
by The reader 0_0


It's was nearly dark In Equestria. Thick underbrush is spread between the trees, not a beam of sunlight slips through the forest hell's branches. Only when the sun sets, can one see it's glory. Yet this forest is always full of darkness, and it is deep.

The bark of the trees is a dark dark brown, the leaves are an even darker green. creatures move between them, and abominations. Things that shouldn't exist but do, move around, between the tress in the ever free forest. Forest isn't safe for any pony to be around, Twilight isn't safe.

Twilight was galloping to saved Spike's life. Twilight didn't care if something happen to her long as she get to Zocar cottage to know what's wrong Spike to saved him. " Gotta help him Gotta help hi-woad!" Twilight yelp falling not paying any attention to her surroundings. Twilight fell in a huge rabbit size hole. There was one source of light, and it was coming from up above the hole shinning. Where she fell at the whole place was surrounded by darkness. Twilight try to get up but her leg was badly injured ." ahh! I need to save Ahh! “Twilight yelp in pain. Trying to get up, but failed and fell to the ground with pain in her leg. It was a thorn stuck into her leg was keeping her from getting up. Twilight tried countless times to get up" Ahh!" but failed with a scream of pain and end with her falling on the ground. After a final attempt Twilight slowly rose from the ground the thorn still in her bloody leg. “ I did it I did-!” shouted Twilight in delight. “Ahh!” she yelp in pain and Then She fell into the ground ending her face slamming to the ground and she failed once again. Twilight finally conceded she couldn't get up she couldn't get to Zocar cottage she couldn't save spike. Twilight felt useless that she couldn't save spike. Rage feeling up inside
she started hitting the ground with her hoof repeatedly. “ow! couldn't ow! save him because of this stupid thorn! Ow!” Twilight shouted. Hoof started bleeding. " I sorry spike I tried I tried!" Twilight angrily shouted still hitting the

ground ignoring the pain and the blood. After making the dirt printed with her hoof and blood Finally she stop and started sobbing. " I'm sorry spike I tried I tried," Twilight muttered. "You're in pain you're alone surrounded by the only darkness to comfort you" A sudden voice rang in Twilight ears. Darkness started forming around her. She started looking around to find the source of the voice. " W-who are you?," Twilight asked" Not who?, What" the voice replied. Darkness started closing in on Twilight. " what.. what is this!" shouted Twilight. " Your realization" the voice replied darkly. The darkness started slowly consuming Twilight's body. " AHHH!" she screamed in pain. Twilight's body felt like the darkness was consuming her soul. The darkness stop at her face because she was using her magic to protect her from fully get consumed.

" I won't let you!" Twilight angrily shouted at the darkness. fighting for her body not to be consume. "hah aha" Twilight heard a sadistic laugh that rang out through the rabbit hole. “ What's so funny!” Twilight

shouted a second time. Losing the fight for her body not to be consume. The laughter continue growing louder and louder Twilight was getting frustrated that whatever this thing was laughing at her pain, her fear.

Finally twilight couldn't take the laughter anymore. “ Stop it! please!” Twilight begged for the laughter to stop but continue on. “ begging only brings you disappointment,” the voice replied. Twilight couldn't find the strength to fight the darkness her vision started fading away. Not willing to fight to win over controlled anymore. So the darkness fully consume Twilight's body and everything went black. Waking up with a headache Twilight looked around to find only darkness surrounding her and nothing else. So Twilight slowly got up She noticed something she didn't feel any pain in her leg. She raised her leg where she was wounded. To her surprise nothing was there no thorn in her leg or no blood there was nothing. “ What the?”Twilight muttered. She was confused how her wound healed and more confused where she was and how she got here.

“Where am I?” Twilight said. trotting and looking around to find that there was only darkness. “Hello any pony there,” Twilight called for help to no avail. Where ever she was there had to be some pony there to help her figure what was going on. “ Twilight” Twilight heard a voice it was quiet but she could hear it. So she started galloping to find the source of the voice. “ Hello.. hello please help me please!” Twilight begged. Whatever voice she heard would saved her from the darkness that surrounded her. “Twilight, what are you doing?” Twilight started to see a blurry figure it looked like a green and purple dragon. It was her number one assistance it was spike's voice she heard. But why was he asking what she was doing when it was oblivious. “ Spike!..Spike!” Twilight

shouted. She stopped galloping she was even more confused than before. She was at the library in her room in her bed.
Spike was standing beside her holding her hoof staring at Twilight looking also confused probably at her sudden scream for help. “Where?.. How?” asked Twilight. She was confused how she get here when before she was in some kind of dark void with only darkness to see. “ Twilight, you –OOF! The breath knock out of Spike from her quickly hugging him. “ Hey Twilight, what's wrong everything OK?” spike asked. Consoling Twilight she was crying in his arms her hugged getting tighter by every passing second. “ No everything great Spike” Twilight replied . Her face was buried in his scaly chest letting her tears wet his chest. “Spike” muttered Twilight. “ Yeah Twilight” Spike replied. He looked into Twilight's eyes he saw distressed in his friend. “ Don't leave me ever again,” she said. She than buried her face again into his chest and started sobbing again not tears of sadness tears of joy. But something felt odd Spike was cold. She didn't hear a heartbeat drumming in his chest she heard nothing. “Spike” Twilight muttered. She looked up gasped at what she saw. Spike eyes was completely black and he looked shadowed like before when he attack her in the library. “Spike!” Twilight repeated her voice getting loud. She was scared that Spike would attack her again like he did before. “ Begging only brings you disappointment,” Spike said. Twilight eyes widen when she heard those words. Immediately She try to break his embrace and escape but failed. Spike was holding her not with his claws but dark tentacles coming out from his chest. “It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you truly sees,” said Spike. The library started fading away from Twilight's vision and she was once again surrounded by darkness. Also Spike fading away from Twilight vision but she was still being hold by darkness tentacles. Instead of seeing Spike she saw two big red eyes with lizard sharp teeth and darkness cover it's face and body. The darkness brought Twilight close face to face. Twilight stared into the eyes of the dark creature.“What are you?” asked twilight. “ A superior to any pain that can be put upon him, the best reply to unseemly pain is darkness and vengeance,” the darkness replied . “ Why are you doing this!?” Twilight shouted. “ A mistake is never forgiven,” the darkness replied. Twilight was yet again confused a mistake what mistake she never did anything to it. “ Mistake i never did anything to you!” she shouted.
“ No pony ever said you did anything” the darkness replied. “Your rulers did this to us,” said the darkness. Twilight gasped at hearing about celestial or Luna the cause of this dark abomination. “ What are you talking about?” asked Twilight.
“ Your princess hurt us left us in the dark to be alone,we were loyal to them and they just saw that as weakness”the darkness replied.
“ You're lying!” shouted twilight. The darkness slammed twilight twice into the ground consumed her body even more. The dark creature brought her back face to face. It was a gruesome sight a lot of blood covering Twilight's eyes from the wound opened from her head. Nose bloody and a bloody scar on her chest. She was hardly breathing.“ We was alone, in pain, and left to die all because of your heartless princesses!” the darkness shouted at Twilight. She couldn't say anything she was in too much pain to speak only breathe. Twilight stared into the devilish red eyes . She saw only hatred and vengeance for princess Luna and Celesta . “ We will make you all see how we felt by first destroying Equestrian only defense the elements of harmony,” the darkness said. It's started mouth opening and the darkness that was surrounding them was going into Twilight's mouth . Twilight couldn't speak, scream, or fight back only watched getting consume by the darkness.After all the darkness was gone it dropped a unconscious Twilight into the abyss and she vanished into the darkness. “ From the errors of others, the wise superior corrects their mistakes, and buried them in the shadows.