//------------------------------// // Teachers First Day // Story: A Wish That Could Be // by Faithful Brony //------------------------------// "I hope you don't mind if I use your line Hannibal but, I love it when a plan comes together." -Face, The A-team The sun was rising over the horizon which marked the start of a new day, but for a certain human this was the start of a nervous morning. Rob was at the new and improve school of Ponyville waiting for the little fillies and colts to arrive. "Alright so the curriculum for this week is in your desk and my office is just down the hall and to the left if you need any help getting your bearing," Ms. Cheerlee said to Rob while giving him a layout of the new school. "Thank you Ms. Cheerlee for your help but can I ask you a question?" Rob said shaking slightly. "Please go ahead, ask away," She said starting to sense the nervousness and tension coming from the human. "How do you do it, I mean with all those ponies staring at you how can you be so calm about it. It feels like they stare at you waiting for you to fail, I don't know about this." Rob was having a panic attack and for obvious reasons. Cheerlee understood why and knew exactly how to calm him down. "It really is a nerve racking for first year teachers, even I had jitters my first day but you want to know what I did to get through it, Rob looked to her waiting for her response. "I thought that even though the job comes with a lot of responsibility and chance of failure these ponies are young and they depend on us to teach them the things needed for life. Just remember that these ponies depend on you, and it always nice to be depended on by somepony. I know you are going to do a good job because I knew you were capable of performing this position duties, after all I would not have given you it unless I knew you were going to succeed." She noticed Rob starting to visibly calm down. "Thanks Ms. Cheerlee for the help, I guess I'm ready as I will ever be, so when do the little ones arrive." As if on cue the bell rang signaling the start of the school day. She wished him well and headed out the door to her office down the hallway. Given the new size of the school Ms. Cheerlee hired more teacher and she was given the position principle by the mayor because of her years of dedication to teaching. All the young fillies and colts filed into the classroom and into their assigned seats so class could begin. Once they were all seated they finally noticed their new teacher. "Hello everypony my name is Rob and I will be your new teacher for this school year. Now before we begin I need to do attendance, after that I will answer a few of your questions than we will begin todays lesson by each of you stating your name and maybe tell a little bit about yourself so the new ponies can get acquainted with the regular students. For the assignment you can give your, hobbies, future dream jobs anything will do, now lets take roll." Rob pulled out a clipboard and began checking off names on the list of ponies who were there. Once that was completed the younglings all raised their Whooves so they could be picked to ask the first question. After looking around for a few seconds Rob picked one of the ponies in the first row. "Yes Twist, what is your question." "Well not to be rude or anything but what happened to Ms. Cheerlee and why are you our teacher". "Well that's because when they added on to the original building to make it bigger Ms. Cheerlee had to hire more teachers and she became the administrator here at the school because of it, As for your other question I just applied for the job like any other pony did." He scanned the group and picked a colt from the second Row, "Snips its your turn ask away." "What are you exactly because I've never heard about you before," Snips asked with general curiosity. "Well to answer your question Snips, I'm a human being." Another filly decided to pipe up at that moment. "I thought humans were a myth at least that's what I was told," this pony was a greyish silver color. "You are only partially correct Silver Spoon you see Humans are not native to this planet. I came here by means of some ancient magic that formed a portal to your world and it brought me and a friend of mine here." He looked for a good choice and decided upon another filly in the front row, this one was pink with a tiara on her head. last question goes to you Diamond Tiara. "If magic brought you here why haven't you gone back yet, there are plenty of unicorns in Equestria." "Well the reason why I havent done that is because unicorns cannot possess this kind of magic. The magic that brought me here is far older than even the princesses. It was just a dumb luck and random magic that brought me here and I know that it will be a long, long time before something like this could ever happen again. Ok that's all the questions for today now lets begin the lesson, Applebloom you go first." Applebloom got up out of her seat and went to the front of the class. "Well as most of you know my name is Applebloom, I live with my sister Applejack and big brother Big Macintosh and my Granny Smith at Sweet Apple Acres. Me and a couple of my friends formed a group called the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and my dream job has been to help other ponies all across Equestria find their Cutie Marks." Once Applebloom was finished she went back to her seat. "That was a great presentation, well done. Alright next is Diamond Tiara, and so that went on for quite a while. after about an hour and a half they were pretty well through the list of names and the presentations. Alright next is," at that moment the bell for recess went off. "Ok we'll pick up where we left off after break so go play everypony." All the ponies filed out of the room leaving the teacher behind for the other half of the day. Rob slumped down in his chair with a feeling of pure relief as he made it so far. "Well it looks like your having fun, is it really that stressful on you first day." Rob recognized that voice and turned to see Jessie standing there with a humored look. "Hey im just trying to survive here. Substituting for your writing class for one day was easy because I knew it was just one class but this, im going to be here for an entire school year with these little ponies, I mean yeah I did get training because I wanted to be a writer but not a writing teacher. At least I can say that the first day usually is the hardest to get through, after that its pretty much straight forward. Anywho, how was your first day at work Jessie, any exciting books to read?" "Actually yeah, the book store has the entire series of Daring Do. I read when we don't have customers coming and going, whats odd is Zecora happened to come in today, but what's real funny was the surprised look on her face when she saw me. You'd think she wouldn't have been so surprise seeing as how she's seen stranger creature before." "How, I mean she lives not that far from Ponyville, inside the Everfree Forest just near the entrance. I don't think she's going to run into to many strange creatures, at least not like, us strange." "Actually yeah she could, she was born and raised in Zebrica and only moved here recently if you go by the entire My Little Pony Fanfiction information, she's only been here for a few years and im pretty sure her age is like late twenties. Anyway, did you know that some of the information on the internet is actually true about this world. I've been reading some of the history books of Equestria, and a couple of them talked about the rest of Equis. There's even an actual full on global map in one of the pony encyclopedias with other countries and different races in a lot of theses other places." "Huh I wonder which one Russell went to, do you know which one he went to Jessie?" "No but he did leave a note saying that we shouldn't worry, that he was going to stay in Zebrica for a month or two so that he could learn potion making from the zebras, than he was going to head north to find a more permanent place of residence. When he does he will try to contact us at some point after that. I guess we'll just have to wait for him to send us a letter, until then we shouldn't think about him. anyway I got to get back to the store, I'll see you at the library after work to show you those maps." Jessie turned around and head out the door leaving Rob to continue his day. Rob got through the rest of the day with relative ease. After work was over, Rob was getting ready to go packing his book bag with paper work that he needed to finish once he got back to the farm. The door to his class room opened and he turned to see Ms. Cheerlee and the Cutie Mark Crusaders right next to her. Rob continued packing his book bag while speaking. "Hello Ms. Cheerlee, hello girls, did you want something." "I was told by these three that you did an amazing job and that they loved having you as their teacher, what do you have to say to that." "Yeah and we want you to continue being our teacher," the three fillies said in unison. Rob stopped packing and looked directly at them. "You really want me to continue teaching you," the three fillies simultaneously nodded their head. "I guess I will just have continue teaching my great students, thank you girls it really means a lot. you mind if I talk to Ms. Cheerlee alone, just for a few minutes." "We'll leave you alone come on gals lets go to the ice cream shop, CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS ICE CREAM MAKERS-" and the three fillies were out of there in seconds heading to the ice cream parlor to ask Lickety Split how to make the delectable treat. "I get what you just did there and I want to thank you for that." Ms. Cheerlee walked up to him and gave him a hug "Well I guess I saw potential in you when you thought less of yourself, and your charming looks happened to help you as well." she let go and walked out of the room but not before seductively winking at him. Rob just sat there stunned for what seem like minutes before leaving the classroom and heading over to his next destination. "She really winked at you," Jessie said while getting some parchments out. "Yea, it was odd but definitely in a good way that's for sure." "She's definitely has the hots for you dude, he finally grabbed the scroll he wanted and pulled it out. alright so these are the maps. They are in parts for some weird reason but when you fit the pieces together you get the globe." Rob looked at the huge map in front of them noticing all the details of it. he then looked at Zebrica and moved up from there but stopped when he noticed something. "Jessie look at the that spot right there," Rob was pointing a little bit forward from the middle of a particular land mass and saw a creepy looking bone yard. Rob grabbed a book and started flipping through it trying to find something before finally finding what he wanted. "It says in this book that that country is home to many dangerous creatures but few match the giant sand worm. The native zebras call it an oryashrin. Its is a giant worm except with tiny legs and sleeps in the sands. our friend is headed right towards it. "We cant do anything about it though which sucks, all we can do is pray that he makes it safely across." Rob and Jessie stood there thinking of what their friend might be doing at the moment. "Well anyway there are several land north from there which makes it almost impossible to figure out where he's going as I said before." "Lets continue researching this tomorrow and try to lower the list of possible places for him to go to. I'll see you then Jessie, take care my friend." After they exchange good byes Rob headed back to the farm leaving Jessie alone to his thought. as Jessie was cleaning up their work and putting the books away while thinking what he would do when he saw his missing friend again.