//------------------------------// // Chapter 13 // Story: Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days // by Bronylover109 //------------------------------// Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days The next day came too soon. Light poured through the curtains,causing the pair curled up on the floor to squint against it's radiant light. A knock soon came at the door. "Ugh...." Octavia stood herself on all fours carefully,trying not to stumble over the white mare at her hooves. "Who would be knocking this early?" She trotted over to the brown door,her mane still in a tangle. She raised a hoof to the knob,opening the door to find a complete stranger. "Hello,sorry to intrude so early,but I just moved into the building next door,and thought I'd introduce my self!" A stallion with a blue coat was now poking his hoof out to meet Octavia's for a quick shake. His glasses seemed to shimmer in the early morning sun,almost as bright as the smile on his face. Octavia extended a hoof,meeting his,and shaking it firmly. "I'm Octavia Melody,nice to meet you." She spoke. It may have been early,but she didn't want to be rude and scare him away. "Aero Flow! Nice to meet you Octavia! He had a brown mane,with a small twist protruding out,almost like Pinkie Pie's-the famous pastry chef. "It's an honor to meet you then,I'm glad you chose here to move into,it's a very nice area! Ton's of nature,and very quiet and settling. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here!" Octavia went with the warm welcome choice. Wish I didn't look so terrible.He probably thinks I don't ever know how to look proper! Octavia thought with a sigh. "Sorry to wake you up so early,I was just excited to get to know my neighbor!" He beamed at her while he spoke. "Not a problem at all! I outta wake up early more often,actually! Oh,and once she wakes up,you'll need to come and see Vinyl sometime! She's still sleeping now,but I'm sure you'll find her charming!" The grey cellist could talk up Vinyl when the time as right,but right she was meeting a new friend. "Well,I'll come by later to meet her,but I gotta go! See ya later!" Aero Took off on his wings,leaving Octavia smiling and waving behind him. "Seems like a nice fellow." She spoke to herself,walking back into the building. " 5:30. Who can be so cheery at a time like this? Oh well,I have nothing against him at all,in fact he seemed very kind. A bit clumsy,perhaps.But very kind." Octavia went to the kitchen,and began fixing tea. Winter break may have been there,but she knew she'd have to go back to Canterlot High again soon. She figured she'd relax now,while she still had the chance. Christmas was coming,and she would have that to worry about. "Wait! Christmas!? What should I get for Vinyl!? What would she like!? No! No! No! No! I don't know what to do! Perhaps ask a friend? But I don't know any of her other friends" "It's okay,Octavia! It's still a week away! You can do this! Get mother that necklace she wanted,Get Bon Bon a cookbook, Get Lyra some kind of game,and get Vinyl.....ugh...records? Nah,She has those! Dubstep software? No,she has all of that,and I don't even know how to pick it out! Clothes seem to boring for her! " She lied back on the couch,trying to relax. "Get a grip,Octavia. It won't be hard. Just go out to a shopping district with her,and see what she likes most! No,that won't do! I'll have to give her the fliers in the paper! Yeah! Sh'll want something! I know it!" With that,she continued her relax on the couch,her purple bathrobe adorning her body,warming her with help of her tea. She looked to the clock. "6:30. Was I really thinking that long? Oh well,it can't be helped." She finished her tea,and got off the couch. "Now,It's when I normally wake up. It really is quiet around here. I don't want to wake her,she was drained last night. I'l just go for a walk instead." Octavia changed into magenta running pants,with two stripes of white going down each side of the legs. She got very similar jacket on,and grabbed an mp3 player out of a drawer. Putting a stretchy headband on,she got a water bottle from the small cooler,and ran out the door. "This will be great!" She began to race down the street,past the groups of flower beds in the yards on empty houses. She had decided she would go to the park and back,and then have a nice,bowl of grapes when she got home. She was tired,even though she had only ran a block yet. "I'm in worse shape than I thought I was! Man I need to run more often!" Octavia still trotted down the roads and sidewalks of the empty streets. It was chilly,but she endured it. She was relieved to reach the park,meaning she once again could go home. "Just run back,have some grapes,take a shower,read the paper,and maybe a real book,then wake up Vinyl. Good morning!" Before she had even realized it,she was approaching the dorm had been staying in. The second she hit the door,she ran into the house like her life depended on it. She washed the grapes she would have for breakfast,and put them in a bowl to eat. She looked over at the clock again,for the third time that morning.,and saw the red numbers that read '6:52' on it. She put the empty bowl that once contained her grapes into the sink,making a mental note to clean them later. Octavia grabbed bag of shower supplies,towels,and a small rug to put on the floor to keep it from getting soaked,and trotted into the bathroom. She set up her things accordingly,and turned the 'hot' valve on. The grey mare began cleansing herself from the sweat from the walk,and dirt and dust from sleeping on the floor. The hot water streamed onto her coat,and into her mane,letting steam off of it as it did. She did everything necessary to clean herself off,from lathering shampoo into her mane,to conditioning her tail. She reached a hoof to the lever,turning it down,from hot-to cold-to nothing. She grabbed a towel and began drying herself off,making sure to get all of her coat dry,before looking into the mirror. The cellist grabbed another towel down from it's rack,and put it over her mane. The towel soon became too wet to dry it though,and thus she tossed it into the hamper. Octavia reached a hoof into a drawer,grabbing a purple and grey mane-dryer,that was placed next a similar one,with blue on top,and gray on bottom. She like purple,Vinyl liked blue,what else could she say? "Man,I'm sure glad I bought this thing!" She whipped her mane around,drying off what she could of it. "Alright,this should do." She said to herself,Putting her mane up in a clip. It wasn't going to dry any sooner,no matter how many times she ran the blow-dryer over it. The damp mane would do for now,until later when she took it down,and re-styled it. She simply shrugged it off,as usual when she had this problem,collected her things,and trotted out of the bathroom. She picked up the newspaper from the front of her house,and took it inside. There were many things in it to read,but one thing in particular stood out to her 'The amazing 'DJ P0n3 playing at 'The scratch' Friday night! 7:30 she'll be performing some of her new works to show off! "Strange....she didn't tel me she was preforming tonight. Was it because it slipped her mind,or was she hiding it? What is this mare up to?" She turned on a mental light bulb. "She doesn't need to keep me updated on her life,I understand! She doesn't lie." Octavia walked over to the pony on the floor,admiring her features. There was something that stood out though. Her glasses. She always wore them,and when she didn't,her eyes were closed. Octavia knew this pony for a year,she was best friends with her and yet...she didn't even know her eye color. She took the glasses off,and hid them in a drawer. She doesn't get these back until I see her eyes Octavia thought,with a gentle nod,and a smile to re-assure herself. This day-She would see Vinyl's eyes. "No more secrets,miss DJ mane" Next Chapter 'Secret's Spill' Coming out soon!