Chrysalis: The Journey Of A Queen

by Foalfree Press


Early morning sunlight fluttered through the window above Chrysalis's bed. She groggily sat up and let out a large yawn. She had to fight every instinct to just curl up under her covers and pretend today wasn't happening. Today was the day she had to leave with Garnet. She slowly pulled off her covers. She was still tired from the night before. After presents, the party ran late into the night. Everyone laughed, smiled, and had a great time.
Well, the more time in bed, the less time to pack. Chrysalis thought to herself as she walked to the stack of presents from the previous night. She grabbed her adventure bag, and began to fill them with items she wanted to have with her.
"Let's see here, what do I want?" she said to herself. "The family jewel is defiantly going in there. Hm, a compass too. I might need that if i get lost." She continued to ramble as she filled her adventure bag.
By the time she was done, she had: the family gem, a compass, a telescope(travel size), a canteen, and an adventures journal. Her mother had explained fully about where she would be staying the previous night. She said food and lodging would be provided, but it would be simple. One quality of a princess is her humbleness.
A knock on Chrysalis's door snapped her out of her thoughts. A voice sounded from behind the door. "Chrysalis, it's time for breakfast. The chefs worked extra hard to make it a feast, just for you!" It was the voice of Emerald, her personal guard. Chrysalis grudgingly walked up to her door and opened it. She walked to the dining hall with Emerald, looking around the castle one last time. The smell of fresh food wafted from the large room and into the hall.
The doors of the room swung open, and a large spread met Chrysalis. Her mother was at the end of the table, and a seat was left open next to her. She trotted up to the seat next to her mother. A plate enveloped in soft green magic floated twords her. Chrysalis ate her breakfast in silence, the weight of what was to come bearing down upon her.
Obsidian grew concerned at the look of her only daughter. It hurt her to send her only daughter away, but it was the only way. Obsidian knew she would be gone by the time her daughter came back. Choking back tears, Obsidian composed herself and spoke to her daughter.
"Chrysalis, I want you to come to my chambers after, okay? I need to talk to you." The only thing that met her were a pair of dead eyes.
A few minutes later, the breakfast was finished. The chef drones came around to clean up, and Chrysalis followed her mother to her chambers. She walked numbly next to the Queen, her wings drooping more than usual. As they reached the large doors, the guards following them took their positions outside of the room. The doors were swung open by the magic of the guards, and the pair entered.
The room was rather large, with a black bed in the center. It's emerald quilted blanket was arranged neatly on top, and decorative throw pillows as black as night were arranged in a lovely fashion. Rows of book shelves lined one wall, bursting with ancient tomes and scrolls. On the other side of the room was a large window overlooking the kingdom below. Near the back of the room was a writing desk strewn with paper, and a large vanity mirror.
Chrysalis and her mother walked to the bed, and sat down on it, facing each other. There was a pained look in Obsidian's eyes, but a forced smile on her face. There was silence in the room, until Obsidian willed herself to speak.
"Chrysalis, I'm sure I don't have to remind you that your princess training starts today. Garnet will take you to the cabin, where your sessions shall begin. Before you go, dear daughter, I just want to say that I love you," She was on the verge of tears at this point, but she continued talking. No. I must be strong. For Chrysalis!
"I love you with all my heart. We shall always be together even when apart. Go, little princess. Go be amazing. Be the mare I know you can be. Goodbye, dear Chrysalis. We shall see each other again soon. Now, grab your things and follow me, little one."
Chrysalis's eyes were glossy as she stared at her mother. She lunged forward, wrapping her tiny hooves around her mother in a tight embrace. Her mother simply smiled. Their embrace was interrupted by a fit of coughing from Queen Obsidian. Chrysalis wore a look of confusion, but it soon turned to a look of concern. Obsidian stood up, and motioned for her daughter to follow.
The pair walked out of the room, flanked by two guards. They reached the end of the corridor that led to the main entrance of the castle. Garnet was waiting at the entrance, a fake smile of eagerness plastered on his face. Chrysalis felt a mixture of fear and anger well in her stomach. She hated Garnet, and was not looking forward to spending all her time with him until her training was completed.
"Hello my Queen!" Garnet said in a sickeningly sweet voice, "And hello to you princess."
Chrysalis just rolled her eyes. Her mother looked to Garnet, giving a slight nod of recognition.
"I will escort you two to the outskirts of the city. You must then travel to the training grounds yourself." Obsidian finished her statement, and walked out of the palace. Garnet and Chrysalis followed, Chrysalis lagging in the rear of the group. It was not long until they reached the outskirts of town. The vast desert stretched before the trio, a dense forest outline visible in the far horizon.
"Here is where I must leave you. We will meet again someday, I promise. Goodbye." Obsidian could not bear to look at her daughter. With these parting words, she teleported away.
Chrysalis turned to face the journey ahead. It had begun.