//------------------------------// // The First Pain Free Root Canal // Story: The Royal Root Canal // by StormLuna //------------------------------// Colgate arrived at her office on Monday morning hoping her spell would work. Her first patient of the day would be getting a root canal. She said to herself, "I hope this works. I don't want to have to go back to the drawing board." Her first patient walked in the door just a few minutes later. "Lyra, how is your day treating you?" said Colgate as Lyra entered her office Lyra replied, "It is ok but I am really nervous. I have never had a root canal before and I have heard that they are extremely painful. Is there anything you can do to lessen the pain, such as give me a shot of numbing agents?" Colgate looked at her with a smile and said, "Well I could do that or I could use a different method." "What kind of method?" asked Lyra "I have been working on a spell that will make root canals pain free. I know many ponies dread them because of the pain. I have been working on this spell because Princess Celestia has to have a root canal and she is terrified of the dentist. She has an appointment next Wednesday and she said that she would only come if I had a spell ready to make it pain free." replied Colgate Lyra looked at her with a terrified face and said, "So I am going to be your test subject to see if it works or not." Colgate, always the brutally honest type of pony, said to her "Yes. You are going to be my test subject. If it works on you, then I will know it works and I can get Celestia in here and get it taken care of." Lyra started to head for the door as she did not want to be Colgate's guinea pig but Colgate used her magic to stop her. She levitated Lyra into the dentist's chair and said, "Look, do you want to endure this pain forever or do you want me to take care of this so you can eventually start eating cold foods again?" Lyra looked stunned that Colgate stopped her from leaving but then said, "Ok, I don't want to endure this pain forever." Colgate replied, "Well that is good, let's get this started." Lyra gulped in fear but knew this had to done. Colgate's horn then began to glow blue as she cast the spell on Lyra, she recited ""the root is weak, the pain makes a pony freak, many a pony are scared, but this dentist truly cared, confidence helps the dentist to see and make the patient pain free." Lyra had a stunned look on her face but did not say a word. Colgate started working on Lyra's root canal. It took her two hours as root canals are not easy, but ultimately she got it finished. Colgate then asked Lyra, "How much pain did you feel?" Lyra replied, "I did not feel a thing and suddenly my tooth doesn't even hurt anymore! Thank you Colgate, your spell worked! Now I don't have to be scared to come see you anymore." Colgate gave her a big smile and said, "I am so glad that it did not hurt you. For you willing to let me do this, I am not going to charge you for this visit. This one is on me." "Really?" replied Lyra. "You are so generous. When can I eat again?" Colgate told her that she could start eating normally again right away as the spell not only made her pain free but it also healed the area where she did the root canal as well. "Thank you again Colgate." said Lyra "I am going to get going. You have a wonderful day." "You too Lyra!" said Colgate Twilight knew that Colgate would be performing a root canal this morning, so Twilight headed over to Colgate's office. When Twilight got there, she asked Colgate, "How did it go? Did Lyra feel any pain?" Colgate replied, "No, she did not feel any pain. The spell worked even better than I could have imagined. Not only did she not feel any pain, but the tooth I worked on healed completely as soon as I finished." "Wow!" said Twilight in an excited tone of voice. "Now I can let Celestia know this and get her here. Is that spot on the 27th still open?" asked Twilight "Yes, I have it saved for her. Let me know if she is still interested in getting this taken care of." said Colgate "Will do." said Twilight "I will send a letter to her as soon as I get home." "Thanks Twilight, I hope she will still want to get this done. You have a great day." replied Colgate