Cabin Wood's Day At Work

by Mexican Brony 101

Second Job?

It’s noon now, and Cabin Wood finally finishes her 7 hour job. Not very long huh? Well if you were Cabin Wood, you would know how her job really is. When it’s busy, ponies tend to be picky about what they want, not to mention the fillies who want their parents to buy them every-thing.

Cabin wood clocks out of work, waving goodbye to her fellow employees. Cabin steps out of the train, looking at the three passengers trotting off in the distance. She grabs her bags with her magic, taking them off the train. The train sets off, she sighs with relief as it leaves her view.

She trots out the exit of the station, looking at the many buildings entering her vision. She sees mostly one story building, but some were two. The buildings resembled a fancier version then that of the one in Ponyville. She looks around some more, still trotting slowly forward. She could also see the hustle and bustle of the Canterlot, what with the ponies there acting so busy, taking cups of tea and communicating to each other, talking about the latest fashion. This all seems odd to her, with the ponies being all oddly postured here, but she ignores it, just like she would ignore other things she doesn’t want to make a big fuss about.

She comes upon a strange sight. It’s a hotel with big white letters labeling it Flopple Top Motel. It was a small but relatively large, two story motel building, She looks side to side for incoming carts as she heads toward the entrance. The entrance is rotating glass doors, with silver rims along the edges. She enters, coming upon a magnificent sight; all around the square white office are magnificent paintings of medieval ponies that discovered Equestria. Look! There’s commander hurricane, with the other two pony race leaders. Look! There is the setting of the Equestrian flag, representing the start of the start of this magnificent empire.

An unfamiliar tan mare trots to her; bestowing the cutie mark resembling a stopwatch. She also wears a name tag labeling herself the Hotel Owner.

The mare stops right in front of Cabin Wood, having a worried look upon her face.

“Hey! I know we don’t know each other, but can you watch over my establishment for me? I’d be happy to pay you,” She grins nervously at Cabin Wood.

Cabin was quite taken back by the offer. But she thinks about it, thinking about gathering money to live here, to start a career perhaps.

“Sure I’d be happy to,” She grins back.

“Awesome I’ll be back at 11 pm,” She heads to the door in a rush, without saying goodbye.

She stops to think about what she had just done. “Until 11? Why so late?!”

Then she trots to the head desk, which was the only desk in the room, being in front of the doors. She examines the desk and its surrounding, looking at each detail. Not much to see, the desk was really bland, having no pictures or knickknacks on the flat parts of it. She pulls out her bag, pulling out her name, plated on wood. She sets it on the front of the desk, having a feeling of satisfaction.

“Ahh, now you really are the boss…of a hotel apparently.”

She kicks her hoofs up on the desk, smiling as she lay back on the cozy chair. Her eyes widen as she realizes she should be focused at the task at hand. She drives her attention before the door; she examines it, expecting a rush in of customers.

Five minutes go by, and Cabin is at her desk, still expecting the rush of customers. She starts wondering to herself how she would take their questions and answer them well. I mean, she doesn’t exactly know this place or how it works.

Ten minutes pass, and still no customer has come to her desk or in the building for that matter. She starts developing a bore to her new job.


She looks around trying to attract her mind to something more appealing.

She grunts. “Why isn’t any pony coming?!”

She eventually gets tired of sitting. She hops out of her seat, stretching out her limbs as she walks away from the desk.

“Well since I’m here might as well get to know this place,”

She starts exploring the entire hotel starting by going thru one of the two doors behind of the desk. She goes to the door to the right, hoping to find something interesting. She trots thru a long passage way, having lots of identical wooden gray doors on the left and right walls.

“One…two…three…four…” She kept counting until she reached room 17. This room was different than the other ones, being the only room bestowing yellow lettering, instead of white.

“How odd…” She wonders why this room door differs from the others.
A thought struck her. She has to go back to the register to check on customers! She rushes thru the hallway feeling the wind going past her. She turns the sharp corner stopping, she looks at the register. There seems to be no signs of anypony coming to the building at all. She sighs, relieving the stress that she built up rushing here.

She smiles, trotting back to the desk, taking notice of the outside door. She sits down, not kicking her legs up, but drawing attention the door. Two ponies, one brown and the other tan, look at the open/closed sign next to the door. They both shrug their shoulders, and walk off to the other direction.

Now this really attracts Cabin Wood what is happening. She jumps of her seat wondering as to why the ponies didn’t come inside, and why they’d stopped at the door. She looks at the open/closed sign.

“It says OPEN” She could clearly see that the sign did indeed say open.

She stops in front of the rotating glass door, and starts making assumptions.

“Does this hotel have a bad reputation or something? Wait, is it haunted?…no that can’t be right,” She smiles to herself.

“Do you know what? I’ll just see for myself.”

She pushes on the door and starts making her way outside the building. She turns back looking at the entrance of the building; she searches the surrounding area of the door. Her eyes start looping around the door, like some kind of critic, examining a new dress or something. She draws her attention to the open/close sign, her eyes widen once she saw it.

“Oh Celestia! Did I just…I did…ughh. Oh well…I guess she just wanted me to watch over her paintings.”