The Life of A God

by Eventide Indigo


September 1st

Today was the first day of school.
The teacher is very nice and she tells everyone to stop it when they look at me funny. One kid asked me why I looked so ugly and I started crying, but the teacher was really nice to me and gave me a golden sticker because I was so good.

Being a dragonnecus draconequus is really hard. Especially when you're the last one left, because then nopony knows why you look so funny. Some of the kids are nice to me, but I think its because they feel bad or something. I hope I make some friends tomorrow... lunch time was very lonely.

- Discord

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September 8th

Hey diary.

I think I'm in love.

There's a very beautiful pony in my class. They say she's an ali-acorn or something like that. I don't no what that is but it's very special. She is a Pegasus AND a unicorn... can you believe it?

Her name is Cullestia Culesstya Cellestya ... Tia.

She's so pretty and she's super graceful. They say she's even a princess. Everyone really likes her, and she has lots of friends. All the boys have crushes on her too. Which really kinda sucks because she doesn't notice me at all. The teacher likes her lots too. Her mane is really pretty and long and it waves in the wind... even when there is no wind! I think her mane is magic or something.

Anyway, I like Tia and maybe one day I can marry her because that would be super cool and stuff.


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September 17th

Today sucked.

I finally decided to talk to Celestia today. (the teacher taught me how to spell her name right!) She was very nice and I love her voice. It is very pretty. I was having lots of fun talking to her but then a really big colt came up to me. I don't no his name but he is a big meanie and he told me to stay away from Celestia and never come back... EVER!

I was really sad but I said goodbye to her and walked away. Celestia even waved to me and she looked sad when I left. I think she likes me back! Maybe I can marry her after all.


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September 30th

Hey diary.

I'm kinda sad right now, so I thought I should write about my day. I'm sorry I haven't written a lot lately, but I lost you. I found you just now. You were under my bed!

So, anyway, today was not very good for me.

I was talking to Celestia again. She came over to me and apologized about the colt and said she had told him to leave me alone. I was really happy because maybe I could get closer to her and then I could tell her about my crush on her. I hope she isn't weirded out by me. I talked to her for the whole lunch recess, but I saw the colt and his friends looking at me. He was real jealous.

I have to walk home from school because mommy is sick and can't get up a lot. She can only get up to make me breakfast, pack me lunch and make dinner. I love my mommy. I say I need to get a doctor, but she says we can't afford it. Anyways, I was walking alone down an alley which I use as a short-cut to my house. Then I hear the gravel slide behind me and I turn around to see the colt and two others grinning at me. I tried to run but I slipped and scraped my knee. It's still bleeding as I write this, even though I put a band-aid on.

They beat me up. Now my tummy really hurts because the biggest colt kicked me there and then kicked it again to make sure I'd stay down. I think my eye is bruising. And the nosebleed doesn't help either. My nose really hurts. Mom was in bed when I came home, so luckily she didn't see me like this. I would tell my mom about them, but...

Well, you know, if you rat on the bullies, they just come back for more. Even if they are expelled, they know where I live. Bullies suck, diary. They really do. Oops! I hear my mom knocking at the -

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