My Little Warriors: Fallen Stars

by Truzzle


I'm working on Chapter 16 right now, though don't be surprised if this story becomes even more rushed (or slow updates, like now). I have a feeling the story-line will be rushed, and the chapters will be very spread apart.
I know where I want the story to go now, though all up until now has basically been improvising while still bound to a very, very basic goal. Honestly, I feel I've failed this story by merely doing that. However, seeing as a decent portion of you really do like this story, I will continue it until I've finished. The updates may be spread out, but I will finish this story. This, I promise.
Another thing, I guess this'll be "delayed" until somewhere near August 14th, though I will still see comments and such, and I will respond to them.
Let me know in the comments what you think: Do you have a prediction as to what a character will do? How do you think this will end? What are your hopes for the rest of this story? Ask me anything, even if it doesn't have anything to do with the story!
Thanks for all the support. I will continue this story until it is finished. ~Truzzle