Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope

by Michael_Ravencroft

Second Sign: Part 10

I Do…

Applejack awoke with a start panting and breathing hard. She turned her head from side to side, quickly spotting her marefriend, Rainbow Dash, sleeping in cot next to her. Applejack breathed a sigh of relief, semi-satisfied that Rainbow was at least safe; she took another, less frantic, look around her surroundings. It appeared to be a tent, there were tables set up with medical supplies, bottles and syringes neatly put into side by side, along with surgical tools below them. The opening of the tent flapped as a cool breeze passed through the inside. Applejack reached over and nudged Rainbow a little, the cyan pegasus let out groaning sounds in protest of the nudging.

"Just five more minutes, I didn't even hear the dang rooster crow," said Rainbow Dash.

"We're not on the farm Dashie, now wake up," said Applejack as she pushed harder on Rainbow's side.

Rainbow Dash slowly sat up from her cot, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she lazily drifted her head in Applejack's direction. "Alright, alright, I'm up now what's the big –"Suddenly Rainbow remembered what had happened and immediately started to look around. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Where are we, is this a tent, why are we in a tent!?"

"Because the two of you collapsed the moment you landed in front of us."

Applejack and Rainbow Dash turned to the opening of the tent, both Bright Blade and Twilight had entered, smiling in relief that their friends seemed to be up and awake.

"Thank Epona you two are alright, we were worried when you guys collapsed after you changed back to normal, we rushed you into this triage tent so you could rest, " said Bright Blade.

"So, it's over, like really over," asked Rainbow.

"Don't worry, Loimos is gone, he hasn't been back for hours now," said Twilight.

"HOURS!? How long have we been out for," asked Applejack.

"Little under four hours, but that's understandable considering what you two went through."

The two mares looked at each other, the same thought having passed through their minds.

"Where's Clay, is he alright," asked Rainbow Dash.

Both the unicorn and alicorn nodded. "He's fine, whatever he got hit with your powers must've gotten rid of it. In fact, all those who were sick or affected by his paranoia inducing abilities are fine now. Same thing like when Polemos left," answered Bright.

"Can we see'em," asked Applejack.

"He's been waiting for the two of you to wake up."

Twilight nodded to Bright Blade, he then trotted over to the tent and lifted the flap, poking his head out. After a couple a seconds a worried colt bolted into the triage tent. Clay's eyes locked onto his mothers and he quickly ran to them. Applejack and Rainbow Dash got out of their cots, just in time for the young colt to tackle the both of them, trying to embrace them both in big hug. The two mares chuckled lightly at their son's attempt to hug them both together, but they instead came closer into a family hug. Bright Blade and Twilight glanced to each other, seeing the happy scene before them; they left the tent to let the family of three have their privacy.

"Mom, Ma, you're alright!" Clay shouted.

"Of course we are."

"It'll take a lot more than that to bring down yer Mom and me, trust meh on that."

"Mom, Ma, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my wings…I just…there was a good reason…"

"Ya did it because of that filly, didn't ya," asked Applejack, giving him a knowing look.

Rainbow Dash turned to Applejack confused. "Wait – what filly – Clay has a fillyfriend – you have a fillyfriend!?" The cyan pegasus mare stared in shock at this piece of news.

"Y-yeah…I've been meaning to tell you…I was going to tell you after the show was over, but with all the craziness that happened I never got the chance…"

Rainbow Dash, whose mouth was agape, closed it and smiled warmly at her son. She then gently ruffled her son's mane, shaking her head a little.

"Well how about that, our kid is crushing on filly…our son…" Rainbow's eyes began to tear up the longer she stared at Clay.


"Rainbow, what's wrong," asked Applejack.

The rainbow maned mare placed Clay onto Applejack and slowly rose to her hooves. "There's something I need to tell you…both of you…it's the reason why I haven't been home a lot lately…"

Both Clay and Applejack waited for Rainbow Dash's answer, but something told them it was going to be painful for her to talk about.

"I…I found your family Clay…"

Clay jumped to his hooves staring wide eyed at Rainbow Dash, with Applejack following suit.

"What…what are you talking about Mom!?"

"The times that I did come back home, I visited the Everfree Forest, to the place where I first found you…There were these goggles inside the carriage, when I looked at them they were similar to the ones I wear in the Wonderbolts. So I used those to help me track down your family…After a couple of years I found out who your parents were, apparently they're family are the owners of the team…your dad was an earth pony, and the son of the owners. Your real mom was a Wonderbolt, I couldn't believe I didn't make the connection sooner…"

"So…what does that mean…my real mom and dad were the only family I have!?"

"Actually…you have grandparents and an uncle, they both live in Manehattan. When I told them about how I found you they were so happy, they practically hit the roof!"

"But what do they wanna do!? Ah mean, Rainbow…?"

Rainbow Dash looked directly at Clay for this next part. "They told me…They told that they didn't want to mess up what Clay has with us, but…if you want, you can go and live with them in Manehattan…you can be with your…your real family…"


"It's your decision Clay…you don't have to stay with us if you don't want to. I know how awkward it must be to be our son…not exactly a normal life…"

Clay had heard enough, he ran up to Rainbow Dash and wrapped his forelegs around her neck, hugging her as tightly as he could.

"I don't want to leave you or Ma!" Clay separated himself from Rainbow and looked at her straight in the eyes. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy, really happy that I have an uncle and grandparents out there who are related to my parents…But honestly…I can't remember their faces too well…Whenever I do, I see yours and Ma's faces instead, you guys are my real parents as far as I'm concerned."

This time it was Rainbow Dash who hugged Clay tightly, her tears falling from her eyes and falling onto the ground. Applejack trotted up to the two of them, her eyes watering as well, and gently placed a hoof on Rainbow's back.

"I'm sorry, to both you. I was so afraid to tell you, I didn't know what you would say if you found out! And because of that, I avoided the both of you…I'm sorry…"

Applejack leaned down and kissed Rainbow on the forehead, she then moved in to nuzzle her crying marefriend. "Ah forgive ya, and Ah love you."

Clay returned the hug the best he could, nuzzling into Rainbow's chest. "Same for me, I love you too."

The family, with their bonds strengthened, held each other like that for, what seemed like hours. They didn't mind, the warmth they shared between them, both through their bodies and hearts, was the most comforting thing in the world at that moment, and neither one of them wanted to be separated from that warmth. Not a one.

Suddenly there was a bright flash between Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Their mouths gaped open; they then looked to each other and smiled widely.

"Clay, guess what just happened," said Rainbow Dash.

Clay looked up to his two mothers, Applejack pointed towards his flank, immediately he turned his head and stared wide eyed at what had appeared. It was a cutie mark, a red apple, the red part of the apple connecting to the red part of the blue, yellow and red lightning bolt.

"I-I-I got my…my…my cutie mark…! I GOT MY CUTIE MARK!"

"Congratulations," started Applejack.

"Son," ended Rainbow Dash.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Bright were standing guard outside the tent. They couldn't help but overhear the conversation going on inside, which made Twilight tear up just a bit. The additional jubilant sounds, along with words "cutie mark" being shouted to high heaven

"I'm happy for them," said Twilight.

Bright Blade nodded.

"By the way, Bright, there's something I wanted to ask you."

"Yeah Twi?"

"Clay's artificial wings, that spell was the modified version I developed from when I used it on Rarity when me and my friends went to cheer on Rainbow Dash at the Best Young Fliers Competition."

"Is it?"

"Yes, it is. Now the Royal Library has a copy of the book for that Wings Spell, but it's the original. My modified version is in a book, on the shelf, with the rest of my spell books, back at our house. So, I'll concede that Clay may have searched through them and stumbled upon the spell, but…finding someone to cast the spell is another story."

Bright Blade didn't meet her accusing gaze, he instead tried to focus on the passersby, but he could still feel it, his heart rate was going up.

"Now there are a few unicorns with enough knowledge and skill to cast the spell, but none of them would cast such a spell for a complete stranger. So that leaves only three suspects. Sunshine is with her parents out of town, so she's out, and Dinky over there has been supposedly working on that enchanted sword of hers, and since she's got a good head on her shoulders I know she didn't. That leaves just one last suspect, but that couldn't be the one, I mean, this stallion already performed a dangerous spell on himself during a battle a few months ago. So I know said stallion wouldn't be stupid enough to push his luck with casting that spell on an eleven-year-old colt behind his marefriend's back, right?"

Bright Blade tried to remain fearless, but it was getting increasingly hard.

"Anything to say in your defense," asked Twilight.

"I did it in the name of love," said Bright, letting out a nervous chuckle.

Twilight eyed him critically, after some consideration she made her decision. "Strike two, one more and it's Magic Kindergarten for you."

Bright Blade let out a sigh of relief, having come close to facing death for the second time today. At least I'm not as much in dog house as I thought. Thank Epona for small favors…

Suddenly Applejack, Clay, and Rainbow Dash came out of the tent. AJ looked pretty stoked about something, which only made Twilight and Bright wonder more.

"Twilight Ah need ya to get a hold of Rarity, Ah'm also gonna be askin' ya fer your help to, you know, to keep things organized and such," said Applejack.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up! What's going on," asked Bright.

"We're plannin' a weddin'."



"A WEDDING," shouted Bright and Twilight at once.

***2 Months of Planning Later***

Sweet Apple Acres was abuzz with activity. Reporters were lined up on the edge of the property; every last one of them pining to get in on the news event of the year, but fortunately or unfortunately depending on who you spoke to, a large clear barrier was erected over most of the Apple farm. Of course some of the reporters tried to get around the barrier and fly over it to take their pictures of the wedding from the sky. But thanks to a rather large and intimidating purple scaled dragon, the reporters were deterred from attempting such a thing. After all, no pony in their right mind would dare to intrude upon a dragon's friend's wedding.

Inside the barrier was a different story, many of the Apple Family relatives had arrived for the event, some were helping out with the preparations while others were chatting. Among those assembled were Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Many of those attending bowed before them, thankfully they were able to convince them to stop, they were guests the same as them. As the Prince and Princess trotted through the masses they spotted a very familiar purple unicorn. Her mane was done up in a bun and she was wearing a pair of glasses that rested on the bridge of her nose. Both Cadance and Shining looked to each other and decided to go and say hi to their favorite pony.

"Twily," called out Shining Armor.

Twilight quickly turned around and saw her older brother and foalsitter happily walking towards her. "Shining Armor, Cadance!" Twilight went and hugged the both of them, with an apology to Cadance to forgo their usual greeting.

"You look pretty busy," said Shining Armor, noticing the clipboard in her magical grasp.

"Tell me about, between making sure everything goes accordingly, and organizing everypony's movements around here is quite the challenge, but it'll be worth it to see Applejack and Rainbow Dash walk down the wedding aisle. And thank you again Cadance for performing the ceremony."

Cadance chuckled a bit and then grinned. "No problem little Ladybug, I've been waiting for this just as much as you have ever since Fort Valor."

The three of them shared a laugh, remembering how long it took for the two mares in question to admit their feelings for each other.

"I have to admit, you're doing a pretty good job little sis, doing all this and maintaining the barrier must be a bit of a headache." Shining Armor made a face similar to the one when he was under Queen Chrysalis's spell.

Twilight groaned at her brother's attempt at humor. "Actually, I'm not the one responsible for the barrier."

"That would be my job." Cadance and Shining Armor glanced to their left and saw Bright Blade trotting towards them. He was wearing his uniform from when they were Knighted years ago, which was sized up thanks to Rarity. Once he arrived Bright gave Twilight and affectionate nuzzle. "Twilight showed me the spell for this; since it was an outside wedding a clear invisible barrier wouldn't obstruct the view."

"Very nice, but shouldn't you be dressed up too Twilight," asked Shining.

"I've been so busy, I didn't want to get it messed up while I was moving around, Rarity would kill me otherwise." Twilight gave a small shutter at the mere thought of upsetting the fashionista, especially today.

"You know speaking of marriages, when are we going to get the RSVP for yours," asked Cadance coyly.

Both Bright and Twilight blinked at that statement.

"We – uh – that is – um – you see –"

As that was going on, Applejack was getting ready. Apple Bloom, Rarity, and Fluttershy were helping her out with the fitting of the dress. It was slightly similar to her Grand Galloping Gala dress, but tapered to look less frilly as per her request. The orange earth pony stared out from her room at the ponies down below. There was a long red and gold carpet leading up to the altar where Princess Cadance would marry her and Rainbow Dash. Despite everything she'd had been through, this one event proved to make her more nervous than she'd ever been in her life.

"Ah don't know y'all, do ya think Ah'm doin' the right thing," asked Applejack.

"What," gasped the other three mares.

"Ah just…"

"Why Applejack, of all the ponies in Equestria, I'd never figure you for having cold hooves," said Rarity.

"Why are ya askin' somethin' like that, just two hours before the ceremony," asked Apple Bloom flabbergasted.

"Ah know, Ah know…It's just…Do ya think Ah'm rushin' things?"

"Darling, if you ask me, this was a long time coming. And I do think spending ten years, along with raising a wonderful gentlecolt of a foal, makes it more than certain that you're at least ready for this sort of commitment."

"It'd wouldn't be that much different would it? The only real difference would be that it's more…official," said Apple Bloom.


"Applejack, do you really love Rainbow Dash?"

Everypony in the room turned towards Fluttershy, who had remained silent for most of the conversation. Applejack did a double take at that question, wondering if she really heard Fluttershy right.

"What the hay is that supposed to mean," asked Applejack.

"I'm just wondering, since you're having second thoughts and all. Maybe it really isn't worth all the trouble to bring everypony here, but that's alright, I'm sure they'll understand," said Fluttershy.

Rarity, Apple Bloom, and Applejack stood there, mouths agape. They couldn't believe what they were hearing, this was Fluttershy, the bearer of the Element of Kindness, a mare who had been Knighted as such, and yet her words carried very little of that very emotion. Applejack started to furrow her brow, standing firm before the pink maned mare.

"And what in tarnation is that supposed to mean!? Are ya sayin' that Ah just cancel the entire thing, just 'cause Ah'm a little nervous!?"

"Well it just seems more practical," she responded.

"Now Fluttershy, Darling, you can't possibly…"

"Practical, what's so 'practical' about doing somethin' that idiotic!?"

"Sis maybe ya should calm down a bit…"

"All I'm saying is when I married Big Macintosh, I was certain, from the moment I met him that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with your brother. Can you say the same thing about Rainbow Dash, if not; you don't have of any business marrying her, much less being with her."

That seemed to be the straw that broke the pony's back, Applejack trotted up to Fluttershy and stared her straight in the eye. The yellow pegasus mare did not flinch, she held her serious gaze, meeting Applejack's fury that boiled within.

"Now listen here missy, ya may be part of meh family, you may be my big brother's wife, but don't ya dare think that'll stop meh from smackin' ya in the muzzle for sayin' those things! Ah love Rainbow Dash with every fiber of meh being, Ah'd die for her! Meh whole life Ah was afraid, afraid about what meh family would say if they knew I loved mares more than stallions, even more so when Ah found out I loved Rainbow Dash! But Ah knew from that moment, on that Epona forsaken battlefield, that Ah wanted nothin' more than to be with her, forever! So don't you dare say that Ah have no business bein' with the one Ah love, or so help meh –!"

Applejack didn't get to finish her little monologue as Fluttershy quickly embraced the bride-to-be in tight hug. Needless to say, Applejack was taken completely off guard.

"You have your answer now," said Fluttershy in the kindest, most gentle tone she could muster.

Applejack's eyes widened at the realization, her friend and sister-in-law had meant for her to get riled up, and in so doing wiped all the fears she had within her heart and mind.

"Thank ya, Shy."


Rarity and Apple Bloom both released a long held breath, fearing that they were going to bear witness to full out brawl.

"Thank Celestia, I really didn't want to have to explain why the bride was covered in bruises and her dress tattered," whispered Rarity. "By the way, Fluttershy has gotten a bit bolder since the last time I've seen her. It's really quite becoming."

"Yer tellin' meh," whispered Apple Bloom.

Clay was walking about on the farm, showing Firefly around his home. He had to admit, Firefly did look good in a dress, though, as she's mentioned many times over, she hates dressing up for anything unless it was absolutely necessary. So Firefly didn't mind dressing up for the wedding of her idol and coltfriend's mother.

"Thanks again Clay, for inviting me," said Firefly.

"Well…since our second date didn't go so well, I thought we could make it up here," said Clay, rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh, is that all, and here I thought you had ulterior motives." Firefly smirked and bumped her flank against Clay's, making the earth pony colt blush slightly.

As they neared the second house, his Aunt Fluttershy and Uncle Big Mac's dwelling, Clay started to glance back and forth at his sides, he missed the feeling of the faux wings resting there. He hung his head slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by Firefly. She nuzzled Clay's neck affectionately, trying to lift his spirits.

"You still miss them, don't you?"

"A little…I didn't even get to the third day before they were destroyed," said Clay.

"But…didn't Dame Twilight say that you could get them back, since they were taken away," asked Firefly.

Clay sighed, "Yeah, but I don't want to…at least not after meeting my uncle and grandparents last month."

"To be honest I'm kinda glad you decided to stay with your moms," Firefly leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, making the colt blush. "I like it better when you're close."

"Heh, heh. So how's your dad holding up knowing that I'm your coltfriend?"

Firefly's pace slowed just a bit. "He's…adjusting…Knowing that I'm dating the son of two Knights cushioned the blow. But he's still a little angry that I didn't tell him straight out…Honestly I hate it when he does that."

"He's just looking out for you, it's what parents do," said Clay.

Firefly stopped trotting; Clay was a few steps ahead of her before he noticed her absence. "Do you know why he named me Philomena? It's the same name as Princess Celestia's pet phoenix! That's all I am, just bird in cage to keep safe and admire…the fact that he's even letting come out all the way out here is a miracle in itself…"

Clay's ears flattened, Firefly had never shared that piece of information with him before. Although, it did make a bit of sense why she liked doing daredevil stunts and admired the Wonderbolts so much. Firefly liked the freedom they possessed, being able to fly out and return of her own free will.

"Firefly…I'm sorry."

Firefly seemed to snap out of her small fit of anger, noticing the saddened look upon Clay's face. "No, no, no, it's not your fault…Sorry, thinking about my Dad and his constant…you know what never mind. This is a happy day, c'mon let's head back." The pink pegasus walked closer to Clay, giving him an encouraging nuzzle, perking him up a bit.

As both Firefly and Clay trotted towards where the ceremony would be held, Clay caught a familiar sound coming from the barn they were passing. He stopped for a moment, his ears twitching in search of the sound.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh…!"

"That sounds like…Mom?"

"Rainbow Dash, you hear her?" Firefly started to listen more closely, soon her ears started to pick up on the sound of her voice. "Oh yeah, that is her, but where…?"

Clay and Firefly looked around till they were able to pinpoint where it was coming from. It was coming from the upper level of the barn. The two foals quickly entered through the barn doors, where Rainbow Dash's voice was becoming clearer. Firefly motioned towards the ladder; Clay understood and started climbing it, while Firefly flew up alongside the ladder. They popped their heads through the opening and watched as Rainbow Dash paced back and forth, not even noticing their presence. Clay looked to Firefly; she nodded in understanding and mouthed the words "See you in a bit."

With Firefly gone, Clay climbed up the rest of the way till he was on the second level of the barn. Clay was wearing a tuxedo vest, while his Mom was wearing one, though, thanks to his Aunt Rarity, it looked more like a cross between a tuxedo and dress. He remembered the big argument they got into when Rainbow Dash proclaimed that she wouldn't wear any kind of frilly dress.

"Hey Mom," said Clay.

"AHHH!" Rainbow Dash jumped up, her wings flapping like crazy. She then landed back on the floor staring in Clay's direction. "Oh good… it's just you Clay."

"Yeeeah…were you expecting somepony else?"

"No…" Rainbow Dash started staring out through opening on the upper level, gazing out towards the many ponies who were moving around, to the hulking mass that was Spike, resting near the entrance of the Sweet Apple Acres .

Clay could tell that something was up; his normally energetic, brash mother was acting very strange, especially on her wedding day.

"Mom, what's wrong," asked Clay as he joined Rainbow Dash by her side.

"Do…do think your Ma will be happy, with me I mean?"

Clay had to shake his head for a moment, because honestly he couldn't have heard his Mom ask that question. "Say what? Why would you ask something like that?"

"Sorry Clay, maybe that was a bit over your head –"

"No it's not that I don't understand, it's just, I don't get why you'd think that?"

Rainbow Dash sighed; she then lowered her body and laid down on the floor. With her left hoof she motioned for Clay to sit next to her, upon which he did. The two of them sat there in silence for a while, just looking at the sky and farm.

"You know, it was right here that I really knew that I was in love your Ma, that was years ago," said Rainbow Dash, breaking the silence.


"Yeah, course, a lot of stuff happened and I was going through some issues back then. That's why you got off easy after your little wings stunt, I know how you feel when it comes to somepony you love."

Clay couldn't help but feel embarrassed, knowing that Rainbow Dash was talking about Firefly. "So…why do you think Ma won't be happy with you?"

"After everything I've put you and her through…along with, well, you know how your Ma and I get sometimes…I mean, before, being marefriends, if something went south the worst that could happen would be us breaking it off. Now, it's serious, if we have a big fight or something, then we'll have to get divorced and then –!"

Clay quickly put his hoof on Rainbow Dash's mouth, silencing his mother from further ranting.

"Jeez Mom, do you always have to go to the extreme?"

Clay was answered with a slight shrug and a sheepish grin. That's what I thought.

"Look Mom, you and Ma are perfect for each other, and besides, so what if you fight. If you do, I'll be there to make sure you two stay in line," said Clay with a cocky smirk.

Rainbow shot him one of her own, at the same time brining up a hoof to ruffle his combed mane. "Oh really mister big shot, well then, I hope you can handle reining us in when things get heated." After ruffling his mane, Rainbow Dash rested the same hoof on his cheek. "You've grown a lot haven't you? Already have a fillyfriend and you can kick some serious flank. You're really awesome Clay."

"That's because I have a couple of awesome moms that raised me to be."

Rainbow Dash rose up and sat on her haunches, she then enveloped Clay in hug, to which Clay repaid in kind. The mother and son held each other for what felt like a long time. After another minute or so, they separated and smiled.

"C'mon Clay, I have a special somepony to go and marry!" Rainbow Dash declared as she stood up and flared her wings proudly.

Clay stood up tall and proud as well, with a confident look in his eyes. "Right!"

All the Apple family members gathered on either side of the red carpet that led to the altar. Princess Cadance took her place at the center, mentally going over her lines. Rainbow Dash stood to her left, no longer a bundle of nervous, but instead happy and ready to wed the mare of her dreams. Scootaloo stood next her, taking her place as Rainbows best mare, the orange pegasus almost created her own Sonic Rainboom when she got the news. And next to Scootaloo stood Clay, the cushion with the rings resting atop his back.

Where Applejack would soon stand was Apple Bloom, one her bridesmaids, as giddy as a school filly at her big sister getting married. Beside her was another mare that Rainbow Dash and Clay had met once before. She had a copper colored coat, a red mane and tail, green eyes, and a cutie mark of a seedling sprouting. Babs Seed, Applejack's and Apple Bloom's cousin, if she remembered correctly. Apple Bloom and Babs had a bit of a rocky start when they first met, but after a while they became best friends, especially after Apple Bloom helped her in getting her cutie mark.

On one side of the aisle, Rainbow's side, the Wonderbolts team, along with Pinkie Pie and Pound, Rarity, Derpy Hooves, even Twilight and Bright. Applejack had suggested at one point that they invite Rainbow Dash's parents to the wedding, to which she vehemently protested. Still, it was their special day, and Applejack really didn't want Rainbow's side devoid of her actual family. So when her father,Rainbow Rush, and mother, Dawn Light, showed up, it caused a bit of tension. But in the end, Rainbow Dash at least accepted part of their apology for what happened years ago when she was a filly. It would be a long road to true forgiveness, but Rainbow owed it to Clay to at least put in the effort to make peace with soon-to-be grandparents.

Applejack's side contained the majority of her family. Fluttershy and her son Swift Hummer stood proudly with Granny Smith. They were just a bit afraid at how their family would react to the wedding to mares, surprisingly enough, they took it pretty well. Even among the elder of the Apple generations. In fact this little event actually helped some of them to go out and seek their special someponies with a newfound passion, be they of the same or opposite gender.

Suddenly the crowd went silent, as the wedding march song, performed by Octavia and Lyra's group, began to play. All eyes shifted towards the other end of the long red carpet. Three flower girls stepped forward, Dinky Hooves, Spring Days, and Pumpkin. The three fillies, baskets in mouth, skipped down the aisle, swinging the baskets back and forth, lettering the ground with red and white flower petals. Once the three fillies made it to the altar, baskets emptied, they trotted off to their respective sides.

The family members turned back once again, and there she , standing right next to Big Macintosh, the two of them slowly walking towards the altar, passing by many ponies crying tears of joy, among them was Granny Smith. As much as she wanted to remain composed, she couldn't, this was her granddaughter, her little pony, the filly she raised since the day her parents…no, no this is a happy day, no need to bring up sour memories.

As Big Mac lead Applejack to the altar, she whispered to her big brother. "Thanks big brother, for givin' meh away and all…"

"No need to thank meh, sis, this was something I hoped to do for a long time now. Ah'm just glad ya did before you became an old spinster," joked Big Mac.

Applejack did a quick elbowing of the stallion's side, "Yer gonna call me an old spinster on mah weddin' day, you got some nerve! But…thanks, Ah just wish mom and dad were here…"

"Same here. Don't let it get'cha down though, you gotta keep smilin', can't let your wife see a sad face up there."

Taking her brother's words into consideration, Applejack put on the biggest, happiest smile she could muster. When both brother and sister reached the altar Princess Cadance opened her wings, signaling the band to halt the music. She cleared her throat and spoke to the crowd.

"Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today in the union of Dame Applejack Apple and Dame Rainbow Dash." Cadance trained her gaze onto the red stallion before her. "Who gives this bride away to be wed?"

"I, Big Macintosh Apple, do give her away," he said.

The elder Apple sibling took his sister's hoof and raised it up to Rainbow Dash; she graciously accepted it and nodded in thanks to her soon-to-be brother-in-law. Applejack trotted up the rest of the way till she was staring right across from Rainbow Dash, the two mares' gaze firmly fixed on the other.

"If anypony should give just cause as to why these two should not be married, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." Cadance stared out into the crowd once more, only this time her expression was serious, almost daring somepony to say something in front of the Princess of Love, just so that she could zap them. These two are getting married, they've been driving me nuts for years with their pent up love! I swear if anypony says something I'm going to – Did that mare just –!? Oh wait, false alarm. "Ahem, Miss Rainbow Dash, do you swear to take Applejack Apple as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and told, in sickness and in health, from this day forward, so long as you both shall live?"

Rainbow Dash nodded, "I do!"

Princess Cadance turned to Applejack. "And do you, Miss Applejack Apple, take Rainbow Dash to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and told, in sickness and in health, from this day forward, so long as you both shall live?"

"Ah do," said Applejack.

"May we have the rings?" Clay quickly made his way in between his mothers, presenting the rings that were on the cushion. Since unicorns had horns, a ring could easily fit over their horn. But for earth ponies and pegasi, special gold earrings were fashioned to be worn for such ceremonies. Princess Cadance wrapped the two earrings in her telekinetic aura, moving them to their respective recipients. One of them bore a red ruby apple hanging from it, which was clipped onto Rainbow Dash's left ear. While the other, bearing a ruby lightning bolt, was clasped onto the left ear of Applejack. "Then by the power vested in me, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and by our late goddess Epona above, you are now and forever more, married!" The jewels on the earrings started to shine in conformation of the Princess's words. "You may kiss the bride."

Neither one of them wasted anytime with that. As soon as the words left her mouth, both Rainbow Dash and Applejack kissed passionately. Twilight's horn flared up, in the sky above a Sonic Rainboom erupted and thundered across the sky, bathing the sky in its multicolored brilliance. Sure it was only a mock imitation of the real thing, but it did make the whole event a lot cooler, or least that's how Rainbow Dash put it. At the same time, per Fluttershy's suggestion, doves flew out in all directions; thankfully they were able to leave the dome easily. The crowd on both sides of the aisle cheered loudly and boisterously, shouting their combined happiness to the heavens above.

When Applejack and Rainbow Dash broke their kiss they looked to Clay and motioned for him to join them. The young colt eagerly rushed to his newlywed mothers, standing between them, a new family of three, one that will never be broken, and ones whose bonds will remain intact for many years to come.

***Unknown Location – Beyond Time and Space***

The Spirit of Pestilence, Loimos, growled and sneered, ruffling his feathers in anger as he shouted obscenities into the void of darkness around him. He couldn't believe how easily he was defeated, and by two creatures that were at his mercy too. Where had they gotten that power from, it was unlike anything he'd ever faced, it made them more powerful, nearly invincible!

"Tough day, brother?"

Loimos turned in the direction of the voice, knowing exactly who it belonged to. Wispy, flaming red plasma flashed into existence, fading away shortly thereafter to reveal the first Envoy, the Spirit of War, Polemos.

"Spare me your sarcasm, Polemos!" Loimos growled.

"What do you have to complain about!? The golden one is a worthy adversary, you shouldn't be surprised that you were defeated, your strength doesn't lie in battle," said Polemos.

"You battle crazed, four armed, imbecile! It wasn't the golden one!"

Polemos, although angered by his fellow Envoy's tone, was intrigued by what he had said. "I'll overlook your condescending tone, for the moment, now tell me what occurred."

Loimos, regrettably, recanted the sequence of events that led to his "tactical retreat" from Equestria, how the two mares he was fighting somehow accessed new avenues of power that rivaled and maybe surpassed his own. With each word spoken, Polemos only seemed to get more and more excited, like a foal being told a great story.

"And that's it…" he said with spite.

At that same moment Polemos' body erupted with red energy, his four mechanical arms sprouted out and thrust themselves into the air, fists balled. Polemos began to laugh manically, with a sort of happy madness.

"I don't believe it! You mean to tell me they can become even more powerful! This is fantastic!" Polemos roared happily.

"You must be joking," Loimos deadpanned.

"I must return to that world! I must fight them! The Great Battle I have been searching for has finally presented itself to me!"

"You know very well that you cannot return to Equestria."

Both Polemos and Loimos scowled at the sound of this disembodied voice. They knew for whom it belonged to, and they were less than pleased to hear it.

"Sister…" growled Polemos

"Of course, I was wondering when you'd show up," said Loimos

"It's the Taint, our powers will only allow us one world to destroy a piece, and since the two of you have been driven from Equestria you can no longer return. All traces of your Taint are gone."

"I was not driven away; I was recalled by the Master!"

"In any case, you two had your shot and blew it. Big brother isn't pleased, and you know that the Master isn't in any better a mood. You two lack elegance, strategy, and even more so, a sense of presentation. And now…"

A bright flash of orange light appeared before Polemos and Loimos in the distance. Yellow shining eyes and a dark orange aura burned slowly as it moved towards the other two Envoy.

"It's my turn…"

End Second Sign Arc…