Rarity used her telekinesis to open the door, Spike then levitated the luggage on his back into the room, putting it into a pile in the middle of the room. After doing that he shrank down to a more manageable, bipedal form and entered the room with Broadside. He sifted through the luggage and took out the ones that belonged to Ballista and Gale, placing them outside the room.

"Well then, Spike, why don't you help the Major – oops – I mean the General, with unpacking, whilst I assist Ballista and little Gale," suggested Rarity.

"Can do," said Spike.

With that the two mares, and one filly foal, exited the room. Broadside had then directed Spike to unpack the suitcases he had designated. The young drake opened the first suitcase and gawked at was inside. Indeed, just as the old warhorse had said, it was filled with pieces of armor.

"You weren't kidding, being prepared I mean."

"Not after what happened a few months ago no, you can stack that in the corner over there. The second case has my weapons, be careful with those."

Spike scoffed at the remark, like they'd be able to hurt his hide. With the warning duly noted he began stacking the armor neatly in the corner next to the window, bracers, chest plate, and helmet, all arranged so that Broadside could dawn them quickly. Though Spike didn't see why he would need to. Afterwards he brought the second suitcase over to a chest at the foot of the bed. Spike opened the case and whistled at the array of weapons he was able to pack. Short swords, some daggers, a bolo, and a couple of aerial blades lined the inside of the carrier. Those must be for Ballista, but I'd doubt she'd need them.

The last weapon to be placed in the trunk piqued Spike's curious nature. It was a three foot long shaft, colored black with gold metal rings on it. At the tip was an arrow head spike, similar to the one on his tail. It was made of hardened steel, at least twelve inches long and six inches wide. Spike began fiddling with the weapon, but as he did something happened. The shaft suddenly shot out on both ends, it's length tripling to nine feet. Spike let out a yelp and dropped the weapon surprised by its sudden action. Broadside on the other hand was chuckling a bit at Spike's reaction.

"It's alright Spike, that's my special Spear. You must've tripped the mechanism that extends it."

"Oh…OH! So this is your famous spear, the one you used at Calamity's Fall! Cool. I always wondered where you stashed it when you weren't using it, this makes sense." Spike reached out and grabbed the famous weapon, examining it in a new light. "So, do you want me to put it with your armor, or do you want me to try and put in the chest?"

"Nah, you can place it next to the nightstand," said Broadside.

Spike blinked at that statement, he thought about asking for what reason he could possibly want it near his bed, but then again this was a veteran soldier. Shrugging his shoulders, Spike leaned the Spear next to Broadside's nightstand. It was then that the drake noticed something. The earth pony soldier was busy taking out some papers and placing them on the writing desk. Ever the curious one, Spike walked on over and decided to see what it was. When he got there, he had only one thing to say.


"Thought you might say that," he said with a smirk.

The parchment paper had a diagram of an earth pony's body, all around it were formulas and mouthwritten notes with arrows that pointed to different parts of the body diagram. There was also an almost exact copy of the diagram and notes, only this one of a pegasus. Spike read over the formulas, being around magic, and assistant to a Liberian, Spike had read numerous books on magical formulas and their use in creating spells, but it didn't make sense. Why would Broadside, an earth pony, be creating a spell? But the longer he stared at the notes the more he understood what they were.

"This is an enhancement technique."

"You're dead on kid; it's been my pet project since before the war. A way to boost the strength, speed, agility, reflexes, endurance, and abilities of pegasi and earth ponies alike by drawing out their full power and boost it further."

"Wow, that's amazing, I didn't know you were the scholarly type General," said Spike.

"Not exactly, it's had a few setbacks. The biggest of them being that the power output that this yields would breakdown the body of the one using it once it was disengaged." Broadside started to rub the back of his head in frustration. "But I still can't figure it out, even after all this time."

Spike took up the pages of Broadside's project; he eyed the notes and formulas with a critical eye, his brain working on a solution that maybe the General missed. After reading them over for a tenth time, Spike deduced it, the metaphorical light bulb clicking on.

"Timing and bursting…!"

"Pardon?" Broadside asked.

Spike placed the originals to the side, using his magic Spike produced a quill and some of his own parchment paper. He then placed it on the desk and began writing out something.

"You're right, their body's would breakdown, but not if they had time to get adjusted to the power! See, if you use this formula so it creates a kind of timer, all you have to do account for the variable A, which initial burst time limit, and variable B, which is the amount of time till a another burst can be used/activated, and lastly variable C, how much power is given during each burst till the full amount is reached."

Broadside watched in awe as the young dragon scribbled away at the parchment, the formulas that he was using, corresponding to his original works. The more details Spike gave him, the more sense it made, this could work, no, it would work! Broadside raised his right hoof and patted the drake on the back, a bit hard, but it was friendly.

"Spike my boy, thanks to you; I'm going to finish this. And by doing so, you might've given all of equine kind an edge."

The purple drake's cheeks started to turn a slight shade of pink, embarrassed that he had gotten such praise from Broadside.

Rarity was leading Ballista to Gale's room, once there; she opened the door and revealed the grandeur that was the little foal's room. There toys everywhere, ones that would make any little filly squee with glee. Although taking consideration that this was Ballista's daughter, Rarity stocked the room with toys that not even a closet tomcolt couldn't resist, just to cover her bases. Once in the room, the little foal started to yawn as her eyelids began to droop.

"Looks like someone's ready for a nap," said Ballista.

"Allow me dear."

Rarity used her telekinesis to gently lift the foal out of the holster, which allowed Ballista to remove the cumbersome device and stretch her wings. The unicorn mare sat on her haunches near the crib, stretching out her forelegs, Rarity cradled Gale, rocking her forelegs back and forth gently. Ballista went over to the crib and lowered the wall, she place her daughter's favorite blanket and pillow, preparing it. The cerulean mare nodded towards Rarity, seeing the gesture, she ever so carefully laid down Gale into the crib. Once that was done, Ballista leaned down and kissed her child on the forehead, which elicited a little giggle from the snoozing foal. The two mares then exited through the door to the adjoining room, quietly closing the door behind them.

"Thanks Rarity, this was her first overseas trip, and I guess it took a lot of her."

"No problem at all, darling, any excuse to hold that cute little bundle," giggled Rarity. "Oh, that reminds me, the walls of Gale's room are soundproof so as to not disturb her naps, she can't hear us, but we can hear her if anything happens. Just a little enchantment that Spike and I cooked up."

"Wow, now that's cool." Ballista and Rarity started to unpack, placing various knickknacks and clothes into the appropriate drawers. Glancing at Rarity, the pegasus mare couldn't help but think about it. "You were really good with Gale; you should see her whenever we mention your guy's name. She gets so excited she climbs the walls…literally…she fly's on up there and just walks on the ceiling…adorable, yet strangely creepy sometimes." Ballista had to brace herself against the shuddering of her body.

"Well the feeling is mutual; I just love that adorable thing, and Spike does too, the lovable oaf."

"Again, thanks for letting us stay for our vacation. I know you're busy with that fashion thing coming up next week. We'll try to stay out of your mane in the meantime."

At the mention of the fashion show, Rarity's ears shot up, as if realizing something. The unicorn mare turned around and looked at the pegasus mare. Oh just look at her, that lean and well toned figure, her graceful curves, the sheen of her wings, tail and mane, not to mention her pristine dark cerulean coat, along with those fierce yet entrancing eyes, Rarity sighed, it's a shame that Ballista became a soldier instead of a model, she could've been as big a hit as Fluttershy was. That's when it hit her, who said that Ballista missed her shot!


"What!?" Ballista asked, taken by surprise at the urgent tone in her friend's voice.

"I have a favor to ask of you, and honestly, there aren't that many ponies I can turn to or trust enough to ask this of because…" Rarity trotted closer to the pegasus mare, who was now sitting on her haunches, and placed her forehooves on Ballista's shoulders.

"Rarity, you're my friend and I–"

"I need your body!"

Ballista's mind came to a grinding halt.

"Say what?"

"I know it's rather rude, but, I don't know any other with as beautiful a figure as yours, and I promise you it'll be fun, please" said Rarity as she batted her eyelashes.

Now Ballista didn't hide it, while she did like stallions, it was no secret that she was also into mares. A piece of information that she had divulged many years ago, that she was probably regretting right now. Although Ballista hadn't thought about it, Rarity was attractive, very attractive. What am I thinking!?

"Rarity I-I couldn't …I mean, what would Spike say!?"

"Oh darling it was his idea."


That was the audible sound of Ballista's wings suddenly fanning out and up. Her left eye began twitching as her mind tried to contemplate what Rarity was asking of her, sure she knew that Spike and Rarity were romantic, but she never imagined they'd be into…such things…and said things were unfortunately playing through her mind at this moment.

"Ballista, are you alright? You're looking a little flushed dear."

Ballista shook her head, trying to dislodge the images in her mind before she spoke to Rarity.

"R-Rarity, I like you, I do, and you are a very attractive mare…but…I can't do such things with you, not under the same roof as my daughter and father! And Spike! What is he thinking, asking you to engage in such activities – did he put you up to this or did you give him the idea – actually forget it I don't want to know!"

Rarity just stood, utterly confused as to what she was rambling about.

"Ballista, what in Equestria do you think I'm talking about?"

"You're going to make me say it!?...Fine, what I'm saying is I won't –!"




The grandfather clock in the room went off, signaling that it was currently eleven o'clock. Anyway, Rarity's eyes were as wide as saucers, while her pupils were reduced to pinpricks. She was blushing furiously; her body was completely red, the whiteness of her coat not at all aiding in hiding it.

"B-B-Ballista…I was just asking if you would model my outfits in the upcoming fashion show…"

"You're kidding…you are kidding me right," asked Ballista, hoping she had heard wrong and that she didn't just make a total fool of herself.

Rarity shook her head back in forth, confirming that she was not joking.

Ballista brought her right hoof to her face and immediately began facehoofing herself multiple times; on the tenth hit she smacked herself hard, leaving her hoof there and possibly making an indention as to mark her stupidity.

"I can't believe I just made a total fool of myself…"

"Darling don't worry about it, now that I think back upon my choice of words, the lack of context could only have been construed in such a light…"

There was very long and awkward silence in the air, Ballista's wings had finally dropped from the flared position, now resting at her sides. After a couple more seconds of silence, Ballista cleared her throat.

"Ahem, well then, in answer to your real question, yes, I wouldn't mind."

Rarity's eyes went wide once again, sparkling with a giddiness that seemed to shatter her embarrassed and awkward feelings earlier. She quickly enveloped Ballista into fierce hug, almost lifting the pegasus mare off the floor.

"Thank you Ballista, I promise you won't regret this!"

Ballista, though still feeling a bit embarrassed, smiled at her friend, she didn't exactly know what kind of trouble she was in to ask her for such a big favor, but if she could help she was glad to. Rarity seemed to realize what she was doing and quickly released Ballista.

"Now then, shall we, um, continue unpacking?"

"Yes, let's." As the two mares went back to unpacking the rest of the suitcases, Ballista couldn't help but notice that Rarity kept glancing back at her from time to time. After about the fifth time she turned her head and caught her red hoofed, "Was there something else you wanted to ask?"

"It's just…no never mind."

"What is it?"

"It's nothing really…"


"I'm quite serious…"


"Okay, okay, fine!" The unicorn mare took a deep breath, calming her nerves before she spoke again. "Do you…do you really find me attractive?"

Ballista felt the urge to facehoof herself yet again, but decided against it, afraid that she might give herself brain damage. So with a steady sigh, Ballista decided to tell her the truth.

"Yes…I do…I know you're married to Spike, but…that's just how I feel…is that bad?"

"No, no it isn't. I actually take it as a compliment, really. Nice to know that I can turn the heads of not just stallions but the occasional mare as well," said Rarity with hint of pride in her voice as she struck an elegant pose.

On second thought, Ballista decided that brain damage wasn't all that bad.

The stage is set, no pun intended. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, with a minor bit of reluctance on the pink party pony's side, are on their way to Manelan. And after an embarrassing little misunderstanding, Ballista has agreed to help Rarity with her dilemma, now if she can convince her other friends then things are looking up! Can Fluttershy help Twist in her quest to win Pinkie Pie over, will the mystery of Rarity's MIA models be resolved, and will her fashion show go off without a hitch!? Will I make you wait a week to find out!? Oh most definitely.

Stay tuned!