The pony from the forest.

by jdz1654

The unwanted attack

Again having to fight with the only creature in this forest persistent enough to keep on trying. All I wanted to do is simply get the supplies for dinner, and how does it end, with Monic gathering even more wolves to fight me- Well, at least this time he had the courtesy to wait for me to finish gathering. Still, we went through the routine all over again, me getting into the fighting grounds while he and his numbering pack circle around me. Now that we are good and ready the fight is about to begin, just waiting for the howl to begin.

"gerrrrrr, HOWWWWWL!"... and there it is.

They all leapt together in perfect unison bearing each and every tooth, claw, and sharpened wooden tail. The approaching attackers were as close to me as the wind, just before they made contact my long wings spread catching the wind lifting me so I wouldn't get inured, even though the wolves did catch a bit of my long mane. Closing my wings I dropped on two of them bucking them hard enough to make any pony unconscious while spinning to avoid the oncoming attackers. Grabbing the back leg of one wolf I hurled it into the other making an opening I could slip through; before making it through the opening I had made one of the faster wolves bit one of my hooves. The two wolves I had bested by slamming together got up faster than I imagined and lunged at me. Whipping my mane I shrouded their vision managing to get behind one and snapping its neck to knock it unconscious without killing it. The group, now three members down from the original twelve, regrouped and continued their assault. Receiving the occasional scratch or bruise I managed to dodge everyone that came. After continuing this for some time I took the offensive and began my assault by kicking up dust and bucking the attackers away, leaving me the chance to knock another out using my wings to slam them into the ground.

Taking a deep breath I looked at the leader,Monic, and said,"That's four down only eight to go, It's your choice if you want to keep going, just don't blame me is you loose that other eye of yours."

A moment of silence passed as the old wolf consider my proposal. The silence was broken with him looking up just as determined as before and with a loud,"WOROF"

He and his pack moved forward taking their stances to begin again. Sighing, I too prepared, by raising the awareness in my eyes, getting ready for an intense attack. As if on cue they leapt forward just as before but with a greater speed to them. Still, I managed to dodge each one taking a few hits but not without returning each one ten fold and knocking one out using the same trick as before. With the wind picking up I was able to use many of my more advanced moves; jumping to catch the wind and bucking the ground simultaneously to create a powerful punching move causing two wolves to be knocked unconscious while intercepting two more in mid-air. With their numbers down by less than half, their movements became less organized and easier to predict giving me more opportunities to strike.

I stopped one more time speaking loudly and more serious, with a sharp tone," This is your last chance Monic, leave me now and I wont follow, or stay and fight with the rest of your pack and be humiliated once again," I could see a sort of subtle pain in his eye at the mention of our previous meeting but continued anyway," I know you as both a friend and a warrior - so end this now." This time the air grew cold and the tension was high, everything seemed to stop and even the wolves seemed to notice the changes. The old wolfs' one eye glared at me with an emotion that could have been either anger, embarrassment, or a combination of both. He stopped, looked away and gave a sound of frustration. He turned around, looked me square in the eyes, bared his teeth and gave a howl that seemed to shake the entire forest, just then every wolf continued as if nothing had ever happened attacking ferociously.

With another sigh, I continued the battle using every method of fighting just as i had done before. As they begin to rush an attack on me, I spun around around their bodies and used my hooves to strike them in the back of their necks rendering three more unconscious. That left Monic and one of the new recruits continuing the attacks on me. The new recruit attacked before Monic did and with a simple dodge and buck to the chin he lay passed out. It was just me and Monic now staring each other down. It was I who made the first move with a simple barrage of punches and a few hooks on occasion. He did just as I expected and moved out of the way with ease, giving me a few scratches on his return while carefully maneuvering to avoid any fallen comrade. He lunged at me with great speed and power. Still, I was able to flip him into a somersault mid-air and immediately landed strong punches to both his sides and muzzle. Also, I began using my long mane to disorient him so that I was able to land a few extra hits.

My overpowering him was short lived, however, as he immediately countered with a series of bites and scratches drawing blood with each one. We didn't skip a beat taking every opportunity to land either a bite, punch, scratch, or buck on one another. With us both exhausted I decided to finish this once and for all. I used my special talent to dissipate the color out of the arena leaving him surprised. As he stand there unguarded and completely vulnerable I took the chance to turn and buck as hard as I could and with a loud whimper he fell in front of me, defeated. I limped over to my bag, took out a daisy, placed it in front of him and walked home to tend to my wounds and get a long rest... without dinner.