Grey Heart

by Flamepony2229

The Mare

After finishing my apples, I set off back home, still mulling over my thought process that had just occurred, that my brain even thinks I'm worthless, but tonight, that shall all change. My trek back home was a dark one, the night time is quite pleasant when you think about it, another thing I shall miss from this world of hatred.

As I open my door, I trot into the room and raise a bottle of whiskey to my dry lips, the bitter taste soothes my throat with a passion. Many say alcohol is what causes these temptations, I find they suppress them.

I start a slow accent towards the roof of my house, three floors up, this should be quick. The wind is cold against my face, and a slight downpour begins to rattle against the roof, causing a slight shiver to run down my back. The rain begins to pick up now as I edge myself towards the roofing edge, my hooves making there all to familiar sound against the wooden roof.

That's when I notice her: her mane coloured light red with orange streaks shimmering through it, her coat of a light white, her cutie mark seemed to be a beautiful rose, but not an ordinary rose, this rose had light tinge if red, not the simple dark rose red we all normally see. She is moving slowly around wilting along in the darkness of the rain, her mane dropping down nearly touching the ground. She is beautiful and I can tell that she is hurt, not on the outside, but her heart is what is hurt.

I begin to attempt at backing off the roof.

What are you doing? Are you backing out from this? You can't, I knew you didn't have the guts too pull through with it.

You are wrong brain, once again, you have tricked me into something and it isn't going to work, I'm getting down, whether you like it or not.

Then let's see if you can avoid slipping off this wet roof, shall we?

And with that last statement from my brain, my hooves give way underneath me and I begin a decent downward towards the cobblestone paved ground, my life begins to flash in my eyes as I find my self staring into the abyss of death itself, the ground looks so peaceful, it beckons me towards it. Then I begin to re-think my decisions, I was throwing myself off a building for no true reason, my heart was broken, so what, everyponys heart is broken at some stage.

I find myself ever closer to the ground, darkness begins to consume me with the force of the updraft spraying against my face. I hear a loud thud before everything turns pitch black.

1 week later

My eyes lift open slowly to the disgusting smell of decay and medicinal material, it drifts in my muzzle and I manage to contain my sneeze, I take a look around at my surroundings: a dreary room with several machines blinking and beeping in a rhythmic tune, some powerful lights seem to beam from the ceiling blinding me as I look up, I attempt to twist my neck to get a better view of the room before I get hammered with a sharp pain that stretches across my back, I seem to have broken a bone in my lower neck, one that needs some time to heal. Then the unthinkable happened, the beautiful mare that I saw just outside before my inevitable fall to my thought upon doom, quickly rises and looks down at me. Her eyes are of bright pink and her smile is beautiful, I've never ever believed in "love at first sight" but this truly had something special to it.

My dreamy sensation is interrupted by the voice of an angel (or so I thought). "Doctor, he's awake!" I hear being sprouted from this mare, her voice soothes my worries once more, again it was beautiful.

Yea, I know what you would like to do to her.

Brain, shut the fuck up, you need to pull yourself out of the gutter.

"Ahhhh, good you're awake, I thought it would take longer than that, you have really pulled through well" the stallion says trotting into the room, a medical clipboard in hand "it's time for you to have a dose of this medicine" he says tipping a bottle of liquid into a small spoon, it looks brown and disgusting, but before I can protest it runs down my throat.

"Why am I here?" I ask hoping to get some answers to what happened to me, the doctor looks at the mare before looking back to me, he was probably thinking about his answer.

He shifts around uncomfortably before he finally opens his mouth to talk, "you decided to take an attempt on your life, is what was believed from the initial report, this mare found you plummeting to the ground at a high speed and brought you in as fast as she could, you came in with a broken spinal cord and two cracked ribs, you are very lucky to be alive" he spoke with sever seriousness in his voice, it sent a few shivers down my back, to which the medicine had numbed the searing pain. "This mare here sat beside you the whole time not moving for one second to even eat, I ended up bringing a meal or two in for her" he said looking over at her for a brief second, then looking back towards me to end his overview of what happened. "I'm sure if you have anypony to thank for anything, it's this mare here, she damn well saved your life." With that he leaves the room to leave us some peace and quiet, possibly some time to catch up as well, since she did save my life, we should at least get to know each other as friends, at least.

"Thank you...f-f-for saving me like that...I don't know what I was doing..." I trail off as I look deeply at her, she stares at me with what seems like shock.

"Uhhhh...i-i-it was was just...well I saw you fall, and I thought that I should help you." She answers back nervously. I smile warmly, and I honestly thought I felt my cutie mark change colour to the same red of her rose.

"My name is Grey Heart, it's an honour to meet you" I say, extending a hoof to the best of my abilities. She graciously shakes it with a smile.

"I'm Sweet Rose, I'm happy we met like this...oh but n-n-not like we did...uhhhhh...I'm happy we are getting to know each other like this." she claims with a nervous hint in her voice, she begins to blush slightly at this remark, her cheeks turning a beautiful light pink. I too give a slight blush and we begin general small talk. After a while of getting to know each other, I find out some interesting facts about this beautiful mare: she is from Fillydelphia and has a natural talent in flowers (no surprise there), she likes all the small shenanigans that happen about Ponyville, for example: the cutie mark crusaders and there wondrous journeys about the place. Which is what convinced her too move here and set up a small Rose shop in the lower district of Ponyville.