The Love of a Mother

by Ekhidna

Why I love Her

“Why I Love her”

Many ponies ask me many things, things like:

Can you breathe fire?”

“How sharp are your fangs and claws little one?”

“How big will you be?”

“Why do you live with Twilight Sparkle?”

And many more questions like that and I always answer them the best I can, but over the years there was one pony who asked me something I couldn’t really answer, I was a simply child that time, a time before I even began to act as Twilight’s assistant.

“Why do you stay with Princess Celestia so much?”

“Because I love her!” was my simple answer.


I couldn’t answer to that; even then I knew I couldn’t simply say that it was because she is my mom, so I just turned around and ran to her, thinking about how much I loved her and why, when I arrived at her side she was talking with some ponies I don’t remember, but I ran to her.

For a moment she stopped and looked at me just soon enough to see me jumping to her forelegs, she caught me in the air with her wings and hugged me tightly against her neck, I felt her warm embrace as I cried against her, I remember it was the first time we showed our true relationship to anypony.

“Shhh, it’s alright my son” she whispered to me “I’m here for you my baby, mommy is here for you”

I couldn’t say anything, I only hugged her as hard as I could crying on her neck, barely mumbling how sorry I was I couldn’t answer why I loved her so much.

But now, I can answer to that freely.

I remember, somehow I can remember some fragments when I was inside my egg, I remember it as if was yesterday. I felt so cold, alone and sad, for some time it always felt like that in the darkness of my egg but slowly there was something……..warm, warm and soothing coming inside.

I don’t know how much time it passed but I felt many things many times, most of the time I felt that same warmness around me, each time stronger and stronger, but I also felt sadness that made me sad, happiness that made me happy, anger that made angry to nothing really, that and many more things until I felt something inside me, a desire.

I wanted to be out!

I wanted to be near the source of that warmness, that sadness, that happiness, that soothing something, that everything! But I couldn’t come out, I simply couldn’t come out and that was making me so sad, I wanted to be out of my egg and to finally be next to that thing that made me feel so many wonderful things but I couldn’t even move.

Then one day something hit me like, that same something that had hit me before trying to take me away from my egg but this time, this time it was strong and then for the first time in my life I saw light!.

I can’t remember much of what happened after I first saw the light but I know I felt……lonely, the thing I wanted to be near with wasn’t there, I wanted to be near it but now that I was finally out of my egg I couldn’t even find it, then something picked me up and I fell asleep, feeling safe on that strange embrace.

When I woke up I saw many colors in front of me and I also felt than thing I wanted to be next to, I could feel it, it was the same soothing presence I knew so well, now that I was out of my egg I could finally move, I remember touching something soft and warm with my feet, feeling the same thing with my tail and grabbing something nice and silky with my claws, looking up I saw a tall white something that suddenly looked down to me.

It was the first time I saw the face of the thing I wanted to be near of, I didn’t know what to think of, what was it? Who was it? Was it dangerous?, Was it friendly? Why was it smiling to----.

That smile, that’s what I wanted to see, that's what I wanted to know, that’s how I knew that the thing that was holding me was not only safe but it was the thing I was wishing for to be next to, I tried to show it was I was feeling, all the time feeling that soothing warmness against me, making me feel happy and safe.

I remember it was saying something I couldn’t understand at that time but I remember that it was feeling sad, so I called out at the thing.


The thing looked down to me and water filled its eyes and I could feel sadness and something else I didn’t know, then the warmness increased and that made me feel happy and safe again, again it said something I couldn’t understand but the thing continued to talk and hold me I felt that thing was a she and that that she was something important to me, I just felt like there was something missing.

I felt tired and ready to sleep so I held onto her, demanding an embrace to sleep peacefully, again she said something I couldn’t understand but I felt……, yeah, that was it, the warmness and soothing thing was love, but there was something still missing, a name for her, a name for the giver of such nice feeling, only one name came to mind.


I chuckled, Why I love Celestia? Why I love my mother?, simple.

I love her because she loves me unconditionally, I love her because she protects me and because she is not afraid to put herself in danger to do so, I love her because she puts her trust into me and believes in me, I love her because she is proud of me and because she is proud to call me her son, me, a stranger that arrived at her side by the cruelty of destiny and gave us both a chance to be so happy together.

So it is now, after so many years, where now I even stand at her same height, looking over Canterlot watching a sunset much like out first sunset together that I lean close to her and embrace her, kissing her left cheek lovingly.

“What was that for, Spikey?”

That nickname, the one she only uses when we are alone, I love it “I love you, Mom”

My mother was stunned for a moment before embracing me tightly, just like when I was younger, this time however I can return the embrace with the same intensity.

So I did, as we fell into the ground of her balcony falling asleep slowly in the process.

“I love you too, my son”


Princess Twilight Sparkle was walking to the chambers of her once mentor for some “tips” on how to deal with ‘idiotic-greedy nobles’.

Opening the doors to her chamber she saw a scene that made her smile warmly, a scene much like the one she had stumbled upon on her early years as her personal student, one that at the time she didn’t understand.

The scene of a mother and a son embracing each other in the arriving night.

The end.

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