//------------------------------// // Attack // Story: The Legend of the Human // by MrEruaphadion //------------------------------// Argus and his mentor took their seats at the table as the king got up from his throne. "Ladies and gentlemen I would like to start by thanking you for com-". He never got any further. The large stain glass window behind him shattered and through it came something Argus hoped he did not ever have to fight. A skeletal dragon. It was very tall, at least double the height of the average man. It stood completely still for a moment, until it saw the two Order members trying to sneak up on it. It unfurled it's massive wings and let out a deafening rawer. One strong enough that it sent the two men flying back. It turned to look at the king the green flames inside it's eye sockets getting more intense as he moved in on his target. "No!" Argus yelled as he sent some magical energy towards the Dragon, but it was too little too late. When the light blue beam hit the dragon it simply ignored it. The king pulled out his sword and took on a defensive stance, but he was extremely out matched. The dragon lifted it's foot and put it down on the king, crushing his chest beneath it's weight. "Father!". Argus watched as the king took his last painful breath. Argus has never cried in his life but he came damn close that night. Suddenly a loud bang came from behind him. He spun around quickly and saw that the large double doors had been blown open and skeletal warriors had begun pouring in. These were just like the raiding parties. Skeletons in gold plated armor using a curved steel blade as a weapon and like the dragon these guys have green flames were their eyes would be. The nobles started to panic as the skeletons cut down everyone in their path. Castle guards and Order members rush the attackers, dividing themselves up between the dragon and skeletons.Argus decided to head for the dragon after all he has unfinished business with it now.He took a couple of steps towards it but was stopped by his mentor. "No. Now is not the time". "What do you mean? That thing killed my father!" Argus was furious he was being denied his chance at revenge. "There will be a a time for you to fight it but now is not that time. Please take this portal away from hear". A light blue portal opened behind Argus. He considered his options. Usually he follows orders without question but there is a first time for everything right? "No! I want that dragon dead and I want it dead now!" His mentors lets out a sigh. "I'm sorry friend". "For what?" "This". Argus then felt his mentor push him into the portal. The next thing he knew he was standing outside. At the entrance to a village by the looks of it, but something seemed of. This world was different. Brighter. He then heard a voice come from behind him. "Hi! Your not from around here are you?" Argus turned and what he saw shocked him. It was a grey, wall eyed pegasus with a yellow mane and tail staring back up at him.