Chronicles of Bon Bon

by Anonimoose

What Needed to Be Done

At the Lunar fleet the situation was chaotic, civilian craft were sailing towards the fleet, and various Peacemakers were zipping to the carrier and letting wounded off to head back into the fray, Luna walked into the bridge of the ship

"What is going on here!?" She demanded from the Captian

"Ma'am, Thank goodness you made it, Celestia and her mechanical army are personally assaulting the town in the badlands, we tried to send some forces but we've been tending to the wounded!"

"I understand, is a beach landing possible?"

"Yes Ma'am, we have landing craft below deck."

"We have to defend that city, send as many as you can!"

"Aye!" The Captain picked up the radio and gave the green light, the ponies in the carrier loaded up into the boats and rode full throttle towards the flashes in the sky.

Tatau and Ritz jumped into the last craft in their unchanged form startling the young troops, Ritz throwing the dress he was wearing the entire time in the water and snatching up a spare helmet he placed it on his head,
"Lets Go!" He snapped impatiently to the driver of the landing craft as the engine putted out of the opening in the carrier and regrouped with the other crafts. At the sight of a red flare the craft stormed the waters towards the mansion various War-birds zipping over the crafts trying to pick off the soldiers before they landed.

"Whoa, Celestia be pissed!" Ritz said to Tatau

"Shes gone mad with power, she will burn every town to the ground until she finds Luna."

"You think it has to do something with that amulet?"

"I know it does, I fear it maybe too late to save her."

"So what do we do?"

"We do what we have to, so you with me?" Tatau said extending his hoof,

"Till the end brother." Ritz said as they brohoofed.

"Sifty is gonna be pissed." Ritz added

The crafts landed and the doors dropped, the ponies charged out onto the beach in front of the mansion, gunfire could be seen from the windows of the mansion.

"Looks like the patriots are holding the mansion." Tatau observed the surroundings noticing the armored up Lyra who was destroying the magic powered copperheads.

"I just thought this, what are we going to tell Lyra?"

"The truth, now lets go!" Tatau said charging through the backyard of the mansion to the makeshift cover beside Lyra,

"Nice of you to show up!" Lyra said teasingly, "So guessing from the backup Luna's on our side?"

"That is correct, they are tending to the wounded at the fleet, so whats the situation?"

"Well, we're swarmed from all angles by these freaky mechanical freaks, kill one another takes its place!"

"Where's Celestia?"

"She's being stalled by the big guns, her shields are taking all the damage we are running low on ammo though."

"I have an idea, how do you say, wish me luck?"

"Good luck!" Lyra said with a mock salute as Tatau ran into the mansion, as he ran up the stairs the walls shook by the explosions going on outside, the Griffon tanks could be heard making various beeping noises as the defenses activated, making his way to the Library he opened up a large case and pieced together an oversized anti-tank Rifle then Tatau grabbed a single bullet with an explosive charge at the end and made his way to the east wing of the mansion to a vantage point, propping the rifle on the window sill the crosshairs slowly focused in directly on Celestia Tatau observed the surroundings as the rifles magic and mechanisms torqued the bullet into the firing position noticing Sifty trying to talk some sense into the Insane Queen.

"CELESTIA, WHAT THE HAY THIS ISN'T YOU!" Sifty shouted at the top of his lungs catching her attention,

"Sifty, This is what I NEED TO BE, you of all ponies should understand!"

"Why? Why are you doing this!?" He said stepping over the barrier, though in the line of fire the machines avoided firing at Sifty.


"This isn't PEACE!"

"THE BLOOD OF THE EVIL WILL WASH AWAY THE WAR AND BRING AN ERA OF PEACE!" Celestia screamed the shield flickered as she lost focus,

"That's not the Celestia I KNOW, what happened to the caring princess that I knew!" Sifty pleaded as Celestia prepared to charge her beam it seemed as every move was being resisted but the corruption was winning the battle for control as her horn flared a demonic red and green flame, her head reared back to charge and the shield dropped, as it did a small red dot appeared on her chest.

Tatau could barely hear Sifty's words over the chaos, but he could tell by the emotions in the air he was trying to reason with the queen. The aroma the queen gave off was nothing but hate as she yelled back at the stallion, Tatau then noticed Sifty jump over the barrier and stand defiantly in the carnage yet he was not mowed down, then he noticed a new smell coming from the Solar Goddess, one of love, like a mother, years of service could a maternal care have arisen in what Tatau thought was usually an emotionless godess?
Sifty stood tall in the fray as he and the princess exchanged shouts until the princess charged her horn, then the air filled with the scent that overcame Tatau, she was FIGHTING herself, but the darkness overcame the emotions the princess had used for power, rearing her head back to charge the shield dropped and Tatau took aim, instead of the head like he had originally planned, he aimed for the small amulet on her chest and pulled the trigger as the bullet hit the amulet her beam shot towards the east wing of the Mansion,

"Ku'uipo, I am coming." Tatau closed his eyes and smiled