//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 // Story: Out of the Blue // by LightSpectrum //------------------------------// Out of the Blue Chapter 8 Rainbow Dash bolted out of her comfy cloud bed. Now, normally, this wasnt something the blue pegasus would do, but today was a special day. A few days previously, she had filled out and sent an application to the Wonderbolts training camp, the Wonderbolts Academy. She would go to that camp and train there, and they would pick the best of the best fliers from there, meaning her, to train further and be made a Wonderbolt. She dashed around her room, packing a light saddlebag with just a few necessary items for hygiene. She would need to look her best, and she wanted to smell decent too. For the Wonderbolts would take only the best, and she had to make a good first impression. She took one glance at her bookshelf and ended up taking a few Daring Do books. She hid them under the towels and blankets she was bringing. An egghead wouldn't make the best impression on the world most famous athletes and racers. She was excited, to say the least. Her friends were happy because she was, and Pinkie Pie hosted an honorary picnic at Ponyville park. The pink party pony in question brought a plethora of random treats and party supplies, and all of her friends will there, and they waited for the letter. Because Ponyville was such a small town where nearly everypony knew eachother, the mailponies would usually seek out the pony if they weren't at home. However, today's mailpony didn't need to, for one could hear Pinkie Pie's nervous exclamations from all the way in Town Square. "Ooooh! I wish the mailpony would just come already! I can't wait another minute to find out if Rainbow Dash got in or not!" Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes a little bit. "Pinkie Pie, you're more nervous than Rainbow Dash." She pointed out to the pink pony. "And I'm not nervous at all." Rainbow boasted pridefully. "When I get in to the Wonderbolts Academy..." Pinkie jumped up to begin yelling in her friend's face. "IF you get in! If you get in! Don't jinx it!" Rainbow extended a hoof, gently shoving her energetic friend away. "I'm telling you, it's in the bag." "Don't jinx it!!!" Pinkie fretted frantically. Applejack jumped in, trying to reassure the spasming party pony that it was reasonably okay. "She is the best flier in Ponyville." Rainbow didn't see the intentions of Applejack, instead taking the comment as an insult. "Hey! In Ponyville? I'm probably the best flier in all of Equestria!" She took the obvious opportunity to show off. "I wouldn't be surprised if they made me a Wonderbolt on the first day!" She ended her ego-boosting speech with a dramatic barrel roll on the ground- and rolled straight into the mailpony. "Letter here for Rainbow Dash." Rainbow looked up at him, hope and excitement written all over her face. She happily snatched the letter, leading the mailpony to trot away. She slowly opened it, stretching out the suspense, and seeing the looks on the faces of her friends, she just had to screw around a little. She put on her best shocked-and-at-the-same-time-sad-and-disappointed face. "I... Didn't get in." Pinkie gasped a loud and sad gasp. Rainbow cracked up, and showed them the green ribbon and seal of approval. "Gotcha! Ha, you guys are so gullible." The looks on their faces now ranged from annoyance to shock to relief. "Like I wasn't gonna get in," she added with a smirk. She opened her mouth to speak but didn't, because she was having the life squeezed out of her by a certain pink pony. "I'm just SOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you!!!!!!!" She all but screamed into Rainbow's ear. Rainbow spoke the best she could as she was being hugged to death. "Um, thanks? Pinkie Pie? I kinda need to get going." Pinkie nodded so rapidly her head was a blur, and disentangled herself from her friend. "Okay! I'm done!" Rainbow gleefully grinned. "The sooner I get there, the sooner I get to show my stuff! See you guys in a week!" With that the blue pegasus began to fly away. "Good luck!" Applejack called to her departing friend. "Won't need it!" She called back. "DON'T FORGET TO WRITE!!!!!!!" Pinkie Pie shouted after Rainbow Dash at the top of her lungs. The loud scream echoed throughout the park. She turned to her friends. "Do you think she heard me?" Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight laughed. "No, I don't think she did!" They all giggled some more, but it was Rarity who noticed that Fluttershy was not expressing joy or excitement for her friend. "Fluttershy, darling, what's wrong?" The yellow pegasus sighed, tears forming in her large real eyes. "I'm just worried, I guess. About losing her. I mean, we know we'll see her again after a week, this time. But our Dashie really is a great flyer. And they will probably want to make her into one of them, and then she'll be touring all over Equestria, and it's not often they do a show here in Ponyville. When will we see her?" Applejack sat down next to Fluttershy, putting a hoof on her shoulders. "Now, sugarcube, Rainbow is one of our best friends, and she'll always have time for us. Ah'm positive that if she's made a Wonderbolt she'll come and visit us here." "Yeah, she is the Element of Loyalty. She won't just abandon us." Twilight chimed in. "And anyways darling, it's best not to be meddling in the future or the past when we have the present to think about. What's important now is that Rainbow Dash is happy and we should be too, because we are all the best of friends." Rarity concluded. Pinkie Pie nodded, and whipped a cupcake out of nowhere to cheer up her sad friend. "Yeah! And it's super-duper-extra-ultra-extreme-awesome-amazing that Dashie gets to pursue the dream she's had since she was a filly!" Fluttershy accepted the treat and took a dainty bite, allowing herself a small smile. "Thanks everypony, it's just, I've been friends with Dashie since the first day of Flight School. I don't really even remember much before that." They settled in for a comforting group hug, well, minus one pony anyways. <~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~> Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash raced through the sky, having chosen to fly to Cloudsdale. Taking the train would have been slower and she could clear the sky in ten seconds flat. So it would have been pointless. And besides, she was filled with adrenaline. She was so excited. She could meet other ponies like her there, with an ambition to achieve the same dream. She could inspire them with her awesomeness by making it through and encouraging them to do it too... After her, of course. Even in this excited and egotistical state, the blue pegasus mare knew she had room for improvement. But she also thought she was so close to the top that it was just a little bit of wiggle room. But it was still there. And the best way to fill that up was to learn from the best. And the Wonderbolts were the best. And this was their training camp! Rainbow took a deep breath, and squealed happily. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She looked around nervously, clearing her throat. "Ahem, er..." She trailed off. A few random pegasi were flying around the sky giving her an odd look. She blushed, grinning sheepishly, and resorted to her usual expression of happiness. "OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!" She muttered repeatedly under her breath as she took off at great speeds. <~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~> When the cyan mare finally reached her destination, she had calmed down considerably. She needed to keep her cool in front of her idols- and her instructors. She read the signs, and they directed her towards the front desk. A hired receptionist pony was there, greeting the trainees. Her mane was a light peachy orange, and her coat was a dark pink. Her eyes were a light bluish color with a foggy grey tint, and her cutie mark was that of a sunrise over a beach, with a foggy cloud obscuring it partly. "Hello! Welcome to Wonderbolts Academy, where they train the best to be the best. I presume you're here to sign in, may I please have your name?" Rainbow Dash proudly puffed out her chest a bit, and smiled cockily. "The name's Rainbow Dash." The receptionist wrote it down on her notepad, and put on that smile again. "Pleasure to have you here, Miss Rainbow Dash. I am Sunrise Mist, but call me Sunny." She handed Rainbow a key. "This is your room key. I suggest you pay a visit to the dorms and set your bags down. They look heavy." Rainbow snorted. "Meh, it's nothing I can't handle." Sunny smiled again. "Great. I'll be seeing you around, Miss Rainbow Dash. Remember, if you need something, pay me a visit and I'll be happy to help you." Rainbow nodded. Sunny seemed nice but she really wanted to get a move on. "Thanks, Misty." And with a wave, she was out the door. Following the signs again, Rainbow found her way to the dorms. She also easily found her room. Her training group, A, would be on the seventh floor, seeing as the first was reserved for recreation and food. And her room number was also 7, which was her lucky number. "This is going to be so AWESOME!!!!" She said, squeezing her cheeks in with her hooves and puckering up her lips. Without a further hesitation, she leaped into the elevator and pressed the button for floor six. Upon arriving at her room, she noticed that there were two beds there. Maybe she'd have a roommate, which would be cool. She wouldn't find out till later though. Right now, it didn't seem like her prospective roommate had gotten here yet, so she picked a side and plunked down on her new bed for the week. Sinking into it, she decided it really wasn't that bad, so she spread her blanket from home onto it. It was adorned with her cutie mark. She remembered receiving it. Her mother Firefly had made it for her. It was a Hearth's Warming gift the same year that Firefly and Rainbow's father Rainbolt had gotten divorced. Her father had died in April the next year. Her mother went missing soon after Rainbow moved out for college in Cloudsdale. Rainbow had always presumed that Firefly had abandoned her and ran off with some stallion. She shook her head, waking herself up from the bad memories. She glanced in the mirror, and saw a lone tear running down her cheek. She hastily wiped it away and put on a brave face. She wouldn't let the past bring her down, she had training to get to. She put her bag on the dresser and her past behind her, and then opened the closet. Inside there were a bit more than a week's worth of Wonderbolt-inspired training outfits. She grinned, closed it, and looked around. She saw a clock on the wall, and suddenly remembered her schedule. She needed to be in the small auditorium on the first floor at 2:30. It was 2:15. "Yikes," Rainbow remarked aloud, "better get moving." She put on one of the uniforms, and locked the door behind her, putting the key safely in her pocket when she was done. <~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~> The pegasus easily found her way to the room she was supposed to be in. Then she had to listen as Sunny gave a welcoming speech to the trainees. She nearly fell asleep. But the thing that stopped her was Spitfire, trotting up to the microphone and beginning her speech. "Alrighty recruits. Are you here to train for the Wonderbolts?" A mostly half-hearted yeah came from the crowd. Rainbow Dash noticed that only herself and two other ponies yelled enthusiastically. "What was that again? I can't hear ya!" Spitfire all but screamed into the microphone. This time the crowd roared out the desired word. "YEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Spitfire smirked. "Great! Are ya gonna work hard?" "YEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!" "Are ya gonna do your best?" "YEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!" "Are you gonna respect your instructors?" "YEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!" "Are you really ready for the challenge?" "YEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!" "Good. Now, there will be six trainers here working with ya. Let's have them introduce themselves in reverse order." She leaped off the podium, and settled herself on the side of the stage. A light orangey yellow mare with an orange mane stepped up. Rainbow knew her, she knew all of them. Her cutie mark was a ball of flames. "Attention recruits! My name is Blaze! I will be working with Training Group F! I have been a proud member of the Wonderbolts for six years, and I'm glad to have the opportunity to work here with all of you!" The auditorium erupted with applause. An extremely pale yellow mare with an electric blue mane and purple eyes took her place. "I'm Misty Fly! I will be working with Training Group E this week! I'm proud to have been in the Wonderbolts for three years, and I'm proud to be here to work with y'all." More thunderous applause. A dark gray stallion with a crazy and curly silver mane so shiny it indeed looked like metal took Misty Fly's place. His cutie mark was a silver cloud, and his eyes were, OMG, what a surprise, silvery gray. "My name is Silver Lining. I'm gonna work with Training Group D this week. I joined the Wonderbolts a year ago, and I'm happy to be here now as a result." Cue enthusiastic applause. Rainbow applauded as enthusiastically as the rest of the ponies, but she was slightly distracted because A) she was bored because the speeches were all pretty much the same, and B) Spitfire was making direct eye contact with her. She was also scowling at her. She didn't know what to make of it. She got back into focus as Fleetfoot stepped off of the podium. I'm guessing she's with Group C, Rainbow reasoned. Then her heart skipped about ten beats. "Hey, recruits. I'm Soarin! I've been a Wonderbolts member for seven years and I've been Lieutenant Captain for three of those years." Rainbow crossed two of her feathers. Please say Group A, please please say Group A, please pleeeaaase PLEEEEAAAASE say Group A! Rainbow would have been overjoyed to get to work with him for a week. "I'll be working with Group B this week." And he stepped off. Rainbow sighed inwardly. Her sigh got stuck in her throat as Spitfire herself got up there. "I'm sure everypony here knows me. So I'll spare ya the introductions. I'll be with Group A." It was all Rainbow could do not to either faint or start screaming. Luckily she did neither. "Now, remember to treat these ponies here with respect. The remaining Wonderbolts are either setting things up out in the training field, or in the dorms. Since your counselors could not be here, I'll quickly rattle off their names and which group they're with, and then we'll get started. "High Winds, with F. Fire Streak, with E. Wave Chill, with D. Lightning Streak, with C. Rapidfire, with B. And last but not least, Surprise, with A. Now, you should know where to go next if you can read and you actually looked at the letter. So scram, and I'll see ya in five!" <~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~> Rainbow Dash was lined up with her fellow trainees. "Oh, yeah! This is gonna be sweeeet!" She muttered to herself. Spitfire landed heavily infront of them, not hesitating to get right into it. "Well lookie what we got here. Betcha'll think you're Wonderbolt material, don't ya?" All the pegasi in Group A responded firmly. "Yes ma'am!" "Think you got what it takes to be an elite flyer?" "Yes ma'am!" Spitfire smirked, narrowing her eyes. "Well then. Let me be the first to tell you... You don't! If you had what it took to be an elite flyer, you'd already be a Wonderbolt!" She shook her head, pointing a hoof at Cloudchaser. "Still think you're something special?" Cloudchaser trembled slightly, but kept up her confidence as she spoke. "N-no ma'am." Spitfire moved on to Snowflake. "Ya think you're hot stuff?" He shook his head emphatically, sweat already dripping down his muzzle, too astonished to speak. She trotted over to Rainbow Dash, pointing a hoof at her and narrowing her eyes. "You look like you're the worst flyer in the whole academy! You'll probably quit after the first day!" Rainbow kept her confident and determined stare level with Spitfire's eyes. "No, ma'am! I'd never quit, ma'am!" Spitfire turned her gaze over to the pony besides Rainbow Dash. Rainbow didn't know her from anywhere, she wasn't from Ponyville. She was a greenish turquoise color with a golden mane. Her eyes were the same color as her mane as well as her cutie mark, two little lightning bolts striking some golden sparkles. "Ha. What about you? Bet you couldn't fly past the first flagpole without getting winded." The teal pony's response shocked Rainbow thoroughly. "Try me, ma'am!" Spitfire raised an eyebrow. "What's that?" The teal pony remained undaunted. "Let me show you what I've got, ma'am." Spitfire smirked again. "Ah. Ya want a chance to prove yourself, huh?" "Yes ma'am!" "Well then, now's your chance. Give me five hundred laps! All of you!" A collective groan sounded out from the crowd. <~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~> Rainbow Dash was doing very well. Spitfire had a whistle and a timer, and was shouting out the lap numbers. "Lap four-hundred-and-ninety-nine..." "Only one lap left..." Said the teal pony. Rainbow had to accept. "You're on!" Finally, the whistle sounded. The teal pony and Rainbow touched down at the same time, and slapped their wings together. "Lap five-hundred! Not bad, for a couple of noobs." The teal pony chose to ignore the insult, instead extending her hoof in greeting. "Name's Lightning Dust." "I'm Rainbow Dash!" They shook hooves. Lightning Dust's cocky grin compared only to the identical one on Rainbow's face. "Wanna grab some grub in the mess hall?" Lightning Dust asked. Rainbow nodded. "Definitely. <~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~> Rainbow scarfed down her dinner, as did Lightning Dust. After swallowing her last mouthful of veggie casserole, she turned to her newfound friend, who'd been done for some time. "So, Lightning Dust, what room are you in?" Lightning frowned for a second, pulling out her key. "Oh, 7.07. When I checked in around 1:00 there was somepony's stuff there already." Rainbow's eyes lit up. "No way, that was my stuff! We're roomies!" A hoof-bump was exchanged. <~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~> Later that night, Rainbow Dash was actually putting her stuff away when she came upon the paper she'd brought for writing letters. Lightning Dust was just taking the first turn in the shower, so Rainbow took the opportunity to write one. Dear friends, It's only been one day and I already miss you guys. But otherwise, it's awesome here! I met a pony named Lightning Dust. She's just like me, just not quite as awesome as me. Or as you guys. She's my roommate, which is cool. It's nice to have some company, and she shares my lifelong dream. I mean, no offense, but you guys don't care about the Wonderbolts as much as I do. But I can talk to her about them and she is just as enthusiastic as me! I love it here, but I can't wait to see you guys again. Love from your ever-loyal, awesome, and 20% Cooler friend, Rainbow Dash P.S. Applejack and Rarity, could one of you guys please tell your sisters to tell Scootaloo that I miss her and am looking forward to hanging with her once I get back? Thanks in advance! She put the letter in an envelope and licked it. Tonight, after her shower and before bed, she would go ask Sunny about getting it mailed to Twilight at the library. She sighed and settled onto her bed to wait for her turn in the shower, grabbing a book to pass the time. She got halfway through Daring Do and the Griffon's Goblet before Lightning was done. "Oh wow, Dash. Is that a book?" She snickered rudely. "Yeah. It's my favorite series to read, the only one at that. I don't read anything else. There's not a problem, is there?" Rainbow replied, casting a withering glare in Lightning's general direction. "Oh no, not at all, it's just, you seemed waaaay too cool for that, Dash." Rainbow turned the glare up to 11 as she got up to grab a towel and some soap. Lightning Dust shut up. <~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~> Soarin sat with Spitfire in an unused conference room, but this time it was Soarin who was angry. "Are you intentionally keeping me away from her?!" He demanded to know. Spitfire rolled her eyes at him. "Duh, I can't have you distracting her. As much as I hate her, she's one of the best flyers at this camp. Her and that Lightning Dust girl are extremely skilled. Especially Rainbow Dash. She's done, what, like, three sonic rainbooms?" Soarin sighed angrily. "But I'm not even allowed to see her or talk to her outside of training hours?" Spitfire shook her head no and left without saying anything else. Soarin made his mind up to visit her anyways. He returned to his quarters and grabbed a notepad. He quickly scribbled a note down, signed it, and went into the hall, seeking out Surprise. He easily found her room, knocked on the door, and waited. "Heya, Soarin! What brings you here?" The ever-bubbly mare responded. He held up the note. "You're on counselor duty this week right?" "Yeppers!" "Is there a 'Rainbow Dash' in your group?" "Uh-huh!" "Can you deliver this to her for me?" "Sure thing!" "Thanks." The pale blue stallion retreated back to his own room, eager to get some sleep before the next grueling day.