//------------------------------// // Chapter 5- The 'Third Eye' // Story: The Beckoning of Nature // by Dragonborne Fox //------------------------------// Koto was wandering aimlessly in a world of darkness, her horn giving a mist blue glow. She's already tried flying, only to find she was trapped in a box, and said box was slightly above her horn. Suddenly, the pitch-black ground shook rather violently, with black dust obscuring her sight and inducing a coughing fit. A claw smashed through the ceiling of darkness, scratching and prowling for the alicorn. Instinctively, she jumped to a nearby wall where the claw couldn't reach. The claw took hold of the ceiling and started ripping out chunks of the darkness. "No!" Koto cried as the claw kept smashing the ceiling. A draconian growl was heard, making the alicorn tense with fear. "Come hither, little bitch......I know you're somewhere in there....." Called an all-too-familiar voice. Koto's wings spread with fear. She began to wonder if flying was called for at this point. "Come hither......" Called the voice once more. Tears started streaming down the alicorn's muzzle. She reared up on her hind legs. "You're MINE!" Shouted the voice in unison with a draconian roar as a claw smashed through the ceiling and snatched her up. The alicorn kicked and struggled as the claw dragged her to the face of the Blazing Wyvern, crushing her wings in the process. "You'll be mine as long as you sleep!" Shouted the familiar voice of Maki as the Wyvern lowered the mare into its waiting glowing maw. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The alicorn shrieked as she threw the covers off of her. She fell off the bed with wings spread wide. "Yep, Ah knew it." Said the voice of Applejack. "Please, no........" The alicorn murmured as she put her hooves over her head. "You're not in the dream world, Koto. Please get up." Said Twilight, to which the alicorn complied. "My wings hurt......" Koto sobbed as her body began shaking violently. "I think she needs some alone-time." Murmured Cadence. "You said it." Whispered Chrysalis in Cadence's ear. "Could you all let me and Koto alone for a while, please?" Asked Rekka, who was holding the sobbing mare in his forelegs. "Sure thing. Just come back to the throne chamber when you're done." Nagare said before he gingerly closed the door. ---- "So, she has nightmares?" Shining asked. "Yeah, and she's got em somethin' fierce." Replied Applejack. "Does she always scream like that?" Asked Gilda. "No, she doesn't. The last time she screamed like that was after we got drunk....." Yuuki shuddered at the thought. "Drunk?" Asked Cadence. "That was over ten years ago." Nagare sighed, rolling his eyes. "Vending lady gave us the alcohol." "Who?" Asked Chrysalis. "You know of those things fused with strange two-legged creatures?" Tenmei asked. "Yes. Why?" Chrysalis asked. "Q-hybrids. They are both helpful and harmful. It really depends on what object they're made of and, as a direct result, their purpose in life." Tenmei continued. "Vending lady is part vending machine, and yes, she can give you alcoholic beverages as well as the normal beverages. First time we met her after we kicked her metal flank resulted in us getting drunk and.....acting quite stupid." "'Acting quite stupid?'" Quoted Gilda. "If you want the incident in a nutshell, we went and staged an orgy. We were returned home and we received quite a lecture, especially the case with Yuuki and Koto because, well, they're girls!" Tenmei continued. He was receiving glares from Yuuki and Nagare, as if they told him to shut up or they'd punch him. "That sounds pretty harsh." Shining said, taken aback. "We never saw the whatchamacallits at the Crystal Kingdom." "Nor in my hive, though I did spot a few on the way here." Chrysalis recalled. "Same with the Gryphon Kingdom." Gilda chimed. "Please, show us these hybrids." Cadence said. "Maid, fetch TV-girl." Tenmei sighed. "Right away, sir." Replied the maid, who galloped out of the room. ---- Koto continued her heavy sobbing, her face buried in Rekka's chest. He took off his horseshoes to stroke her mane. His ridiculously large wings covered them both from wing-base down. He didn't terribly mind her horn stabbing him in the shoulder, that's happened who knows how many times before in the last decade. "It was Maki! He said I'd be his as long as I continued to sleep, and then he swallowed me whole!" Koto sobbed, burying her face deeper into Rekka's pelt, her horn tearing his shoulder muscles. "I can't sleep alone anymore!" The scarlet alicorn continued to stroke Koto's mane, his right foreleg ceasing movement because of the intruding horn. "Daddy!" Shouted a mare's voice. "Ocean Flame?" Rekka asked, ears perked. "Yeah! Why's mom crying?" Replied Ocean. "It's quite a long story. Come hither, please." Asked the alicorn. The purple, red-and-blue alicorn came to her parents. "Daddy, why's your right foreleg not moving?" Asked Ocean. "Your mother is.....upset." Replied Rekka. "Really?" Asked Ocean. "Yes. You saw it happen before." Answered the orange alicorn. "What happened this time?" Continued Ocean. "Well, it's like this...."