Spike the Knight

by vadram

Chapter 66 The plan part 1

The plan part 1

Imamu and Spike were standing inside the cave when Imamu asked Spike to show him his green flame, so he could find out its frequency.

“What is this frequency anyway?” Spike asked.

“The frequency... actually that not exactly correct either... Its like this, in order for something to be send via green fire there has to be a sender and a recipient, and so that the letter doesn’t get send to someone else the fire is set to a certain frequency attuned to the magic of the person who is supposed to receives it.”


“Maybe it would be easier to show you.”

Imamu snapped his fingers and a small green flame appeared above his index finger.

“Now if I would burn a letter with this where would you think it would end up?”

“Um... In front of Celestia?”

“Nope. This would actually appear in front of Zecora. Now...”

Letting the flame burn he snapped his fingers again and a identical flame appeared above his middle finger.

“This would appear in front of Kirabo...”

He continued to snap his fingers again until two more flames appeared above his ring finger and his pinky finger.

“These would appear in front of others you don’t know. And I can do the same for my other hand and my feet. So sixteen individuals, each with their own magical frequency... or signature if you prefer.”

“But all my letters are sent to Celestia.”

“That’s because you don’t know how to change your fires frequency.”

“So I could do that? Make fire from my fingers?”

“Hmm...” Imamu though as he let the fires die down. “I don’t think so, but you could send a it to different individuals. But first I need to see the frequency that you use.”

“So what do I have to do?”

“Just do what you normally do when you are sending a letter.”

Spike took a deep breath and let out a massive flame. It was larger than anything he ever made before, if he was back in the library he would have filled the entire room. Then again he never breathe fire when he wasn’t a little baby dragon.

“I see.” Imamu said unimpressed by the flame that was many times larger that the dragon that made it. “Come with me.”

They walked through the tunnel that lead outside, but stopped before reaching the exit. Imamu lifted his hands in the air and grabbed onto the ledge of a previously unseen hole in the ceiling. He grabbed Spike with his foot and lifted them both up. A short walk later they reached his office.

Spike looked around a little and could not notices how business-y it was. Like the rest of the cave this rooms ceiling and walls had crystals sticking out of them, and except for a massive desk the room was empty. He sat down at his desk and placed Spike on his shoulder. He look on the table below, on it was a pile of pieces of paper several dagger blades something that resembled an ink well and some sort of and a few other knick knacks he did not recognise.

Imamu licked his index finger and used it to pick up a sheet of paper from the pile and place it in front of him, with his telekinesis he lifted one of the daggers until it was pointing up and used it to stab himself in the same finger. Using the dagger as an oversize quill he dipped it in ink and started to write.

“Spike,” he said still focusing on the paper in front of him, “what is Twilight’s full name and official title?”

“Well her name is Twilight Sparkle and she is a princess.”



“She is the princess of?”

“Oh! Ponyville.”

“So ‘Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Ponyville’ sound about right?”

“I guess.”

“Do you happen to know if the princesses still use the royal we?”

“The royal we? Ah...” Spike giggled. “Princess Celestia doesn’t but Luna still does from time to time, especially when she makes speeches or when she addresses crowds, but the rest of the time she talk a lot like everypony else, more or less.”

“That would have to do... So what is Twilight to you? Officially I mean, a mother?”

“Well she hatched me... but I don’t think she is my mom... Officially I mean.”

“What about sister? Did her parents legally adopt you?”

“No I don’t think so... At least I never heard of them doing something like that.”

“So you are a pet?”

“WHAT NO! OF COURSE NOT!” Spike yelled angrily before pausing. “NO, I AM NOT A PET.” His anger faded. “I... I am not a pet...”

“I will just write legal guardian. Is that fine with you.”

“Whatever.” Spike said a lot sadder than usual.

Imamu continuing writing the letter, and when he was finished he rolled it up and levitated a dark blue candle and a engraved fang from a hidden compartment in his desk. He lit the candle and let a couple of drops of was to fall onto the roll of paper before pressing the tip of the fang onto the wax puddle.

“Only one more thing to take care of.”